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Graduate School

Name: Campos, Dennis R. Date: December 03, 2022

Course: DEM-1B Professor: Dr. Roger R. Morallos

2. Given an opportunity to make a choice, are you likened to handle Flexible

learning option or Formal Education? Elucidate your opinion comprehensively.

This is an interesting question, perhaps I may compare this to a man

living on an island vs. a man accustomed to a habitat inside a cave. Conceivably
there’s a huge disparity between the two. When a person is confined in a
constricted place like a cave, things tend to be so limited, scarce, and bounded.
A recumbent question like can they move freely? If yes how free? , can they
think rationally even if there are boundaries? How about executing what is
learned in the term so-called application? Isn’t the venue quite strangled?
Regardless of your answer, these questions trigger the idea of Formal
Education. Seemingly sounds ironic, it may even arrive to your intuition that
Formal means holistic, the totality and the formality, but if you’ll try to look at it
closely enough, you might be able to see its flaws and grey areas. Not all formal
and conventional could be conducive to the learner and the learning process,
and confinement to certain norms, policies, and standards don’t always hone
students to be globally ready, equipped, and capable. I am referring and
remonstrating to Formal Education’s leaner sustainability of the acquisition of
knowledge and its applicability to this rapidly changing world.

On the other side let me picture what an island is. A land with its natural
beauty, prepossessing from top to beneath, natural resources of its kind, full of
trees, plants, a body of water, sea creatures, and a well fertile soil, adequate
Graduate School

amounts, and proportions for plant growth and reproduction. I know that this may
sound allegorizing, but how is this related to the Flexible Learning Option?

I remember the quote from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu Where, “Give a
man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him
for a lifetime”. It is apparent that we can observe this philosophy in the approach
of Flexible Learning where teachers facilitate learning towards learners to
achieve worthwhile outcomes. Adult learning styles, a self-paced approach, and
guided learning in line with flexible learning delivery modalities are robust
avenues to shape the minds of learners holistically, training them how to unlock
their capabilities and full potential based on the various resources, techniques,
and styles at hand. Learning should not be limited but the other way around, I
should say it should be flexible continuing, and limitless.

Given the opportunity to choose, I would strongly go for the Flexible

Learning Option. It is said that the highest form of knowledge is reasoning and
being rational. This is amplified and carried on relevantly in this scenario:
Learning through experience, self-realization, in-depth analysis, and
collaboration these approaches and course of action will trigger concrete
knowledge retention and sustainable learning outcome thus applicable in this
rapidly changing world. An absolute work in progress in reaching the vision of
producing students who can compete globally, honed, nourished, sharpened,
and completely baked.

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