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As stated in my manifesto, I think the most challenging part of this class is accepting that

it is okay to not always have an answer to something and something can be left unanswered and

be pondered about. My major is health science, and I take a lot of science classes and labs. The

thing I like most about science is there is always an answer. The way something works has an

answer, the way a thing reacts has an answer to that. I love knowing that what I am doing will

have an absolute answer. The challenging thing about humanities was that not everything is

going to have a solution. That’s what was challenging for me at first. What was the point of

discussing something and spending all this time thinking if there was no answer to solve it and I

was left thinking that the world was a terrible place and what is the point of existing if it all just

sucks? I had to learn to be okay with thinking of a topic and not expecting a solution by the end

of it. This class in my opinion has prepared me for the important question of, we exist, so now

what? What is the point of life? How do we live life to its fullest potential? There is no correct

answer. In my manifesto I said that it is important to be brave and have gratitude. I have noticed

at least with myself that I am sometimes scared to jump on an opportunity in case I fail or I am

not prepared. You are never really going to be fully prepared for something. It made me realize

the bigger picture, that we only live once and we do not get another shot, so there is no harm in

being brave and having confidence in what you do. Also, I think that we do not appreciate a

moment until it’s gone. I think that we need to do a better job at recognizing this and having

gratitude in the moment rather than when it has passed us.

I also said in my manifesto that kindness goes a long way. Truth is, you do not know

what anyone is going through. We are all just playing this game of life and it can be difficult at
times. You never know when someone is about to break down. I think that what this world needs

the most is that little extra kindness. I want to start being more kind to strangers and my loved

ones and to people who I feel like have wronged me. I want to stop having this victim mindset

and take better accountability for the way I act. I feel like that tends to hold me back from

moving forward and being a better version of myself. I want to be able to let things go and still

treat others right even if they didn’t treat me with respect. Kindness is also good internally and

can make a huge difference in the way you think and the way you view the world. I think

discussing the philosophers and their viewpoints has helped me realize what I value and what I

want out of life. I want to be happy and prioritize that. I want to live life with no regrets and

never miss the past. I want to value what is happening in the present and start to look forward to

the future. You cannot move forward if you are stuck in the past and wishing for it back. That is

when you should’ve valued it’s prime when it was the present.

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