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The plot of The Star Wars bears similarities to the final 1977 product, but also differs sharply

The King dies shortly thereafter, moving Princess Leia into the position of the Empire's target
for a puppet ruler. Annikin Starkiller is now Padawan to Luke Skywalker, and the pair travel
to protect the Princess. After rescuing her, the pair lead her through the Jundland Wastes to
the spaceport town Gordon, where they meet Han Solo. In this story, Solo is a Urellian, a tall
reptilian with a reputation for hunting Wookiees on their home planet of Yavin.
Solo, an old friend of Kane Starkiller, charters a freighter off-world, captained by an
individual named Valorum. While escaping from Imperial patrols, Kane dies sacrificing
himself to save the others, and Valorum is revealed as a Sith Knight.
After escaping from Valorum by stealing an Imperial ship, the protagonists are chased
through an asteroid field and forced to land on the Wookiee homeworld. There they align
with the Wookiees, who are in the midst of fighting Urellians, and meet a Wookiee named
Chewbacca. The group gathers at the home of a pair of anthropologists, Owen and Beru
Lars, while Leia is recaptured by Imperial forces and taken to the Space Fortress.
Rushing back to Aquilae to save Leia, Annikin dons stormtrooper armor to infiltrate the
Space Fortress, but is captured in the process. A largely off-screen Darth Vader orders
Valorum to kill Starkiller, but Valorum has a change of heart and sets Starkiller free. Starkiller
rescues Leia and escapes just in time, as Luke Skywalker leads a squadron of fighters
piloted by Wookiees to destroy the Space Fortress.
Returning to Aquilae, now-Queen Leia appoints Annikin Starkiller "Lord Protector of
The Galactic Empire
The Galactic Empire, otherwise known simply as the Empire, was a long-lasting government
that was in existence for at least 100,000 years. Until the Great Rebellion, the bodyguards of
its head of state, the Emperor, were the Jedi-Bendu. However, the Knights of Sith, a rival
faction of the Jedi-Bendu, took over the Galactic Empire and forced the Jedi-Bendu survivors
into hiding. This eventually culminated in the Empire hunting down the Jedi-Bendu, as well
as their attempted campaign against the planet Aquilae in the Aquilaean System. Other
positions in the government of the Empire were governors.
The ruler of the Galactic Empire, known as the Emperor, acted as the head of state and
commander-in-chief of its forces. One of the Galactic Empire's most powerful forces was the
Imperial Space Force, which, while under the control of the Jedi-Bendu, was invincible.
However it was eventually taken over by the Knights of Sith. Several of their military vehicles
included two-man ships called Stardestroyers, hovertanks, and the Space Fortress. By the
time of the present, in large part because of the efforts of the Jedi-Bendu and the Imperial
Space Force, the Galactic Empire's borders consisted of the galaxy's celestial equator and
the farthest reaches of the Great Rift. Afterwards, the only system that wasn't under direct
Imperial control was the Aquilaean System.
The Emperor
Cos Dashit rose to the position of Emperor shortly after the events of the Jedi-Bendu
rebellion and the Jedi's replacement by the Knights of the Sith. Afterwards, he proceeded to
have the Empire initiate a manhunt for all the Jedi involved in the rebellion. This eventually
led to conflict within the Aquilaean System, the sole remaining system that was independent
from the Empire, where several of the Jedi were hidden. He attempted to personally request
that the Aquilae sign the Treaty of Alliance. However, as they remained undecided for a long
period of time, he decided to conquer the system by force instead. He then gave his
announcement regarding the Empire's campaign against Aquilae to the Imperial dignitaries
and military personnel at the Plaza of the Daders in the Imperial City of Alderaan. He also
publicly promoted then-governor Crispin Hoedaack to the position of First Lord of the
Aquilaean System and Surrounding Territories for the campaign during this speech.
Unbeknownst to Dashit, however, Hoedaack, a member of the Supreme Tribunal alongside
Darth Vader and Vantos Coll, had secretly plotted to usurp Dashit's authority, with the
Aquilae campaign being the deciding factor on how to implement it.
