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The definition of listening is it is a process of actively receiving messages that have been delivered

verbally. Receiving, interpreting, remembering, assessing, and reacting are all steps of the process
that overlap. There are 5 purposes of listening. First is to learn that allows you to have gained
information about people, the world, and oneself in order to prevent problems and make better
decisions. For example, hearing to Aiman tell that he has finished the SPM examination helped me
know how the SPM examination is conducted and how the questions are issued. The second one is
to relate. Relationships are formed through connecting with others and gaining social acceptability.
By connecting with others and gaining popularity, one may obtain social acceptance, connection
with others, and popularity. Others will like you more if they realise that you are really concerned
about their welfare. For instance, I always focus when my friend tells me about their story, and we
told each other about our life. Other than that, is to influence, listening may assist you in altering the
attitudes and actions of others around you. For example, I will give advice or guidance to others
rather than directing them to do something. Therefore, they will be more receptive to what I say.
Moreover, the purpose is to play. It is related with satisfaction; hearing may be pleasurable and
enjoyable. Such as, when I listen to others and started talking with them, we started making a joke
without realizing that spontaneous. Last but not least is to help. Listening important in helping other.
For instance, when I listened to my brother problem that he had in school helped me to give him
advice how to handle it.

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