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The Mandalorian Invasion

In year 3,965 BBY, a warrior army known as the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders began raiding
worlds on the edge of the galaxy. After 20 years conquering non-Republic worlds they
invaded Republic space and attacked the Onderon moon of Dxun. They then continued to
attack Republic worlds with great ease.

They started their 'crusade' in Dxun, where the Mandalorian leader Mandalore, created a
military outpost in the heart of the moon's dense jungles. After the invasion of Dxun and
Onderon, the Mandalorians began attacking the nine Iridonian worlds in the Outer Rim.

The next targets were the crystal cities of the planet Socorro, the woods of Eres 3, the cities of
Duro, the Corellian worlds, the Venjagga system, the city-world of Taris, and Dagary Minor.

The battles here were mentioned in the Star Wars videogame Knights of the Old Republic 2:
The Sith Lords (KotOR 2). The other dates, tales and facts are mentioned or happened in both
games of the KotOR saga.


The Jedi intervene

The Republic begged the Jedi Council to enter the war; however, the Jedi were slow to act.
The Council believed that the true threat had yet to reveal itself, and thus refused to assist the
Republic and forbade its members to go to war. Two young Jedi Knights Revan and Malak
decided to take action, calling for support from the ranks of Jedi who considered the Council
to be making a mistake. Many Jedi Knights answered this call to follow the ingenious,
charismatic Revan. Some of these Jedi were Xaset Tarep, Arren Kae, Nisotsa, Talvan Esan or
Cariaga Sin, and the famous Jedi Exile. The Republic eagerly accepted this support, and so
the war 'truly' began. The Jedi members who joined Revan and Malak in the war became
generals and led Republic armies to fight the Mandalorians with the help of Republic soldiers
such as General Derred, Mon Halan and Admiral Saul Karath, both of them traitors following
Revan to the Sith. This was 3961 BBY and the battle between Jedi and Mandalorian ended
one year later.

Revan proved to be one of the greatest tactical geniuses in galactic history, willing to make
sacrifices to bring greater victories and was able to almost always outmaneuver the
Mandalorians both on the ground and in space. Republic forces took incredible casualties
throughout the war, in many cases losing as many as ten to twenty soldiers for every
Mandalorian, but Revan's leadership managed to carry them through victory after victory,
pushing the Mandalorians back to Yavin, across Korriban, out of Dxun and Onderon (where
Exile lost a lot of soldiers due to droids and bombs, and where Revan won, destroying droids
and mandalorian technology) and back into Mandalorian space.

The war ended at Malachor V. Revan led the battle from Trayus Sith Academy and there he
confronted and defeated Mandalore the Ultimate. Revan had sent a massive fleet of Republic
soldiers and Jedi whose loyalty was in question. Unknown to either side, Revan had hidden a
weapon known as a "Mass Shadow Generator," designed by Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur, on the
planet. Overseeing its use was the Jedi Exile, one of the Jedi who followed Revan to war and
became one of his top Generals. The Exile gave the command to Bao-Dur to activate the
weapon, and in doing so, watched as the Mandalorian and Republic fleets alike destroyed,
crashing into and nearly destroying the entire planet.


Few men in either fleet survived this final battle. It marked Revan's final move before truly
falling to the dark side. This terrible act of destruction caused the Jedi Exile to lose his
connection with the Force, thus causing a hole within the Force. He was the only person out
of all who followed Revan to turn from the dark side, and returned to the Jedi Council on
Coruscant. The Council exiled him for following Revan to war, but their true reasons were
quite different. They feared the hole within the Force that formed within him, and furthermore
feared the failings in the Jedi teachings that he represented. Defiantly stabbing his lightsaber
into the centerstone of the Jedi Council, as if it represented the failing of their teachings, the
Exile left for the outer rim.

On the surface of Malachor V, Revan found the ancient Trayus Academy, a former Sith
stronghold deeply marked with the dark side. Here he was corrupted by the Sith teachings.
Revan and Malak were hailed as heroes within the Republic. Revan left with his fleet,
reportedly to pursue the final remains of the Mandalorian fleet, but in truth searching for the
ancient Star Forge. One year later, Revan and Malak returned at the head of a massive Sith
armada, the Jedi and Republic soldiers who had once followed him now Sith. So began the
Jedi Civil War.

Admiral Saul Karath(Адмирал Соул Карат)

Ной бил Адмирал на Галактическата Република и герой през Мандалорианските Войни,

както и ментор на Карт Онаси. В края на краищата в началото на Джедайските
Граждански Войни той предал Републиката и се присъединил към Ситите на Ситският
кораб Левитан. И кораба и Адмирала се доказали, като достойно попълнение към
Ситската флота.

Макар че понякога не се съгласявал със суровите и груби действия на Дарт Малак, като
например унищожаването на Тарис, той бил достатъчно умен да не задава много
въпроси и да му се противи, както правел неговият предшественик. Въпреки това той
оставал лоялен на Ситите безмилостно унищожавайки техните врагове. Най – голамото
му постижение било залавянето на Абаносовият Ястреб по време на второто търсене,
за Звездната Ковачница, на Реван. Тази операция, обаче му донесла гибелта му. След
кратка битка на мостика на кораба Левитан, Соул Карат бил победен и умрял в ръцете
на неговият бивш приятел и по настоящему негов враг, Карт Онаси. Накрая той бил
способен да зашемети своят стар приятел, на последният си дъх, Карат издал на Онаси,
че Реван не е мъртъв… и всъщност бил до него откакто се случил инцидаентът на
Ендар Спайър.

