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Resiliensi Layanan

Beasiswa dan Pendanaan

Riset di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19
The Resilience of Scholarship Services and Research
Funding in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Laporan Tahunan 2020

2020 Annual Report
2 Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan
Dana Pendidikan
Laporan Tahunan 2020
Daftar Isi Lembaga Pengelola
Annual Education
Dana Pendidikan

Table of Content
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Daftar Isi
Table of Content

BAB Chapter 00 Mukadimah Opening BAB Chapter 04 Kebijakan Tata Kelola Governance Policy

A. Tema 05 I. Tata Kelola

K. Peristiwa Penting

Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 90 Pengembangan 113

BAB Chapter 01 Selayang Pandang Overview
Public Information Disclosure Vaksin Merah Putih
National Flagship
Kerjasama Kelembagaan 93 Vaccine Development
B. Tentang LPDP
About LPDP
D. Ringkasan Eksekutif
Executive Summary
Institutional Cooperation
Dukungan Program Kampus 114
Manajemen Risiko 106 Mengajar Perintis
C. Sambutan Direktur Utama
Message From The President Director
Risk Management Supports for Pioneering
Teaching Campus Program
Pemeriksaan Internal 106
BAB Chapter 02 Profil Profile Internal Audit PMK Organisasi Baru 114
PMK New Organizational Structure
Survei Kepuasan Publik 109

Public Satisfaction Survey
E. Profil Organisasi 29 Sumber Daya Manusia 41 Dari Alumni 115
Organization Profile Human Resources Untuk Indonesia

J. Modernisasi Kantor 111 From Alumni To Indonesia

Visi dan Misi
Vision and Mission
F. Struktur Pimpinan
Top Management Structure
44 Office Modernization
Alumni untuk Indonesia 115
Alumni for Indonesia
Nilai-Nilai 30 Dewan Penyantun 44
Values Board of Trustees BAB Chapter 05 Ikhtisar Laporan Keuangan Summary of Financial Statements

Perilaku Utama 32 Dewan Pengawas 47

Main Behavior Supervisory Board
M. Ikhtisar Laporan Keuangan
Financial Statements Overview
120 Catatan atas
Laporan Keuangan

Struktur Organisasi 34 Direksi dan Manajemen 51 Notes to Financial Statements

Organizational Structure Directors and Management Laporan Realisasi Anggaran 120
Budget Realization Report

BAB Chapter 03 Kilas Kinerja Performance Report

Laporan Perubahan 121
Saldo Anggaran Lebih

G. Program Layanan
Service Program
H. Kinerja Layanan
Service Performance
67 Changes in Over-balanced

Laporan Operasional 123

Layanan Pengembangan 62 Dana Abadi Pendidikan 67 Operational Report
Dana Abadi Pendidikan Endowment Fund for Education
Services for Developing Laporan Arus Kas 124
Endowment Fund for Education Layanan Investasi 68 Cash Flow Statement
Investment Service
Layanan Beasiswa 64 Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas 125
Scholarship Service Statement of Changes in Equity
4 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Mukadimah Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Siklus Ikan Salmon
The Salmon’s Circle

Siklus hidup seekor ikan The life cycle of a salmon fish
salmon terdiri dari beberapa consists of several phases
fase yang menakjubkan that are amazing and full of
dan penuh dengan filosofi philosophies of resilience.
perjuangan. Siklus tersebut The cycle is in line with the
sejalan dengan semangat spirit carried by the LPDP.
yang diemban oleh LPDP. A salmon fish is born and
Seekor ikan salmon lahir dan grows in freshwater. When
tumbuh di air tawar. Ketika old enough, a salmon will
cukup umur, seekor ikan migrate to the ocean.
salmon akan bermigrasi ke Then, it will migrate back
air laut. Ikan salmon akan and swim against the
kembali dan melawan arus current, back into the
menuju air tawar untuk freshwater to breed.
berkembang biak.