The Imperial Space Force
The Imperial Space Force was the space warfare extensive branch of the Galactic Empire,
as well as its primary military arm. Once overseen by the Jedi-Bendu, the personal
protectors of the Emperor, it was later taken over in the wake of the Great Jedi Rebellion by
the Knights of the Sith who assumed their place and conducted a systematic purge of the
rival sect. Consisting mainly of Stardestroyers, the armada was reinforced by the myriad
ranks of Stormtroopers and the Space Fortress.
Established and supervised by the Jedi-Bendu, a cadre of bodyguards that had faithfully
defended the many Emperors for at least 100,000 years, the Imperial Space Force had
expanded the Galactic Empire from the celestial equator to the Great Rift. However, the
Great Jedi Rebellion would see the Jedi-Bendu come into conflict with the Emperor, leading
to their expulsion and manhunt which in turn enabled the ascension of Cos Dashit to the
position of sovereign and the Knights of the Sith assuming the mantle of his bodyguards.
Decrying the Aquilaean system's stance as the sole remaining state independent of the
Galactic Empire and deeming the attempted negotiations with the Aquilaeans a waste, the
Emperor announced the beginning of his upcoming campaign against them, which Governor
Crispin Hoedaack and General Darth Vader - the true powers behind the scenes - would
spearhead with the Imperial Star Force and the Space Fortress battle station at their
disposal. The ambush and killing of King Kayos during General Luke Skywalker's daring
attack daunted the Aquilaean Senators and Queen Breha into pushing for a peaceful
resolution and having the old Jedi-Bendu down. Following the self-destruction of the Hidden
Fortress, General Vader summoned Prince Valorum, a Knight of the Sith, to find and
eliminate Skywalker and his ragtag rebel troop, with Stormtroopers and hover tanks also on
the lookout for the fugitives. Ultimately, Annikin Starkiller and Princess Leia were captured
by Imperial forces and hauled to the Space Fortress, awaiting execution at the behest of
General Vader, only to escape with the aid of the disillusioned Prince Valorum. Shortly
afterwards, General Skywalker and his assembled Wookiee squadron assaulted and
crippled the battle station, dealing a heavy blow to the Imperial Space Force and scoring the
rebels' first major victory against the Galactic Empire.
The Stormtroopers
The Stormtroopers were the New Galactic Empire's main footsoldiers. They wore white and
black armor, with their helmets including a visor.
When Emperor Cos Dashit gave his declaration of war against the Aquilaean system on the
Imperial City of Alderaan, the massed Stormtroopers at the Plaza of the Daders cheered and
declared that Dashit live a long life and that the Jedi die. Several were stationed aboard the
Space Fortress.
The Space Fortress
The Space Fortress was a spherical battle station utilized by the New Galactic Empire during
the events of the Aquilaean campaign. Jedi General Luke Skywalker, upon learning of the
Empire's attempts to attack Aquilae, scrambled Devil Squadron to attack the Space Fortress
as it drew closer to the planet. Skywalker then informed their leader to use a Ranger
Defense on the station, and focus on the station's lock areas and breath ports. They did so,
resulting in several Imperial personnel being sucked into the vacuum of space and heavily
damaging Sector 2-A. 1-7. The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 eventually escaped via escape
Ultimately the first attack on the station was a failure. Princess Leia and Annikin Starkiller
were later brought aboard the station after they had been captured by the Empire, although
they later escaped with the help of former Knight of Sith Valorum. Shortly afterwards, the
Space Fortress ended up destroyed by General Skywalker and a squadron composed of
The Supreme Tribunal
The Supreme Tribunal was the chief governing body of the Galactic Empire. The Emperor,
Cos Dashit, held the formal title of Consul to the Supreme Tribunal. It contained at least five
members. Other individual members of the Tribunal included Vantos Coll, Darth Vader, and
presumably Crispin Hoedaack. These three formed a cabal intending to take control of the
Empire following Hoedaack's successful annexation of the Aquilaean system.
