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Reflection Questions

What advice did you hear/read today that you actually think is helpful to YOU as you think about your
future? If you think none of it was helpful write that (but explain why you feel this way)

The advice that was most helpful to me was to not limit myself in a box. I am allowed to explore
more career options or combine more than one passion. This advice really got me thinking because I
know I always limit myself in certain situations. I know that I need to improve this quality, but it was very
hard too. I am a type of person who gets frustrated if I keep changing my decisions. This is a very bad
quality because hypothetically no one is a specialist, everyone is a muliptentaliast in some way. This can
either be that you like different types of food or that enjoy doing many hobbies. This advice helped me
realize that I do not need to be stressed or get anxiety if I can’t specialize in something.

According to Wapnick, you are either a "specialist" or a "multipotentialite." Which are you? Why do
you think that?

I think I am a multipotentialite because I have many areas of studies and hobbies that I enjoy.
My goal is to specialise in an area of study in the future but I am totally okay with not being able to if I
am not happy. I will still take part in all the activities that I enjoy for example I like to cook, paint,
workout, go on long drives and walks, play sports, and much more. Some areas of study that I enjoy are
math, sciences, and english.

Mark Manson poses various questions intended to get you thinking about your life's purpose. I want
you to seriously think about these questions, even if you find them utterly ridiculous, and write an
actual answer to at least one (you're welcome to answer more!) of them.

The question that I thought about seriously is “What’s your favourite flavor of shit sandwich and
does it come with an olive?”. This question stood out to me because it made me rethink all the decisions
I have taken to choose a possible career path. While choosing certain career paths I did ask myself
questions like “am I willing to prioritize this area of study or these many hours to this job” and
surprisingly I said yes. I'm not 100% sure if I can dedicate all those hours or not see my family for a long
period of time. All my answers were yes because that is the way I grew up. I was always told that I would
not be successful if I kept changing decisions, in my case careers. Once I reevaluate this way of thinking,
it makes me really mad because as a society we tend to wire young children in a way that makes them
lose sleep or gain anxiety if they do not know what they want to be when they grow up. This is utterly
ridiculous because a child should be told that they can not be successful. The things that I am not willing
to let go are feeling satisfied. I want to choose one or many careers that satisfy me by making me feel
content and well protected in the sense that I do not need to worry about disappointing myself.

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