Hal tersebut menganalogikan This is in line with how

bagaimana LPDP membantu LPDP helps the nation’s
putra-putri terbaik bangsa best sons and daughters
untuk menempuh pendidikan to study in many places
di berbagai penjuru dunia of the world and provides
dan memberikan tempat a place back in Indonesia
kembali di Indonesia to devote themselves. In
untuk mengabdikan diri. addition, the persistence
Selain itu, kegigihan ikan of salmon against the
salmon melawan arus current represents LPDP’s
merepresentasikan tekad determination to continue
LPDP untuk terus membantu to help and protect each
dan mengayomi setiap scholarship recipient so
penerima beasiswa agar tetap that they can continue to
bisa meraih mimpi dalam achieve despite the various
berbagai tantangan, termasuk challenges, including during
pada masa pandemi. the COVID-19 pandemic.
6 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Selayang Pandang
melalui Pendidikan

Devotion through Education

Fase hidup seekor ikan The life phase of a salmon

salmon bermula saat fish begins when it is born in
terlahir di air tawar sebelum fresh water before venturing
berpetualang jauh ke lautan deep into the ocean and
dan kembali ke air tawar returning to the freshwater
untuk bibit unggul. Hal ini to give birth to superior
mengibaratkan putra-putri seeds. This is like the nation’s
bangsa yang menempuh sons and daughters who
pendidikan ke penjuru dunia are educated globally and
dan kembali ke tanah air return to their homeland to
untuk mengabdikan diri. devote themselves.
8 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

B. Tentang LPDP
About LPDP

Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan

(LPDP) merupakan satuan kerja non-
eselon pada Kementerian Keuangan
yang menerapkan Pola Pengelolaan
Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU)
dan mengelola Dana Abadi Pendidikan
(DAP) sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan
perundang-undangan. Definisi organisasi
ini diatur pada pasal 1 angka 4 Peraturan
Presiden Nomor 12 tahun 2019 tentang
Dana Abadi Pendidikan.

Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Dana Abadi Pendidikan (DAP) The Education Endowment Fund (DAP)
yang dikelola LPDP adalah dana managed by LPDP is an enduring fund
Agency is a non-echelon work unit at the Ministry yang bersifat abadi untuk menjamin to ensure the continuity of education
keberlangsungan program pendidikan programs for the next generation that
of Finance that implements the Financial bagi generasi berikutnya yang tidak cannot be used for spending (article
dapat digunakan untuk belanja (pasal 1 number 1 of Presidential Regulation
Management Pattern of the Public Service Agency 1 angka 1 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Number 12 of 2020). The Endowment
tahun 2019). Dana Abadi Pendidikan dapat Fund for Education can be sourced from
(BLU) and manages the Education Endowment bersumber dari Dana Pengembangan the National Education Development
Pendidikan Nasional (DPPN) termasuk Fund (DPPN) including its accumulation,
Fund (DAP) in accordance with the provisions of akumulasinya, pendapatan investasi, investment income, and/or other
dan/atau sumber lain yang sah. legitimate sources.
the legislation. The definition of this organization Hasil investasi dana abadi pendidikan The investment results of the education

is regulated in Article 1 point 4 of Presidential diperlakukan sebagai Pendapatan Negara

Bukan Pajak (PNBP) dan digunakan
endowment fund are treated as Non-Tax
State Revenue (PNBP) and are used to

Regulation Number 12 of 2020 concerning the untuk membiayai 2 layanan utama LPDP
yakni Layanan Beasiswa untuk jenjang
finance the LPDP’s two main services,
namely Scholarship Services for Masters

Education Endowment Fund. pendidikan Magister dan Doktoral serta

Layanan Pendanaan Riset untuk riset
and Doctoral education levels and
Research Funding Services for commercial
komersial dan/atau implementatif. and/or research implementation.
10 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

C. Sambutan Direktur Utama

Message From The President Director

Rionald Silaban
Plt. Direktur Utama
(Acting Official)
President Director

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy

Wabarokatuh and blessings

Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua Greetings of prosperity to all of us Namo

Nammo Buddaya Salam Kebajikan. Buddhaya, Greetings of Benevolence.