The members of the Tribunal once represented the Great Families, but the cabal had
already dislodged them from power ( he Great Families once ruled the New Galactic Empire
through the Supreme Tribunal but were removed from power).
General Darth Vader
Darth Vader was the name of a male Human serving the New Galactic Empire, as well as a
highly decorated Imperial general. He possessed a lot of scarring on his face, and also had
his left eye replaced with a cybernetic, giving off a deep red hue.
Alongside governor Crispin Hoedaack and Vantos Coll, Vader had plotted to overthrow the
reigning Emperor, Cos Dashit, with their move depending on the outcome of the Empire's
Aquilaean campaign. Although not an actual member of the Knights of the Sith, he
nonetheless was allied with the group to some extent. Vader later had Prince Valorum arrive
to track down Luke Skywalker due to suspecting that he had survived the self-destruction of
his command post, in exchange supplying the Knight of Sith full access to the Empire's
Vantos Coll
Vantos Coll was a highly obese member of the Supreme Tribunal, in league with Crispin
Hoedaack and Darth Vader as they plotted to take control of the New Galactic Empire. He
cautioned Hoedaack, however, noting that that plan depended on success in subduing the
Aquilaean system. Coll was present during the Jedi Rebellion, and correctly remembered
Luke Skywalker as the Jedi leader, not Seig Darklighter.
Crispin Hoedaack
Crispin Hoedaack was a functionary and the commander of the New Galactic Empire's
attempt to annex the Aquilaean system. He was entitled Governor and First Lord of the
Aquilaean System and Surrounding Territories. Crispin Hoedaack had initially served as a
governor within the New Galactic Empire. However, nearing the start of the Aquilae
Campaign, Hoedaack was promoted to the rank of First Lord of the Aquilaean System and
Surrounding Territories by the reigning Emperor Cos Dashit, an arrangement that Dashit and
Hoedaack had agreed to in private earlier. Before the speech, Hoedaack informed Dashit
that the crowds had been awaiting at the Plaza of the Daders all morning. Secretly, however,
he alongside Darth Vader and Vantos Coll plotted to usurp Dashit's authority. Eventually,
Hoedaack perished when his space fortress was destroyed by Wookiee pilots and Luke
Skywalker in orbit around Aquilae.
The Great Jedi Rebellion
The Great Jedi Rebellion was an event that occurred within the history of the Galactic
Empire. The Jedi-Bendu, at that time the bodyguards of the Emperor, had revolted against
the authority of the Emperor, resulting in their exile and manhunt, as well as their
replacement by a rival faction known as the Knights of the Sith. It was considered a very
turbulent time for the Empire, with the Emperor ascendant in the aftermath of the rebellion,
Cos Dashit, labeling in a speech his then-upcoming campaign against the Aquilaean System
as being the most decisive conflict and the most destiny-upsetting event for the Empire since
the Jedi Rebellion.
The Knights of Sith
The Knights of Sith, also known as Sith Knights, were a rival sect of the Jedi-Bendu. After
the Great Jedi Rebellion, the Knights of Sith took over the position of the Empire's
bodyguards and commanders of the Imperial Space Force. The power-hungry Knights then
proceeded to hunt down any surviving Jedi-Bendu, making certain they would remain the
chief enforcers of the galaxy.
Valorum was a Prince and a member of the Knights of Sith, the primary enforcers of the New
Galactic Empire and bitter opponents of the Jedi-Bendu. During the campaign waged
against the Aquilaean system, he was summoned by General Darth Vader to act as his
huntsman, being tasked with tracking down the rebels' General Luke Skywalker. As one of a
number of Knights of the Sith, Prince Valorum was a bodyguard to Emperor Cos Dashit and
a nonstandard commander of the Imperial Space Force, having ousted and supplanted the
rival sect known as Jedi-Bendu following the Great Jedi Rebellion. Enjoying an infamous
reputation, the Prince's exploits as one of the Emperor's huntsmen were legendary.
