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What is cover letter?

A cover letter is a three- or four-paragraph document to an employer explaining your interest

in a specific job. It’s a one-page letter that is usually attached to your resume. This letter should
also highlight your fitness for the advertised role.

A cover letter allows you to professionally introduce yourself to a prospective employer. Your
goal in writing your cover letter should be to encourage the employer to read your resume and
consider you for a specific position.

Writing a cover letter as a mid-career professional is a bit different. But first, start with how
you found out about the career opening and why you’re interested in the job position. Be
specific: use the correct names and titles.

Highlight your achievements, skills, experiences, and training that are relevant to the position
you want to get. However, avoid simply repeating the information you included in your resume.
Tailor your cover letter to each employer and job. Since you are applying for specific roles,
give specific examples and events that demonstrate your ability to perform well if given the

As you write this letter, use clear and readable words. You want to come across as professional
and approachable, but not overly formal.

Yes, you should maintain a professional air throughout the copy, however, an exceedingly
formal tone may turn off those who read it. Remember to also show genuine enthusiasm for
the job. You can think of it this way: it’s not a suit-and-tie event, but a smart casual gathering.
Steer away from highly personal information and questions about the position. This includes
talking about salary expectations and company benefits. Instead, reserve such inquiries for the
actual interview.

Next, provide examples of why you’re the right person for the job.

• Don’t hesitate to use bullet points and include numbers that showcase your
• Rather than simply describe what you’ve done in previous jobs, show the recruiter or
hiring manager what you can bring to the role.
• Express your passion and excitement to be part of the company and the team.

Finally, provide your contact information and how you prefer to be reached. Offer to meet with
the reader at their earliest convenience. Thank them for their time and attention, and let them
know that you look forward to hearing from them soon.

Before you send your cover letter, read your draft out loud to quickly spot errors and wordy
sentences. Make sure you proofread your cover letter before sending it. There are various
online tools that can help you catch minor grammatical or typographical errors. Additionally,
make sure your cover letter is easy to read. Use a simple font like the one used here. Avoid
walls of text, too. Dividing your letter into paragraphs makes it easy on the eyes and organizes
the information you provide.You can also ask a friend to review your cover letter. Good luck
on your job search.
Sample of Letter Body

I am wri t i ng a l et t er of i nt erest i n reg ard s t o t he (posi t i on ) i n your com pany.

Your com pany i s k nown for i t s i nnova t i on, professi onal i sm , and resul t s -
dri ven m arket i ng st rat egy, whi ch i s w hy I am c ert ai n I woul d m ake a
val uabl e addi t i on t o your t eam . I woul d b e i nt erest ed i n l earni ng m ore about
t he com pany and av ai l a bl e opport uni t i e s, so I h ave encl ose d m y resum e for
your consi der at i on.

I am con fi dent t hat m y experi ence i n t hi s fi el d wi l l be a n asset t o your

com pany. As you wi l l see on m y resum e, I have a pr oven record of
achi evem ent s, whi c h wi l l al l ow m e t o m ake m aj o r cont ri but i ons t o your
com pany.

I l ook forw ard t o speaki ng wi t h you to di scuss how m y experi en ce and

abi l i t i es m at ch your needs. I wi l l cal l you on t he day of t he week t o see wh at
day and t i m e fi t yo ur busy sched ul e. D on’t hesi t at e t o con t act m e at your
p hone num ber or co nt act m e by em ai l at your em ai l address shoul d you have
any ques t i ons. I l ook forwa rd t o speaki ng wi t h you.

Some Tips

• Font si ze shoul d be 12 and st yl e “Ti m es new R om an”.

• Add your re cent deg ree
• Layout and form at m at t er a l ot .
• Don’t add “To who m i t m ay con cern ”. It s t oo m uch ol d fash i oned and
i m personal . Inst ead use: Dea r Hi ri ng M anager, et c. o r fi nd t he nam e
of t he person who p ost ed t he j ob.
• Never add a r ec ap o f res um e. Thi s i s a wast age of t h ei r t i m e; you’re
m aki ng t hem read s om et hi ng t wi ce.
• You shoul d not i nclude som et hi ng t hat wi l l m ake t hem t o deci de t o
NOT l ook at your r e sum e.
• It m ay consi st of 3 - 4 paragr aphs but pre ferabl e ar e 3.
• Lengt h of 1 s t paragr aph wi l l be onl y t hree l i nes; 2 n d wi l l be 5 t o 6 l i nes
and t hi rd wi l l be onl y 3 l i n es.
• These par agra phs wi l l be openi ng, acade m i c, body, concl usi on and l as t
one be r equest for a personal m e et i ng, t el l t hem when you ar e
avai l abl e. And ask t hem t o cont act you vi a phone or em ai l .

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