Dengan segenap berkah dan rahmat dari With all the blessings and graces from
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dengan bangga God Almighty, we are proud to present
kami hadirkan kembali Laporan Tahunan this 2020 Annual Report of the Indonesia
Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan Endowment Fund for Education Agency
Tahun 2020 ini kepada seluruh pemangku to all stakeholders, as well as to all
kepentingan, serta kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesian people as the ultimate
Indonesia sebagai ultimate stakeholder stakeholder and recipient of services
pengguna layanan yang diberikan instansi provided by public sector agencies in
sektor publik di Indonesia. Indonesia.

Laporan Tahunan Lembaga Pengelola This 2020 Annual Report of the Indonesia
Dana Pendidikan Tahun 2020 ini Endowment Fund for Education Agency
mengangkat tema Resiliensi Layanan is themed The Resilience of Scholarship
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan Riset di Tengah Service and Research Funding in the Midst
Pandemi COVID-19. of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kinerja yang tinggi merupakan produk High performance is the product of

dari organisasi yang kuat, dan organisasi a strong organization, and a strong
publik yang kuat tidak lain adalah produk public organization is nothing but the
dari regulasi yang kuat. Pada tahun 2020, product of strong regulation. In 2020, the
penguatan organisasi LPDP dicapai strengthening of the LPDP organization was
dengan ditetapkannya Peraturan Presiden achieved with the stipulation of Presidential
Nomor 12 tahun 2019 tentang Dana Abadi Regulation No. 12 of 2019 concerning the
Pendidikan. Peraturan ini secara umum Education Endowment Fund. This regulation
mengatur mengenai struktur baru Dewan generally manages the new structure of
Penyantun serta Dewan Pengawas, the Board of Trustees and the Supervisory
definisi serta komposisi dari Dana Board, the definition and composition of
Abadi Pendidikan, serta tata kelola Dana the Education Endowment Fund, and the
Abadi Pendidikan tersebut. Peraturan management of the Education Endowment
Presiden tersebut secara tegas Fund. The Presidential Regulation explicitly
memperkuat posisi LPDP sebagai strengthens LPDP’s position as the manager
pengelola dana abadi di Indonesia, of endowments in Indonesia, which at
yang sekaligus dapat meningkatkan the same time can improve the quality of
kualitas layanan LPDP kedepannya. LPDP’s services in the future.
12 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Selain dari sisi penguatan regulasi, Apart from strengthening regulations, 2020 sejumlah 280 orang. LPDP juga the Teaching Campus Program initiated
LPDP juga melakukan penguatan dari LPDP also strengthens operational mendanai Program Kampus Mengajar by the Ministry of Education and
sisi teknis operasional. LPDP berkomitmen technical aspects. LPDP is committed yang diinisiasi oleh Kementerian Culture with a total of 2,389 scholarship
untuk beradaptasi secara berkelanjutan to adapting sustainably to technological Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dengan recipients. This collaboration will be
terhadap disrupsi teknologi dan persepsi disruptions and public perceptions of jumlah penerima beasiswa sebesar implemented in order to expand the
masyarakat pengguna layanan yang service users, the majority of whom are 2.389 orang. Kolaborasi ini akan menjadi benefits of endowment management
mayoritas adalah kalangan milenial, millennials, by modernizing our service dilaksanakan dalam rangka memperluas so that it can be accessed equitably.
dengan melakukan modernisasi atas offices. LPDP moved offices in March manfaat pengelolaan dana abadi sehingga In addition, on-going students who
kantor layanan. LPDP telah melakukan 2019, from the office at the Ali Wardhana dapat diakses secara merata. Selain are currently studying at home and
perpindahan kantor pada bulan Building to the Danadyaksa Building itu, Mahasiswa On Going yang sedang overseas under scholarship funding
Maret 2019, dari kantor di Gedung Ali in the Cikini area, Central Jakarta. The menjalankan studi di dalam dan luar from LPDP as of December 31, 2020,
Wardhana ke Gedung Danadyaksa di new LPDP office is designed according negeri dalam pembiayaan beasiswa totaled 7,988 people.
bilangan Cikini, Jakarta Pusat. Kantor baru to the open office concept, which dari LPDP per 31 Desember 2020
LPDP didesain sesuai konsep open office, fully supports the collaboration and sejumlah 7.988 orang. The number of LPDP alumni as of
yang mendukung penuh proses kolaborasi synergy process, and gives a positive December 31, 2020 is 12,597 people.
dan sinergitas, serta memberikan kesan impression that the LPDP organization Adapun jumlah alumni LPDP per 31 LPDP alumni are now scattered in
positif bahwa organisasi LPDP adalah is an open, transparent, and trustworthy Desember 2020 adalah 12.597 orang. various public and private institutions,