After Emperor Dashit mandated the completion of the Jedi-Bendu purge and the annexation
of Aquilae, Prince Valorum's presence was requested aboard the Space Fortress by the
General Darth Vader as it became apparent that the insurgents' General Luke Skywalker
had survived the self-destruction of the Hidden Fortress. The Sith Knight then told the cyborg
commander that he would need a tie-in to the computer network, a control center, and all-
communications access for his assignment, adding he wouldn't have been present if he
didn't think Skywalker had been a Jedi-Bendu. Eventually becoming disillusioned with the
Galactic Empire, Prince Valorum turns his back on his masters and joins Annikin Starkiller
and his ragtag rebel team.
Kane Starkiller
Kane Starkiller fled to the Fourth Moon of Utapau after the Knights of Sith supplanted the
Jedi-Bendu as bodyguards to the Galactic Emperor. When the Galactic Empire arrived at
Utapau, he was forced to flee, and his son Deak was killed.
Kane asked General Luke Skywalker to take Annikin as his Padawan. He could not instruct
his son in the Force because he was a cyborg, though he had kept this a secret even from
his family. Only his head and right arm were organic. He was dying because his mechanical
replacements were slowly failing. He sacrificed himself in Gordon by donating the energy
pack which powered his electronic heart, which the heroes needed to power the freighter
and hibernation chambers required to reach the Forbidden Systems.
Annikin Starkiller
Annikin Starkiller was the son of Kane Starkiller and the Jedi-Bendu Padawan Learner to
Luke Skywalker, as well as the protector and later, lover to the Princess/Queen of his home
planet of Aquilae, Leia. He was the hero of the battle which saw the defeat of the Galactic
Empire in the Aquilaean system.
After the Jedi Rebellion, the teenage Annikin and his brother Deak Starkiller settled on the
Fourth Moon of Utapau with their father, Kane Starkiller. Annikin, despite his relative youth,
had taken part in the Kessilian civil wars and led a Hubble expedition to the Cone systems.
He wore his hair in a distinctive Kessilian hair knot. After a Sith Knight located him and his
family and killed his brother, Deak, Annikin and Kane headed back home to Aquilae.
He became the Padawan learner of Luke Skywalker after his father, Kane, revealed to
Skywalker that he was dying. After the death of his father, he became the suitor to Queen
Leia of Aquilae, ruler of his home planet, and was named Lord Protector of Aquilae.
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker was a Jedi General for the Aquilae, as well as one of the survivors of the
Knights of Sith's attack on the Jedi-Bendu. He was the mentor of Annikin Starkiller.
According to Vantos Coll, Luke Skywalker was the one who led the Jedi Rebellion and he
was also First Bodyguard to the Emperor. Following the defeat of the rebellion, Skywalker
fled to Aquilae, where he became a general in its military.

When the Aquilaean Council was debating whether they should go to war with the Empire,
Skywalker, after sternly telling Count Sandage to sit down after the latter accused Skywalker
and the other council members of being dreamers regarding mounting effective resistance
against the Empire, told them that they need to reach a decision immediately due to the
upcoming Imperial raid being far more than just a raid for resources, with him citing to
Senator Nash that procrastination is a dangerous business while war is his business upon
being told that war is a dangerous position.
He also inquired whether Tarkin had approved the defensive measures he requested. King
Kayos conceded Luke's suggestion, but decided not to take further action until they found
out more about what the Empire's plans were just as his sons Biggs and Windy rushed in to
inform their father that Leia was leaving.
After the council meeting, Skywalker went to the Hidden Fortress, far beneath the Palace of
Lite, where he wanted an update of any Imperial ships leaving Alderaan and he found out
that a full battalion of Stardestroyers left for the Anchorhead System or a nearby system.
Skywalker was also worried that Captain Clieg Whitsun hadn't reported in and decided to put
the base on alert. It was then that he was reunited with his friend, Kane Starkiller who asked
Skywalker to take his son, Annikin Starkiller, as his Padawan learner and teach him how to
be a Jedi.