Tavion is a fictional Dark Jedi character in the fictional Star Wars Expanded Universe,
appearing in the computer games Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
She was the apprentice of the even more powerful Dark Jedi, Desann. Her first introduction
was where she supposedly captured and killed the New Republic agent, Jan Ors. She later
confronted the Jedi Kyle Katarn in Bespin. She lost the fight and was nearly killed by Kyle,
but he let her live. Shamed, she left. Later on, Kyle Katarn confronted Desann and killed the
Dark Jedi.

In the following game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Tavion found a merchant with a
powerful Sith artifact, named the Scepter of Ragnos, which had belonged to the ancient Dark
Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos, who ruled the Sith Empire before Naga Sadow. She took
Ragnos' Staff and killed the merchant. The voice of Ragnos began to communicate with
Tavion, telling her to drain Force energy from places that possessed powerful Force power, so
that she could regenerate Marka's cells, bringing him back to life. Tavion assembled the cult
of Sith known as The Disciples Of Ragnos, and proceeded to drain Force energy from
multiple places such as Hoth, Yavin, Byss, and Coruscant.

One of Kyle Katarn's apprentices, Rosh Penin, traveled to Byss to investigate the cult's
activities. Rosh was captured by the Disciples of Ragnos and became Tavion's new
apprentice. Tavion sent Rosh to Darth Vader's Bast Castle on Vjun to drain the Force energy
there. Katarn's second apprentice, Jaden Korr, penetrated the castle and confronted Rosh.
Kyle arrived when Rosh was beaten, and Tavion appeared to stop the Jedi. After Force
pushing Kyle to a pillar, Tavion used Jaden's lightsaber to break the ceiling, trapping the Jedi
while she and Rosh escaped.

Later, Rosh betrayed Tavion and turned back to the light side of the Force. Tavion assigned
another apprentice, Alora, to imprison Rosh and lure Jaden and Kyle to rescue Rosh. Players
of the game could choose to save Rosh, staying on the path of light; or kill Rosh, thus turning
to the dark side. Either way Alora died in a lightsaber duel with Jaden.

Tavion traveled to Korriban, the Sith tomb world, to resurrect Marka Ragnos. The Jedi arrived
and confronted the Disciples of Ragnos. Before Ragnos resurrected, Jaden broke into the
tomb and confronted Tavion, who wielded both the lightsaber and the scepter. Tavion was
defeated in the battle.

Desann is a Dark Jedi and the main villain of the computer game Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

Desann is a lizard-like humanoid of the Chistori species. Before joining Luke Skywalker's
Jedi Academy, the Chistori was haunted by loneliness, being shunned and feared by his
fellow of the brotherhood, who did not fully understand the nature of the Force and regarded
it as dangerous black magic.

Once in the Academy, the alien-lizard proved to be a very powerful and successful student.
However, over time he was impatient, power hungry, condescending, aggressive, and even
violent, especially in his arguments with instructors. During a training session he struck down
and killed a fellow student, saying he was "too weak to be a Jedi." The dark disciple left
before anyone could help him.

Months latter, Along with Admiral Galak Fyyar, he became leader of an Imperial Remnant
faction seeking to regain control of the galaxy by creating an army of Force-adept warriors
feeding on the energy of the Valley of the Jedi. Since only Kyle Katarn and his partner Jan
Ors knew the location of the Valley of the Jedi, Desann and his dark apprentice Tavion
decided to capture Jan Ors on Artus Prime in order to trick Kyle into revealing the location of
the Valley.

The former Academy apprentice took a contigent of Imperial cohorts and captured Jan Ors.
When Kyle Katarn arrived to free his partner, the Chistori confronted the rebel mercenary. Of
course, without the power of the Force, the former Imperial soldier was no match for the Dark
Jedi Master. Desann gripped Kyle and shocked him with Force Lightning.

Desann held up Katarn and berated him about losing his powers. The mercenary still tried to
rescue his friend, and the Chistori commanded Tavion to kill Jan Ors as a ruse to motivate a
now Force-insensitive Kyle to go to the Valley to reconnect with the Force; Jan remained
secretly alive on the Remnant flagship Doomgiver. Kyle, believing that Jan was dead, traveled
to the Valley in order to avenge her death. Desann followed Kyle, using him to discover the
location of the Valley, which allowed Desann to create his army of Dark Jedi warriors, called
Reborns, and Shadowtroopers by infusing the Force into Artusian crystals and using them on
Imperial stormtroopers, giving them the ability to use the Force. When Kyle Katarn boarded
the Lenico Belt cruiser, Luke Skywalker reported to him that the New Republic and Jedi
Knights were trying to hold the Remnant and the Shadowtroopers at the Valley of the Jedi.
Desann engaged Luke Skywalker and wounded his former master. Of course, the Jedi Master
wasn't killed but injured lightly. Desann had truly become more powerful than any of the
Academy's trainers of guardians.

Some time later, he attacked the Jedi Academy, but Kyle stopped him by destroying the
Doomgiver (after having freed Jan) and thus most of his army. On Yavin 4, Jedi Knights and
New Republic forces defeated his remaining Reborns and stormtroopers. Desann escaped into
the tunnels under the Massassi Temple, where he was confronted by Katarn. Each tried
unsuccessfully to convert the other to their side of the Force. A battle ensued in which Desann
was slain.

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