organisasi yang terbuka, transparan, dan organization in managing the Education Alumni LPDP saat ini telah tersebar contributing to the country in their
amanah dalam menjalankan pengelolaan Endowment Fund. pada berbagai institusi publik dan privat, respective fields of duty and expertise.
Dana Abadi Pendidikan. berkontribusi pada negeri dalam bidang LPDP alumni through the Mata Garuda
With the strengthening of regulations tugas dan keahliannya masing-masing. organization actively approach the
Dengan penguatan regulasi dan and office modernization, our service Alumni LPDP melalui organisasi community and organize activities
modernisasi kantor, kinerja layanan performance also improved in 2020. Mata Garuda secara aktif mendekati that are beneficial to the surrounding
juga mengalami peningkatan pada Accumulatively, the amount of the masyarakat dan menyelenggarakan environment, both at the regional and
tahun 2020. Secara akumulatif, jumlah Endowment Fund managed by LPDP as kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi national level.
Dana Abadi yang dikelola LPDP per 31 of December 31, 2020 is IDR 70,107 Trillion. lingkungan disekitarnya baik di level
Desember 2020 adalah Rp70,107 Triliun. The DPPN is managed by investing in daerah maupun secara nasional. In terms of Research Funding Services,
DPPN ini dikelola dengan diinvetasikan various low and medium risk investment LPDP has signed funding for 60
pada berbagai instrumen investasi instruments such as time deposits, Dari sisi Layanan Pendanaan Riset, LPDP new research titles and 18 follow-
berisiko rendah dan menengah seperti government bonds, and state-owned telah menandatangani pendanaan untuk up contracts. Research funded by
deposito, obligasi SBN, dan obligasi enterprises bonds. The results of DPPN 60 judul riset baru dan 18 kontrak lanjutan. LPDP is research that is competitive,
BUMN. Hasil pengelolaan DPPN diakui management are recognized as Non- Riset yang dibiayai LPDP adalah riset yang mandatory, inviting, and international
sebagai Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak Tax State Revenue (PNBP). In 2020, the bersifat kompetisi, mandatori, invitasi, collaboration. Research innovation is a
(PNBP). Pada tahun 2020, realisasi PNBP realization of PNBP reached IDR 3.909 dan kolaborasi internasional. Inovasi prerequisite for a developing nation to
mencapai Rp3,909 Triliun. Realisasi ini trillion. This realization was achieved by penelitian merupakan prasyarat suatu become a developed country, and LPDP
tercapai 104,73% dari target PNBP tahun 104.73% of the PNBP target in 2020. This negara berkembang menjadi negara is committed to realizing this vision
2020, ini merupakan wujud kinerja dan is a form of LPDP’s performance and maju, dan LPDP berkomitmen ikut through sustainable research funding.
komitmen LPDP dalam meningkatkan commitment in increasing the yield on mewujudkan visi tersebut dengan
pendanaan riset berkelanjutan. Human resources are an important
imbal hasil pengelolaan Dana Abadi yang the management of the Endowment Fund factor in responding to Indonesia’s
diamanahkan kepada LPDP. which is mandated to LPDP. Sumber daya manusia adalah faktor current and future challenges. The
Pada tahun 2020 di tengah adanya In 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, penting dalam rangka menjawab world continues to change so that it is
pandemi secara global, layanan beasiswa scholarship services as one of the tantangan Indonesia yang ada saat ini dan important to create future generations
sebagai salah satu komitmen pemerintah government’s commitments to create di masa yang akan datang. Dunia terus of nations who have global knowledge
untuk menciptakan sumber daya superior Indonesian human resources berubah sehingga menciptakan generasi and the ability to adapt. In this case,
manusia Indonesia yang unggul tetap continued to be implemented in a limited masa depan bangsa yang memiliki LPDP is one of the public sector
dilaksanakan secara terbatas. LPDP manner. LPDP conducts selection and pengetahuan global dan kemampuan organizations that seeks to implement
melakukan seleksi dan rekrutmen recruitment of scholarships by adapting untuk beradaptasi menjadi hal yang these goals by continuing to provide
beasiswa dengan beradaptasi melalui simplification in the selection business penting untuk dilaksakan. Dalam hal ini, support for the development of superior
penyederhanaan proses bisnis seleksi. process. The number of scholarship LPDP sebagai salah satu organisasi sektor Indonesian human resources. LPDP
Jumlah penerima beasiswa yang recipients who have passed the selection publik yang berupaya melaksanakan can carry out its vision optimally with
dinyatakan lolos seleksi pada tahun in 2020 is 280 people. LPDP also funded tujuan tersebut dengan terus memberikan the support and synergy of various
14 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

