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No Topic Name Date Student Supervisor

sign sign
1 C Basic Introduction | printf() | \n \t
1.1 Write a program to print your Self (10 lines)
1.2 Write a program print * * * * * * * *
2 int data type | arithmetic operator
2.1 WAP to calculate ( add , sub , mul , div)
2.2 WAP to swap value without using third variable
3 Assignment operator | scanf()
3.1 WAP to swap value using third variable
4 Data type ( float , double , long , char )
4.1 WAP to calculate Area and Circumference of circle (Area of Circle =
PI*R2 | circumference of circle = 2 * PI * R)
4.2 WAP to find the simple interest ( SI = (P*R*N)/100 )
4.3 WAP to find Area of Square ( area = side * side )
4.4 WAP to find Area of Rectangle ( area = l * b )
5 Control statement ( if else/ Nested if )
5.1 WAP to find the Maximum / minimum number of two value
5.2 WAP to find Maximum / Minimum number among the three number
5.3 WAP to find Maximum / Minimum number among the four number
5.4 WAP to find Maximum / Minimum number among the five number
5.5 WAP to check equal / min / max among the three value
5.6 WAP to check whether the given number is positive , negative or
6 Ladder if / Logical operator / Turnery operator
6.1 WAP to find Maximum / Minimum number among the five number
using logical operator
6.2 WAP to find Maximum / Minimum number among the three number
using turnery operator
6.3 WAP to print full student result five sub marks and calculate total ,
per , min , max , result , grade
7 Control statement ( switch case ) / modules
7.1 WAP to check odd / even number of given number
7.2 WAP to input week number and print week day
7.3 WAP to input number and print number of days in that month
7.4 WAP to input number and calculate add , sub , mul , div
8 Loop(while)
8.1 WAP to display natural 10 numbers
8.2 WAP to print natural numbers in reverse
8.3 WAP to find sum of first N natural numbers
8.4 WAP to range between two numbers
8.5 WAP to find factorial of given number
8.6 WAP to print reverse given number
8.7 WAP program to count number of digit in a number
9 Do while loop
9.1 WAP to display the multiplication table of given number
9.2 WAP to display the cube of the number up to given number
9.3 WAP to sum of digits in a number
9.4 WAP to enter password and check password with entered password,
if password is match then print “WELCOME” otherwise ask to give
correct password.

10 For Loop
10.1 WAP to print Fibonacci series in a given number
10.2 WAP to check given number is Armstrong or not
10.3 WAP to check given number is Palindrome or not
10.4 WAP to check given number I Prime or not
10.5 WAP to pattern given by your faculty ( 20 pattern )
11 Keyword (goto / break / continue )
11.1 WAP to calculate the sum and average of positive numbers if the
user enters a negative , the sum and average are displayed.
11.2 WAP to calculate sum of number if user enter negative num loop
terminates ( 10 number maximum )
11.3 WAP to calculate sum of number is user enter negative it is added to
result ( user enter maximum 10 number )
P1 WAP to input basic salary of an employee and calculate its incentive
and gross salary and net salary of given your faculty
P2 WAP to create BANK Management system.
12. Array
12.1 WAP to get the array and display it
12.2 WAP to display the array with the position
12.3 WAP to get the array and display

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