Skywalker was honored, but hesitant to take on Starkiller as his apprentice, as he thought
Kane could finish Annikin's training himself. Kane revealed that he was getting too old and
that he was dying, even going the extra step by showing his fellow Jedi that he was not the
same Kane that Skywalker knew and that this Kane Starkiller was mostly artificial. Following
this meeting, Skywalker later learned from his subordinate Montross, of a Space Fortress
leaving the Anchorhead System and heading straight for Aquilae.
Skywalker and Annikin joined King Kayos and Queen Breha for dinner to inform them of the
Empire's movements and the disappearance of their best agent, Whitsun, had disappeared.
Kayos promised the Jedi that he wasn't going to approve of the Alliance Treaty and supply
him with the war code so he can act in Aquilae's defense. Though Skywalker had little
patience for politics, Kayos reminded him that this had to be done legally.
Skywalker is then summoned back to the war room after being informed that the Space
Fortress had disappeared from sensors. He then caught Annikin flirting with a woman and
briefly, but pre-emptively dueled him. He remarked that the young man was well trained but
he required discipline. The General is then informed that Whitsun had just been admitted to
the infirmary and he went to see his operative, who confirmed that the Imperial Starforce
was on its way. Skywalker then ordered Annikin to go and retrieve Princess Leia and only
the princess.
He later commanded Devil Squadron from Aquilae to attack the Space Fortress.
Unfortunately, as Kayos' convoy was destroyed by orbital bombardment, the Senate chose
to accept the Empire's peace treaty with Queen Breha's approval and ordered Skywalker to
stand down. Skywalker had little choice, for he'd be committing treason and no one would
follow him were he to disobey. He then recalled the two remaining starfighters, only for them
to be destroyed. Enraged, Skywalker demanded to the senators if they should accept the
"peace" the Empire promised and ordered them to leave, promising that the war has only
just begun.
Skywalker later rendezvoused with Annikin and Leia at the Hidden Fortress, where he
informed the Princess of her father's passing. They then take the discussion to the throne
room, where Breha explains that the Senate had been corrupted. She had only ruled by
marriage to King Kayos and now that he's dead, she lacks the political power to stop them,
thereby making Leia the true queen. Skywalker then took on the task of escorting Leia and
her twin brothers Windy and Biggs to the Ophuchi system, where the Chrome companies
have offered to supply him with the troops and ships necessary to restore Leia to the throne.
As they prepared to depart disguised as commoners, Skywalker took note of the two droids
C-3PO and R2-D2, whom Annikin and Leia recovered from the desert. He advised Annikin
that the droids won't harm a living being but they would give accurate information to anyone
who asks, so they'll be useful against the Space Fortress. Unfortunately, they are caught by
Count Sandage, who was intent on bringing Leia to the Empire so they could control
Aquilae. Skywalker refused to let it happen before bisecting the Count and making their
escape. Once at a safe distance, they self-destructed their hidden fortress to throw the
Empire off their trail.

As the party made their way across the desert, their landspeeders ran low on power, so they
stopped at a homestead for refueling. But just as Annikin and Whitsun came out with a fuel
rod, they are ambushed by stormtroopers, who decided they were not worth the trouble to
look after, forcing the Jedi to attack pre-emptively. Skywalker then moved and killed the pilot
of a hover tank and set it to explode to distract a trio of jet stickers, enabling the party to
make their escape.
Leia was a 14-year-old princess, the spoiled daughter of King Kayos and Queen Breha of
Aquilae. She had two brothers, Biggs and Windy.
Leia prepared to leave Aquilae. Biggs and Windy discovered this and informed their father,
Kayos, about Leia's departure and urged him to say goodbye to her.
When the planet falls under attack by the Galactic Empire, Leia is rescued by young Jedi-
Bendu Padawan Annikin Starkiller. At first, they don't get along and argue at first, but despite
their harsh beginnings, they eventually fall in love. After her father's death, she becomes the
new queen of Aquilae.

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