D. Ringkasan Eksekutif
dukungan untuk pengembangan sumber parties. For that, we sincerely convey our
daya manusia Indonesia yang unggul. gratitude to all those who have supported
Executive Summary
LPDP dapat melaksanakan visinya secara the implementation of LPDP’s duties and
maksimal dengan dukungan dan sinergi functions during 2020. We also extend our
1. Dana Abadi Pendidikan 1. Education Endowment Fund
dari berbagai pihak. Untuk itu, dengan sincere appreciation to all LPDP leaders
(berupa DPPN) (in the form of DPPN)
tulus kami sampaikan ucapan terima kasih and employees who work with great
kepada seluruh pihak yang mendukung sincerity and high dedication in an effort Dana Abadi yang dikelola LPDP per 31 Perpetual Funds managed by LPDP as of
pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi LPDP to realize LPDP’s vision and mission; to Desember 2020 berjumlah Rp70,107 Triliun. December 31, 2020 amounted to IDR 70,107
selama tahun 2020. Penghargaan yang give birth to superior human resources Jumlah tersebut adalah akumulasi dari Trillion. This amount is the accumulation of
tulus juga kami sampaikan kepada that will drive the nation forward. DPPN sejak 2010 dan Dana Abadi lainnya DPPN since 2010 and other Endowments
seluruh jajaran pimpinan serta pegawai yang dititipkan kepada LPDP. that have been deposited with LPDP.
LPDP yang bekerja dengan penuh Thank you.
kesungguhan serta dedikasi yang Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi Dana Abadi yang dikelola LPDP saat The Endowment Fund managed by the
tinggi dalam upaya mewujudkan visi dan wabarakatuh ini terdiri dari 4 jenis yakni Dana LPDP currently consists of 4 types, namely:
misi LPDP, mewujudkan visi Abadi Pendidikan (DPPN) sebesar The Education Endowment Fund (DPPN) of
SDM Unggul Indonesia Maju. Rp61,1 Triliun, Dana Abadi Penelitian IDR 61.1 Trillion, the Research Endowment
sebesar Rp4,99 Triliun, Dana Abadi Fund of IDR. 4.99 Trillion, the Higher
Terima kasih. Perguruan Tinggi sejumlah Rp3 Triliun, Education Endowment Fund of IDR. 3
Wassalamualaikum Warrohmatullahi serta dicairkan juga Dana Abadi Trillion, and the already-disbursed Cultural
Wabarokatuh Kebudayaan sebesar Rp1 Triliun. Endowment Fund of IDR 1 Trillion.

