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Adrian Gabriel D.

Maranan 19118049

Narrate an experience of yours when "your mind said one thing, but your heart said
another." How did you resolve this tension? Were you satisfied with the conclusion?

The passage applied when I was evaluating of what course to pick in college. At
that time, my mind is telling me to choose an engineering course, but my heart tells me
to go into another path which is culinary arts. I have engineering as my option because
my father is an engineer, and I was inspired by how he ran things in the office. He also
encouraged me to try the program and assured me he would help me along the way. I
was torn at that time because I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my father but what
was hindering me was my passion for cooking. My heart has always been for culinary. It
has been my hobby and something I want to do in the future. When the time came when
I was already accomplishing my college application, what I did was I consulted first with
my parents about the decision process. I was confused if I would follow my mind's
thoughts or go to what my heart desired. To resolve this, I ask some advice from my
parents, and they told me to follow the path that would make me happy. My father told
me he would be happier if I picked an engineering course, but he stressed that
regardless of whatever I choose, he would support me and what's more important is I
am happy with what I am doing. I am delighted to have understanding parents who do
not pressure me a lot and support me in whatever things I will be doing. Of course, the
whole decision process what not easy. I had to evaluate my terms and see if that's what
I wanted because I didn't want to spend years in a program, I was not interested in. The
question is, was I satisfied with the result? My answer is yes. Throughout my college
years, I am pleased that I made a good decision to pursue culinary. I told myself that I
had already followed my heart and there was no more holding back. I am pleased that I
followed my heart in deciding because this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I
can say that I am satisfied with the result because now, I am already in my senior year
and near to my dream of becoming a Chef. In the whole decision process, I have
realized that you must think twice or thrice before deciding. Some people decide fast but
if you are going to consider the long-term effect of it, consider taking the time to think
carefully. Lastly, I have realized that it is not always the mind that should work but also
follow what your heart desires because at the end of the day, what makes you happy is
what matters the most.

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