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Significance of Assessing health-related fitness

Keeping the body physically active enables the body systems to function properly with vigor and
alertness. Staying in shape allows the individual to perform daily tasks and effectively resulting to better
output and performance

Physical Activity

Involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of energy.
It is usually classified according to its purpose such as occupational, transport-related, household and

Physical Fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily
activities and still has the energy to enjoy other leisure activities.

The health-related components of fitness include Aerobic Capacity, Muscular Strength, Muscular
Endurance, Flexibility and Body Composition. These components are important in preventing injuries
and non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

AEROBIC CAPACITY. It is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients
to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmic exercises.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH. It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE. It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple
repetitions or a submaximal load.

FLEXIBILITY. It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion.

BODY COMPOSITION. It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of two component
model: the lean body mass and the body fat.
Exercises are repetitive movements that aim to improve one or more components of fitness.
Exercise is also claimed to stimulate the release of feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins.

Pre-contemplation Stage. He/she does not recognize the presence of an unhealthy habit and the
importance of changing his/her behavior.

Contemplation Stage. For example, many smokers know that smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer and
other diseases.

Preparation Stage. Once an individual is convinced to make the change, he/she starts to prepare for the
actual date and time to start the new behavior.

Action Stage. The day of individual initiates the new behavior.

Maintenance Stage occurs when the individual has consistently practiced the new behavior for more
than 6 months wherein the tendency to backslide to the old habits is minimal.
Principle of OVERLOAD

The Principle of Overload states that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to

Principle of PROGRESSION

The Principle of Progression states that the body should experience a gradual increase in workload.

Principle of SPECIFICITY

The Principle of Specificity states that the body will adapt specifically to the workload it experienced.


The Principle of Individuality states that no two persons are the same and their rate of adaptation to the
same workload differs.


The adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible. While an exercise program
requires rest for the body to recover, too much rest may be counterproductive.
The FITT Principle is an acronym for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Squat is a multi-joint movement that has the ability to show neuromuscular deficit in the core muscles
and the lower extremity muscles.

Lunge is another movement that evaluates movement stability and neuromuscular deficit of lower

Trunk rotation is a common movement in many sports that involve throwing.

Push up is a basic exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as
flexibility of the shoulder joint.

There is no single aerobic exercise that can be considered the best because it depends on the goal of an

Personal preference is also another key actor when deciding what type of exercise should be
incorporated in the program. The activity should be enjoyable so it can be sustained for a long time.

It is important that the adolescent trains within the allowable limits in order to stimulate bone growth
without causing injury.

A hypertrophy program emphasizes on increasing muscle size without being concerned with increasing

Flexibility Training
SMOKING Almost every organ in the body is damaged when a person smoke. It weakens the body and
leads to many diseases.
Dietary habits are the usual choices of food that people make that affect the individual’s health

SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE It occurs when an individual lacks the recommended level of regular physical
activity or if he/she is physically inactive.
Sprains are overstretched ligaments.

Strain is a twist, pull or tear of muscle.

Fracture the most common fractures are located at the upper limbs such at the hand and forearm.

Dislocation commonly occurs in joints that allow greater range of motion.

Concussions are life-threatening injuries because they disrupt the normal function of the brain.

Tendinopathy/Tendinitis the most common overuse injury in sports involves the muscle-tendon unit
called tendinopathy/tendinitis. It is usually due to muscle imbalance between muscle pairs.

Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear of a joint that results to its deterioration.

Bursitis. The bursa is a sac-like a musculoskeletal structure that provides support and cushioning to the
joint. It protects commonly used joints such as the shoulders and the knee from repetitive mechanical
stress or friction. This injury is common in swimmers and runners. The inflammation of the bursa
interrupts the surrounding structures causing pain during movement. The recovery period usually takes
two weeks to a month.

Etiquette According to Merriam dictionary etiquette is defined as the conduct or procedure required by
good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life.
Sportsmanship There are written and unwritten rules in sports that require people to follow to make it

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