Uraian Jumlah Dana Abadi (Rupiah) Realisasi Pencairan

Description Amount of Endowment (IDR) Disbursement Realization

Akumulasi per 31 Des 2019

Accumulation as of 31 Dec 2019

Pencairan pada tahun 2020 Desember 2020

Disbursement in 2020 Desember 2020

Akumulasi per 31 Desember 2020

Accumulation as of December 31, 2020

16,00 80,00
14,00 70,00
12,00 60,00
Dana Trilliun Rp
10,00 50,00
IDR Trillion Fund
8,00 40,00
6,00 30,00
DPPN 4,00 20,00
2,00 10,00
Dana Abadi
Penelitian 0,00 0,00
Research 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Dana Abadi
Perguruan Tinggi 1,00 2,6177 7,00 5,00 5,00 10,50 15,00 5,00 10,00
College Endowment
Dana Abadi
Kebudayaan 3,00
Culture Endowment
1,00 3,6177 10,6177 15,6177 15,6177 15,6177 20,61,77 31,1177 46,1177 51,1177 70,1077
16 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

2. Layanan Investasi 2. Investment Service Ringkasan portofolio LPDP per 31 The summary of the LPDP portfolio as
Desember 2020 dapat diikhtisarkan of December 31, 2020 can be
Per 31 Desember tahun 2020 realisasi As of December 31, 2020, the realization sebagai berikut: summarized as follows:
PNBP sebesar Rp3,909 Triliun dari target of PNBP was IDR 3.909 trillion from
Rp3,73 Triliun dengan annualized yield the target of IDR 3.73 trillion with an
7,65% p.a. dari target yield tahun 2020 annualized yield of 7.65% p.a. from the Uraian Portofolio Per 31 Desember 2020
No %
Description Portfolio As of December 31, 2020
sebesar 6,75% p.a. Rincian realisasi PNBP 2020 yield target of 6.75% p.a. The details
tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: of the PNBP realization are as follows: Deposito
1 38.880.012.090.382,70 52,77%

Uraian Realisasi PNBP Per 31 Des 2020 Obligasi Surat Berharga Negara
No % 2 32.161.937.909.617,00 43,65%
Description Realization of PNBP Per 31 Dec 2020 Government Securities

Pendapatan Deposito Obligasi BUMN

1 2.236.493.832.672,24 57,21% 3 2.637.000.000.000,00 3,58%
Deposit Income SOE Bonds

Pendapatan Giro Total 73.678.949.999.999,70 100,00%

2 1.050.327.103,03 0,03%
Current Account Income
Pokok Dana Abadi
Endowment Principal
Pendapatan Surat Berharga Negara
3 1.440.743.399.976,41 36,86% Saldo Pendapatan (yang direinvestasi)
Government Securities Revenue 3.571.249.999.999,70
Income Balance (reinvested)

Pendapatan Obligasi Korporasi

4 230.956.500.000,00 5,91%
Corporate Bond Income
3. Layanan Beasiswa 3. Scholarship Service

Total 3.909.244.059.751,68 100,00% Penerima layanan beasiswa LPDP dari LPDP scholarship service recipients from
tahun 2013 hingga 31 Desember 2020 2013 to December 31, 2020 cumulatively
secara akumulatif berjumlah 27.995 orang. numbered 27,995 people. The details of
Rincian penerima beasiswa tersebut the scholarship recipients according to
Uraian Jumlah PNBP % Yield % terhadap Target menurut programnya adalah: the program are:
Description Total PNBP % Yield % of Target

Target tahun 2020

3.732.568.161.000,00 6,75% Penerima Penerima Grand
Target tahun 2020
Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Total
Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 Tahun 2020 (orang)
Capaian 1 Jan s.d. 31 Des 2020 Scholarship Type Scholarship Scholarship Grand
3.909.244.059.751,68 7,65% 104,73%
Capaian 1 Jan s.d. 31 Des 2020 Recipients 2010- Recipients Total
2019 2020 (people)

Full Scholarships
22.721 278 22.999
Full Scholarships

Beasiswa Afirmasi
5.634 5.634
Affirmation Scholarship
4,00 3,91
3,61 Beasiswa Alumni Bidik Misi
2.302 2.302
Scholarship for Alumni of Bidik Misi
Beasiswa Daerah Afirmasi
1.635 1.635
Scholarship for Affirmative Region

2,00 1,84 Beasiswa Indonesia Timur (BIT)

1,67 1,81
1,53 332 332
1,43 Eastern Indonesia Scholarship (BIT)

1,00 0,99 Beasiswa Pengabdian 3T

PNPB per Tahun 0,43 76 76
3T Devotion Scholarship
(Trilyun Rp)

