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|FANS\RIOT The fans have had enough, and are taking matters into their own hands. Roll on this chart to see what the outcome of the rowdy fans is. OUTCOME You fight your way to the back wtih the help of your escorts. The venue was trashed. The rest of the card has been called off, and the venue has decicled to stop running wrestling shows. You fight your way to the back as your police escorts manhandle the unruly crowd. While you got out of it OK, and the venue was mostly unharmed, the venue owners were not amused. They have decided to stop running wrestling shows after this. ‘As you are escorted to the back by the police escorts you are pelted with cups & trash, but overall, nothing out of the ordinary happens. On the way to the back one of the rowdy fans gets in your face. You make short work of them. However, you find out the fan will be pressing charges. You should make yourself scarce for a while. Roll one die for number of missed cards. Another heel wrestler comes to help you get to the back. You make it to the dressing room OK, but the wrestler assisting you got pretty badly beaten, roll one die for length of that wrestler's injury. One of the fans managed to slice and or stab you with a pocket knife| You require many stitches and spend time in the hospital. Doctors tell you that you will have to take time off to recover. Roll two die for the length of injury.

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