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Practice 08 – Operations with strings (charachters)

What you need to know to do the practice ... Examples

How can 1. Select the range with full names.

we 2. On the Data tab, in the Data Tools
separate group, click Text to Columns.
text in 3. Choose Delimited and click Next.
different 4. Select the Delimiters you need.
collumns? 5. Click Finish.
 To join strings, use the & operator or the CONCATENATE (CONCATENAR) function

 To extract the leftmost characters from a string, use the LEFT (IZQUIERDA)function.

 To extract the rightmost characters from a string, use the RIGHT (DERECHA) function.

 To extract a substring, starting in the middle of a string, use the MID (EXTRAE)

will I use? Note: started at position 5 (p) with length 3.
 To get the length of a string, use the LEN (LARGO) function.

Note: space (position 8) included!

 To replace existing text with new text in a string, use the SUBSTITUTE (SUSTITUIR)

 To change the format of a text, use TEXT (TEXTO) function.

“mmmm”=name of the month, “dddd”=name of the day,

“0000,00”=number with 4 digits and 2 decimals (0003,14)
How can I Main menu-> Buscar y seleccionar -> Reemplazar.
symbols or Write the symbol/character/word you want to eliminate and the symbol/character/word
characters? that you want to replace it.
Instructions to carry out the practice.

1. In the excel file you will find many data of different people. First of all separate all the
data in different columns knowing that all of them are separated by “;”.

2. In column G, write as a title “Day” and extract from de cells in C the number of the
day of birth.

3. In column H, write as a title “MonthNum” and, using EXTRAER, extract from de

cells in C the number of the month of birth.

4. In column I, write as a title “Year” and, using DERECHA, extract from de cells in C
the number of the year of birth.

5. In column J, write as a title “BirthDate” and, using CONCATENAR, write the date of
birth with this format: YYYY/MM/DD (2005/02/07).

6. In column K, write as a title “Week day” and, using TEXTO and the data of column J,
write the name of the day of the week of the Birth Date.

7. In column L, write as a title “Month day” and, using TEXTO and the data of column
J, write the name of the month of the Birth Date.

8. In column M, write as a title “Title” and, using SI and the data of Gender, write Mr. or

9. In column N, write as a title “Gender” and, using SI and the data of Gender, write
Male or Female.

10.In column O, write as a title “Nº” and, using LEN and the data of Surname, write de
number of letters of the surname.

11.In column P, write as a title “Morning” and, using CONCATENAR and the data of the
previous columns compose this sentence:

Good morning Mrs. CASAS, your ID is 3456789, your gender is

Female, you were born lunes 07 of febrero of 2005, your surname
has 5 letters and your subjects are Francés and Fïsica.
12.In column Q, write as a title “Afternoon” and, using function SUSTITUIR, write the
same sentence of the previous column but instead of “morning” has to say

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