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The Story of Moth and Flame can be considered a biography of Rizal because
just like the moth Jose Rizal is a victim of illusion, he is seeking the light of truth,
freedom, and justice in our country. Even though Rizal knew already the possible
consequences of his actions he still pursues battling to abusive friars for the
liberty of our country. The sad fate of the young moth was like Rizal had, he died
a martyr of his delusion.

2. The Martyrdom of the GomBurZa changed the direction of Rizal’s life work
because this became an eye-opener to Rizal to implement reforms that will make
Filipino free from the Spanish friars. The injustices endured by the three Filipino
priests for crusading for justice in the Philippines became his inspiration to his
works that will make a change in our country and also a big factor that
strengthens his love for our country.He felt the passion and desire to attain
equality for the Filipinos.

3. I believe the environment where Rizal grew up influenced his attitudes, values,
and disposition in life because it stimulated how Rizal became a great hero as we
know him. Through his environment, he learned his life and moral values to be
and it also molds his qualities of being intelligent, courageous, patriotic, and
nationalistic. His environment became his foundation that strengthen him and
guide him to be an advocate for the change and freedom of our country.

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