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Homework for 18.10: 1) study LEXICAL CLINIC pp.22-28; 2) ex.

I, II -
pp.28-31; please make sure you know the translation and pronunciation of all the
words; 3) revise active vocabulary (56 words from the text)

Lexical clinic
 INTERNATIONAL [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]
 RELATIONS [rɪˈleɪʃn]
 SYSTEM [ˈsɪstəm]
 MILITARY [ˈmɪlətri]
 ECONOMIC [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk]
 ESTABLISH [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]
 GUIDE [ɡaɪd
 TERRITORY [ˈter.ɪ.tər.i]
 SECURITY [sɪˈkjʊərəti]
 STRATEGY [ˈstrætədʒi]


1.of, concerning, or involving 2 or more nations (the government has signed an

international arms-control agreement) що стосується, стосується або залучає 2
або більше країн (уряд підписав міжнародну угоду про контроль над
2. established by, controlling, or legislating for several nations (an international
court, international fishing rights) 2. створена кількома державами,
контролюється ними або законодавчо регулюється ними (міжнародний суд,
міжнародні права на риболовлю)
3. available for use by all nations(international waters) доступні для
використання всіма країнами (міжнародні води)

International relations
International diplomacy
International politics
International affairs
International acquisition
International treaty, trade/organization

1.A sports event involving more than 1 country/ or a person who competes in
it(one-day international)
2. any of several international socialist or communist organizations formed in the
19s (Labor and Socialist International)
Internationally(adv прислівник)

Internationally acclaimed scientist - по міжнародному

Internationalism – politics that belief countries can achieve more by working

Internationalist - someone who believes that countries should work together (She
was a committed internationalist)
1.The various connections between peoples, countries
2.The various connections in which people are brought together
diplomatic relations
Race international


1.The connections or similarity between two things(There was little relation

between the book and the movie)
2. The member of your family

In relation to
She checked the map to see where Miami is in relation to Orlando.
(по відношенню до чогось)

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