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Lesson 2 Pe 101

Topic: Physical Fitness


Being physically fit equates to having the endurance and strength to carry-out
daily activities without undue stress and still possess sufficient energy to join
leisure activities and be able to face unexpected emergencies. When you are
physically fit, your lungs, heart, and muscles are strong and your body is flexible
and firm. Your body fat percentage and weight are also within the standard range.

• physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s
ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and
leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic
diseases, and to meet emergency situations.
-general fitness is a state of health and wellbeing.
• specific fitness is a task-oriented definition
based on the ability to perform specific
aspects of sports or occupations.


In general, the following are the notable components of physical fitness:

1. Cardiovascular / respiratory endurance – It refers to the capacity body systems

to process and deliver oxygen.

2. Stamina – It pertains to ability of body mechanism to process and utilize


3. Strength – It refers to the ability of a muscular unit to apply force in a

single move.

4. Flexibility – It is define as the ability to maximize the range of motion at a

given joint without breaking.

5. Power – It pertains to the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of

muscular units, to exert maximum force in short period of time.

6. Speed – It is define as the ability to move body or parts of the body quickly in
single direction.

7. Coordination – It pertains to the the ability to use various parts of the body
together smoothly and effortlessly into a singular specific movement.

8. Agility – It is define as the ability to move body or parts of the body quickly
from one direction to another.

9. Balance – It refers to the ability to control body’s center of gravity whether

stationary or moving.



Health-related physical fitness includes component that have a relationship with

good health necessary for day to day activities. The components are the following:

CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ENDURANCE. The ability the heart and lungs to work together to
keep the body active over a long period of time.

-The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during
sustained physical activity.(aerobic fitness).
-To improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, try activities that keep your heart
rate elevated at a safe level for a sustained length of time such as walking,
swimming or cycling.
-It is very important because the more cardiovascular fit you are, the healthier
your lungs, heart and vascular system is.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH. It refers to the amount of force that a muscle can apply in a
single contraction or single move.

-The ability of muscles to exert

force during an activity.
•-The key to making your
muscles stronger is working
them against resistance,
whether that be from weights
or gravity.
- It is important for your
efficiency at Activities of Daily
Living (ADLs)

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE. It define as the capacity of the muscles to keep working

(contract) over an extended period of time.

-The ability of muscles to continue to perfom without

-To improve your muscle endurance, try
cardiorespiratory activities such as walking,
jogging, cycling or dancing.
- It is the bridge between muscular strength and
cardiovascular endurance.

FLEXIBILITY. It is the capacity of the joints to move through their full range of
motion without breaking.

-Is the range of motion around

a joint.
-Good flexibility in the joints can
help prevent injuries through
all stages of life. If you want to
improve your flexibility, try
activities that lengthen the
muscles or a basic stretching
-Poor flexibility can directly
effect cardiovascular
endurance, muscle strength
and muscular endurance.

BODY COMPOSITION. It refers to the ratio of muscle mass and body fat of an

-Refers to the relative amount

of muscle, fat, bone and other
vital parts of the body.
- Body composition is important
to consider for health and
managing your weight!
- Having a poor body
composition has many
negative physical and
psychological effects.


Skill-related fitness includes components of fitness that contribute to the ability

of an individual to successfully engage in any sports and perform well in any
physical education activities.

AGILITY. It is refers to the ability to change the position of body or body parts
with control in short period of time.

-The ability to change the body`s position and

direction fast.
- e.g.: ZigZag running or cutting movements

BALANCE. It refers to the ability to maintain body position either stationary or

moving. It is also known as neuromuscular control of the body.

-The ability to control the body`s position, either stationary

or while moving.
-E.g.:handstand, gymnastic stunt.

POWER. This component is the combination of speed and strength. It refers to the
ability of the muscle to release maximum effort in short period of time.

-The ability to exert maximum muscular

contraction instantly in an explosive burst of
-The two components of power are strength
and speed.
- e.g. jumping or a sprint start.

