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i dont know why i didnt just shut up.

half the argument probabley wouldnt even

happened. and tbh i feel sad and regret but i also feel like i houlnt be sad when

thinking about what she did.she started lies about me and just turned toxic and
fake.everthing happened so fast cause she was nice before but then she just became

friends with her "toxic" ex bestfriend she would take so badly about infront of me.
i feel selfish when i say this but i dont know what a did idek if i did anything

maybe this will make me feel better?

what she did: 1say i always tell her the twins like me better (i never did once)

2say i brag about my house and boys and litterly everything when
shes like "emma your like the richest person here so stfu" and your popular we get
it even when i didnt start the topic

3 embaress me infront of boys alot and on purpose but when i

apparently did which i dont see how , a whole fussy argument started and i was a

4 say i spilled all her secrets and told everyone our

conversations (its the oppisite)

5 made me change my humor and how i looked and dressed and even

6 at the start of our frendship she gave me confidence but later

on she gave me insecurities

7 started stupid arguments over nothing aka when i was telling

jossalyn i dont think her calclutar was right as i re did mine and got the same
answer as myself but difrent from hers

8 told that "toxic" ex bff all of our texts and arguments but
changed alot of it to lies and made me seem bad and fake

9 called me a pic me; bitch, toxic af, and fake over lies

10 got so mad at me cause when i was gone from school she made a
"joke" about me being ugly and wierd and said "have you seen her face" to tyce
so he told me and i obvoisley got mad at her cause thats so rude
but she hated me for believing "rumors" but also she was talking so bad about me
and making lies at that time so i
wasnt gonna believe her over my other friend

11 she tried to control who i hang out with based on who she likes
or not especially after #10

12 there was this random number who had texted me while me and her
were figting she played dumb and said she had no idea who it was and she told
nobody anything
and continud to call me a bitch for thinking she had something to
do with it, turns out its the ex bff she talks crap about constantly. also turns
out they
knew everything and now they arealso making lies about me.SHE TOLD

13 made everyoe think i was the bad guy and brought other innocet
people into our stupid pointless arguments

14 she would switch up so fast cause one night she would say "are
we good?" and was being her nice self then in the morning she would say "we arent
going to be friends" and ignored me

15 this is the final thing cause i cant list everything so she

told me the ex bff was a better friend than i ever was and my opinion he seemed
like a terrible friend to my old friend and also
not to mention she had told me before i was the nicest friend
shes ever had that switched up quick. she siad she couldnt trust me based off how
much i apparently talk bad about people
and i personally dont think she should be talking based off
everythig she has said to me about other people. she made fun of me to the point
where i was not happy with who i was and talked bad
about who i am/was.when i was away from school she made these
videos abot me calling me a pick me and rude stuff. in the last fight of our
freindship she had siad i made her chnage so much i would
about her, i wouldnt be saying this if i knew i did. even her
new "bestie" said she hadnt changed. one more she was telling evryone i got the
twins against her but i never made them think anything
that wasnt true their thoughts were all their own they made
teir own decisions sure i told them some stuff she said but she had also told them
my texts and tryed so ard to get them against me so sad
that didnt work out :(

theres so much more to this but i dont feel like typing for another

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