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1. What is your name?

2. Why do you want to go to the USA?

3. What is the purpose of your visit the USA?
4. When do you want/need to start your job in the USA?
5. What job are you going to have in the USA?
6. How this experience will help you in your future?
7. Where are you going to work in the USA?
8. Where are you going to stay in the USA?
9. How much is your housing?
10. How long are you going to stay in the USA?
11. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the
USA?(I'll call my sponsor!!!)
12. Who is your sponsor? (AmerEx- American Exchange Organization
sau Spirit Cultural Exchange)
13. When will you leave the USA?
14. When will you come back to Moldova?
15. What will you do after you come back Moldova?
16. Are you married? Do you have children?
17. Do you live with your parents? Why?
18. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any
exchange program?
19. Have you ever been abroad? Where & When?
20. What is your favorite country? Why?
21. Do you have friends or relatives abroad?(Raspunde-ti NO)
22. What do your parents think about your participation in the program?
23. Who gives you money for the trip? Who pays for you trip?
24. What is your parents (annual)income? How much do you parents
earn?(Puteti raspunde - Enough to support me)
25. Where do you parents work?
26. Do you have a job? Do you work right now?
27. If yes, where do you work and what's your job?
28. Is it a full-time employment?
29. What is your income?
30. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
31. Can you describe your home town?
32. Are you a student? Can you say that you are excellent student?
33. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
34. Where do you study?
35. What faculty/department do you study at?
36. What is your major?
37. Why have you chosen this major/department/faculty/university?
38. What year are you in?
39. How many years do you have to go?
40. When are you going to graduate?
41. What is your future job?
42. Will you have problems at university if you come back late?
43. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
44. What are you going to do after graduation?
45. What are your plans for the future?
46. Have you got any medical restrictions?
47. Do you have medical problems?
48. Are you on medication?
49. Do you have any chronic diseases?
50. What's the name of your rector? Dean? Vice-dean?
51. What's the name of your English language Tutor?
52. What is your favorite subject in university?
53. Who is your teacher in Philosophy(sau de la orice alt obiect)?
54. What exams did you have last session?
55. How did you pass them?
56. How many hours will you have per week?
57. What is the pay per hour?
58. What is the name (address) of your employer?
59. Why have you chosen this job?
60. What will be the duties of your job?

Intrebarile marcate cu rosu vor fi la ambasada nu la interviul cu angajatorul

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