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Mark angelo d mamaril

Media information literacy

Quarter 1

Performance task 2:Create a script or story line for a 30-second to 1 minute campaign add to
combat the following suggested issues: digital divide, addiction, bullying or a topic of your

Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a form of

Bullying or harassment using electronic means.
Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are also
Known as online bullying. It has become
Increasingly common, especially among
Teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded
And technology has advanced. Cyberbullying
Is when someone, typically a teenager,
Bullies or harasses others on the internet

And other digital spaces, particularly on

Social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior
Can include posting rumors, threats, sexual
Remarks, a victims’ personal information, or
Pejorative labels (i.e. hate speech). Bullying
Or harassment can be identified by repeated
Behavior and an intent to harm. Victims

Of cyberbullying may experience lower

Self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation,
And various negative emotional responses,
Including being scared, frustrated, angry, or
PERFORMANCE Task 3: In a coupon bond sheet of paper, create an infographic that aims to
raise awareness on how and when to apply knowledge in the following topics: intellectual
property, copyright and fair use guidelines. Create one infographic for every topic.

Intellectual property-Intellectual property rights include patents,

Copyright, industrial design rights, trademarks,
Plant variety rights, trade dress, geographical
Indications, and in some jurisdictions trade

Four examples of intellectual property
Patents. Patents are granted for new, useful
Inventions, and they will give you the right to
Prevent others from making, using, or selling
Your invention. ..
Trade secrets.
Trademarks. ..

Copyright – work connot be used, adopted, copied, or published without the permission of the

Fair use - allows one to use a copyrighted work under oertain

Conditions without permission of the copyright owner. When
You engage in fair use, you build upon prior copyrighted works
And imbue them with new meaning through commentary,
Criticism, and context.
WRITTEN WORKS: Write an essay about: “The Power of Media and Information to Affect
Change, and the Responsibility of the Users.” The essay must have an introduction, body and
conclusion. The number of words must be 450-500. The essay will be graded according to the
rubric as seen on PAGE 43.

The power of media and information and the

Responsibility of the users

Media is considered as one of the most Powerful tools in providing information to people Or in
society. Media Is part of our daily lives. It Informs, influences, and entertains us. Not only They
inform us, they have also the capability in Shaping our lives.

Advertisements shown on television or even In the internet can affect the viewers. Some
Contains Violence, nudity or anything that is Inappropriate to the viewers who are children
Or under age. They might think the information On that certain advertisement is correct
without Proper guidance from the parents. In the Internet, there is no censorship when it
comes to Information resulting to some users to take this As an advantage to spread false
information all Over the web. I hat is the reason that there are When Some user’s who were
victimized by scammers, Duties and etc. They have the power to manipulate thus making
Viewers to believe on the information they Insinuate. But all of those negativities written
Above can be abide.

Parents must be vigilant on what their children Are watching. They must ensure that it is age
Appropriate, user in the internet must check The authenticity of the information. They must
Check the origin of it to avoids fallacy. Never post Something too personal like bank numbers,
Address or any that might put you in jeopardy. Always consider one’s privacy. In detecting
Biases in media, look tor the sources it it involves Political perspectives. Check it the headline
and Actual article matches. Sometimes it contains Double standards. Look who s point of view
is the Article is written and find alternate point of views. Biased information tries to change
your mind so As an individual we must not believe immediately.

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