REACTION TIME. It refers to the amount of time it takes to response to a certain


-Reaction Speed is the time it takes to respond to a

- Reaction Time + Movement Time = Response Time
- Sprinters react to the starting gun (e.g.
100metres),Control of an object (e.g. football or hockey

COORDINATION. It refers to the integrated movements of body parts.

-The ability to move body parts smoothly and

accuarately in response to what your senses tell

SPEED. It refers to the ability to move quickly in single direction.

-Is the ability to move your body

or part of your body quickly.
- It’s involved in most the
athletic skills such as in sprint
running, some skills of soccer,
•-Ways to run faster: increase
stride length, increase stride
frequency, build speed and
power, train for agility, develop
your anaerobic threshold,
decrease recovery time and
delay fatigue.


Vitality. A physically fit individual possess vitality which means he/she is active
and strong that contributes to his/her productivity.

Posture- A physically fit individual possess a strong muscular structure which

contributes to his/her good postural alignment.

Relieves low back pain. A physical fit person has strong abdominal and back muscles
which prevent experiencing lower back pa.

Retards Ageing Process. Active participation in exercises and physical activities

slows down the process of aging of an individual.

Neuromuscular Skills. A physically fit person has the smooth and efficient
coordination of the muscle actions.

Relaxation. Active participation in exercises relieves tensions and anxiety due to


Improvement of Personality and Social Skills. Active engagement in games or sports

contributes improving the personality and desirable social skills of an individual.

Mental Fitness. Through regular participation in various exercises. It helps the

person to release his/her tension or anxiety which greatly help his/her mental
processes to function clearly and effectively.

General Health. A physically fit person commonly display an optimum level

resistance to avoid minor illnesses.

Factors affecting fitness

1. age
6. illness and fatigue
7.physical disability
10. build
11. gender

Benefits of Physical Fitness

• Your heart becomes stronger and works more efficiently
• You can lose weight if you combine exercise and healthy eating
• You feel better about yourself
• You are less likely to be anxious or depressed and feel more positive
• You may be able to bring down a slightly raise blood pressure to
• You are likely to drink less alcohol and cut down or stop smoking
• You are less likely to suffer from low back pain
• You will feel positive benefits if you have a specific health problem such
as lung disease, diabetes, arthritis or renal disease, or have had an
organ transplantation

How do you test your physical fitness?

Fitness tests help you check how fit you are, and see
how your fitness improves with exercise.
• Cardiovascular endurance: the
cycle ergonometer test, the Cooper
test, PACER the multistage fitness
test, etc.
• Muscular endurance: Push-ups,
Curl-ups, Pull-ups, Flex-arm Hang.
• Muscular Strength: Vertical jumps,
Standing broad jumps, Grip strength
• Flexibility: Deep-Flex, Sit and reach,
Shoulders stretch, Trunk lift.
• Body Composition: Body mass
• Speed: 6x9, 40metres.

Sedentary Lifestyle
• A type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical
activity (a couch potato).
• Sitting, reading, watching television and computer
use for much of the day with little or no vigorous
physical exercise.
• A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity
can contribute to or be a risk factor for
Cardiovascular disease,Mortality, Depression,

Effects that physical inactivity and a

sedentary lifestyle have on your health
-back pain

Alternative Physical Activity

• Recreational Sports: Noodle Hockey,
Paddle, Jumping Ropes,
• Bodymind Activities: Pilates, Yoga,Taichi,
BodyFlow, Relaxation
• Weight lifting, Bodypump.
• Fitness Walking, Jogging, Hiking
• Traditional Games
• Alternative Games and Sports: Floor Ball,
Indiaca, Frisbee, KingBall, Ultimate, Flag
• Music Activities: Aerobic, Dance
• Cycling, Swimming, Skating, Sailing,
• Wii Sports
• School, Gym, Outdoor, Clubs

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