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Homeric Epics
Idealized portrayal of Homer dating to the Hellenistic period. British Museum.
From wikipedia
n 7th or 8th century BC
n The teacher of Greece

n Providing models of
persuasive speaking

n Epic = a long narrative

n Developed from oral

poetic tradition in
(a) 沒有⽂字的︔尚未使⽤⽂字的
preliterate societies
Characteristics of an epic
n Begins in medias res (or medias in
res)= into the middle of things
n The setting is vast, covering many
nations, the world or the universe.
n Begins with an invocation to a muse.
(epic invocation).
n Begins with a statement of the theme.

n Includes the use of epithets.

(from Wikipeida “epic poetry”)

Characteristics of an epic
n Contains
(n) ⽬錄= catalog
long lists (epic
n Features long and formal speeches.
n Shows divine intervention on
human affairs.
n Features heroes that embody the
values of the civilization.
n Often features the tragic hero's
descent into the Underworld or
Homer’s Use of Epithets

n use of epithets:
e.g. Hera, the white-armed

See a list in “Epithets in Homer” in wikipedia

The Iliad: Setting

n Time: fifty days in

the ninth
year of the Trojan war;
ended with Hector’s death
Place: Troy
Theme in The Iliad

The rage of Achilles

in the Trojan war
The Trojan War

n Causes:
n--The Judgment of Paris
(n) 私奔

n--The Elopement of

Paris and Helen

The Judgment of Paris
Hector’s father 佩琉斯
n TheHector’s
wedding of King Peleus + sea
mother 忒提斯
nymph Thetis 不和女神
n Jealous Goddess of Discord, Eris
Aphrodite eventually got the Apple.
n An apple the to fairest èThe apple
of discord
(v) 間接提到
* Vaguely alluded in Homer’s Iliad
Bribes for Paris

n Hera: Lord of Europe and Asia
n Athena: Victory
維納斯 Judged by Paris
n Venus (Aphrodite): the fairest

woman in all the worldè

Helen, Zeus & Leda’s daughter
The Judgement of Paris, Peter Paul Rubens, 1632/33
The Judgment of Paris
An agreement among Helen’s

n All the suitors would

(v) ⽀持︔捍衛︔⾾爭
champion the cause of
Helen’s husband, if any
one tried to carry Helen
Elopement of Paris and Helen
because of the judgement
Venus’s reward for Paris
Paris chose Aphrodite— and, therefore, Helen.
Helen and Paris
The Two Great Heroes Who Refused
to join the Trojan Wars
Odysseus: pretending to be mad
(v) 播種
sowing salt instead of
Odysseus Pretends to be Insane
Odysseus Pretends to be Insane
from the Gutenberg Project e-book
The Two Great Heroes Who
Refused to join the Trojan Wars
Achilles: his mother wanted him to
hide in the court of king
Lycomedes and dressed up
like a lady,
BUT found out by wise Odysseus
Jan de Boeckhorst (1604-1668)-'Achilles among the daughters of Lycomedes'-oil

on canvas München-Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen

Nicolas Poussin.Achilles and Daughters of Lycomede. 1656. Oil on
canvas. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA.
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
Heroes in the Trojan War
n The Greeks n The Trojans
n Agamemnon 阿加曼儂 n Priam
n Menelaus n Hector
n Achilles 阿基⾥斯 n Paris
n Patroclus (Achilles’ best n Glaucus
n Phoenix (Achilles’ tutor)
n Odysseus
n Ajax
n Nestor
n Diomedes
The Quarrel between
Agamemnon and Achilles
n Agamemnon offended Apollo for
refusing to release Chryseis, the
daughter of Apollo’s priest, Chryses.
n After returning Chryseis to appease
Apollo, Agamemnon asked for
Achilles’ slave girl, Briseis, instead.
The Gods on Two Sides
n For the Greeks n For the Trojans
n Zeus n Zeus
n Hera
n Apollo
n Athena
n Hermes
n Thetis
n (Thetis)
n Hephaestus
The Causes of Achilles’ Anger

n For the slave girl taken away by

n For Agamemnon’s selfishness

and awful leadership

n For Patroclus’ death
The Anger of Achilles Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748-
The Rage of Achilles (detail Achilles and Athena),

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770), Italian Rococo

Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus. By Nikolay Gay. 1855. Oil

on canvas. The Art Museum of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

How Anger Influenced Achilles?

• Ruthless
• Disobedient

• Childish

• Selfish

• Revengeful

• Vindictive

• Inhuman

**Did Achilles have a high level of EQ?

The Greek Concept of Fate
n The three fates:
n Clotho (Young): spinning the thread of life
n Lachesis (adult): measuring out each mortal’s

n Atropos (old): snipping the thread of life off at

its end.
è the power over the gods
Achilles’s Two Fates
A short life with honor
A long life without honor

Achilles’s choice?
Thetis pleads before Zeus
Achilles’ Shield
Confrontations in The Iliad
n Agamemnon vs Achilles
n Achilles vs Hector
n Achilles vs Phoenix
n Achilles vs Priam
n Hector vs Andromache
n Hector vs Paris
The Rage of Achilles
Hector and Andromache by Gavin Cre Hamilton painted between 1775

and 1780.
Priam Asking Achilles to Return Hector's Body. By Alexander Ivanov.

1824. Oil on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

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