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THEORIES OF LITERATURE The use of symbolism as the style of the writer.

LITERATURE IS IMITATIVE Common Symbols and Archetypes

Imitative Theory holds that art is an imitation of 1. Water: the mystery of creation; birth-death-
something. In his Poetics, Aristotle (384- 322 B.C.) says resurrection; purification and redemption; fertility and
that a tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious growth.
and complete. Because imitation now has pejorative According to Carl Jung, water is most common
associations, it is well to think of Aristotle’s mimesis as
not only “imitation” but also “re-creation” or 1. The Sea: the mother of all life; spiritual mystery and
“representation.” infinity; death and rebirth; timelessness and eternity;
the unconscious. b) Rivers: death and rebirth (baptism);
Literature is believed to be a study of literary the flowing of time into eternity; transitional phases of
backgrounds where writers follow the example of other the life cycle; incarnations of deities.
authors before they arrive at their own original works.
2. Sun (fire and sky are closely related): creative energy;
Uses Patterns law in nature; consciousness (thinking, enlightenment,
LITERATURE IS REPRESENTATIVE wisdom, spiritual vision); father principle (moon and
earth tend to be associated with the mother principle);
Expressive Theory holds that an artist is not essentially passage of time and life.
an imitator but one who expresses his feelings. D.H.
Lawrence said, “One sheds one’s sickness in books, a) Rising sun: birth; creation; enlightenment b)
repeats and presents again one’s emotions to be master Setting sun: death
of them.”
3. Colors
The expressions are representations of the author’s
emotions and feelings.  Red: blood, sacrifice, violent passion, disorder
 Green: growth, sensation, hope, fertility, in
It is a representation or a substitute of a reality during ironical context may be associated with death
that time. It is important to figure out the author, and decay
setting. When was it written, is it still applicable at the  Blue: usually highly positive, associated with
present? Are they still in the particular era? It truth, religious feeling, spiritual purity, security 
embodies / depicts the people of the time.  White: highly multivalent; signifying in its
Shows the characteristics of a whole. positive aspects light, purity, innocence, and
timelessness; signifying in its negative aspects,
LITERATURE IS APPRECIATIVE death, terror, the supernatural, and the blinding
truth of an inscrutable cosmic mystery as in
Literature gives us a bigger view of life - A story of one
“The Whiteness of the Whale” chapter in Moby
episode might happen to many of the viewers
Affective Theory holds that a work of art ought to  Black (darkness): chaos, mystery, the unknown,
arouse a particular emotion, or affect (to use the death, primal wisdom, the unconscious, evil,
psychologist’s term), in the perceiver. melancholy

It gives us views of life. You can relate to any of the

characters and to the story as well.
 Choice of characters, songs used, backdrops,
lines of characters and the plot itself
4. Circle (sphere): wholeness, unity
 Yang-Yin- the Chinese symbol representing the
union of opposite forces of the Yang (masculine  This is the quality associated with the emotional
principle: light, activity, the conscious mind) and power of literature.
the Yin (the feminine principle: darkness,  Great literature moves us deeply and stirs our
passivity, and the unconscious mind). feeling and imagination, giving and evoking
 Ouroboros: the ancient symbol of a snake biting visions above and beyond the plane of ordinary
its own tail, signifying the eternal cycle of life, life and experience.
primordial unconsciousness, the unity of  After reading the story, you can have the vision
opposing forces (as in Yang- Yin). that it may also happen to you.

5. Serpent (snake or worm) UNIVERSALITY

 Symbol of energy and pure force (cf. libido);  Great literature is timeless and timely.
evil, corruption, sensuality; destruction;  Forever relevant, it appeals to one and all,
mystery; wisdom; the unconscious. anytime, anywhere, because it deals with
elemental feelings, fundamental truths and
LITERARY STANDARDS universal conditions.
Criteria that suggest and is used of world literary critics to  Appeals to all over the world
evaluate a literary piece  Ex. Romeo and Juliet – theme is forever relevant

Criteria which makes one work a Literary Masterpiece SPIRITUAL VALUE

Permanence  Literature elevates the spirit by bringing out
Artistry moral values which makes a better person.
Suggestiveness  The capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual
Universality value of literature.
Spiritual Value
 Inspires and awakens our being spiritual
Intellectual Value
 Ex. Lenten Movies
PERMANENCE  A literary works stimulates thought.
 A great work of literature endures.  It enriches our mental life by making us realize
 It can be read again and again as each reading fundamental truths about life and human
gives fresh delight and new insights and opens a nature.
new world of meaning and experience.  It gives morals. Stimulates our mental life
 Its appeal is lasting. “hindi nagbabago”  What value is that we love most in the
 Ex. Rizal always in educational curriculum particular main character?
because it is where we rooted our being Filipino  Quality relevant to our emotions.


 This is the quality that appeals to our sense of  This is the peculiar way in which writers sees
beauty life, forms his ideas and expresses them.
 Appeals to our sense of beauty.  Great works are marked as much by their
 Appeals to our senses memorable substance as by their distinctive
style and it has to suit the content
 Artistry and Style must go together

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