Beasiswa Penyandang Disabilitas

PNBP per year 16 16
Scholarship for Diffable
(Trillion IDR) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
18 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Penerima Penerima Grand Penerima Penerima Grand

Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Total Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Total
Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 Tahun 2020 (orang) Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 Tahun 2020 (orang)
Scholarship Type Scholarship Scholarship Grand Scholarship Type Scholarship Scholarship Grand
Recipients 2010- Recipients Total Recipients 2010- Recipients Total
2019 2020 (people) 2019 2020 (people)

Beasiswa Prasejahtera Berprestasi CoFunding

799 799 39 2 31
Scholarship for Underprivileged Students CoFunding

Beasiswa Prestasi Nasional/Internasional Disertasi

162 162 677 677
National/International Achievement Scholarship Disertation

Beasiswa Santri Tesis

293 293 1.302 1.302
Santri Scholarship Thesis

Beasiswa Sektor Strategis Beasiswa Top Up

16 16 187 187
Strategic Sector Scholarship Top Up Scholarship

Tematik Program Kampus Mengajar Perintis

3 3 2.389 2389
Thematic Pioneer Teaching Campus Program*

Beasiswa Targeted Akumulasi Penerima Beasiswa

4.824 232 5.056 24.926 3.069 27.995
Targeted Scholarship Partial Scholarships

1.430 1.430
Scholarship for State Apparatuses
Statistik penerima beasiswa dari tahun Statistics of scholarship recipients from
Beasiswa Prestasi Olimpiade
14 14
2013 s.d. akhir Desember 2020 secara 2013 to the end of December 2020 can
International Olympic Scholarship
lebih ringkas dapat dijabarkan dalam be more concisely described in the
Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia (BUDI) tabel sebagai berikut: following table:
3.380 3.380

Beasiswa Pendidik Dosen Jenis Beasiswa

202 202 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Lecturer Educator Scholarship Types of Scholarships

Beasiswa Pendidik Guru Beasiswa Penuh

30 30
Teacher Educator Scholarship Full Scholarship

Beasiswa Umum Beasiswa Umum

12.154 46 12.200 1.008 1.884 3.437 3.178 1.055 522 1.070 46 12.200
General Scholarship General Scholarship

Beasiswa Dokter Spesialis Beasiswa Targetted

594 1 595 2.168 353 701 1.602 232 5.056
Medical Speciality Scholarship Targeted Scholarship

Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Utama Dunia Beasiswa Afirmasi

34 45 79
World’s Top College Scholarships Affirmation 26 672 949 1.174 502 483 1.828 5.634
Beasiswa Reguler
11.526 11.526
Regular Scholarship BPRI
109 109
Beasiswa Presiden Republik Indonesia
109 109
President of the Republic of Indonesia Scholarship Partial Scholarship
Partial Scholarship
Partial Scholarships
2.205 402 2.607
Partial Scholarships Beasiswa Umum
521 122 235 662 224 83 171 2 2.020
General Scholarship
Beasiswa Targetted
0 400 400
Targeted Scholarship Beasiswa Targetted
400 400
Targeted Scholarship
Beasiswa Bantuan Pendidikan Doktor (Dosen)
0 379 379
Doctoral Education Assistance Scholarship (Lecturer) Top Up
97 30 23 37 187
Top Up
Beasiswa Bantuan Pendidikan Magister
0 21 21
Masters Education Assistance Scholarship KMP
2.389 2.389
Beasiswa Umum
2.018 2 2.020
General Scholarship Total 1.555 2.884 4.651 7.205 2.171 1.789 4.671 3.069 27.995
20 Lembaga Pengelola
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Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

LPDP dalam hal ini mendukung LPDP in this case supports the Pioneer
program Kampus Mengajar Perintis Teaching Campus program from the 90
dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Ministry of Education and Culture by
80 500.00
Kebudayaan dengan membiayai 2.389 funding 2,389 scholarship recipients
orang mahasiswa penerima beasiswa for the program. The details of 280
untuk program tersebut. Adapun rincian scholarship recipients from the selection 60
280 orang penerima beasiswa hasil results from October to November
seleksi bulan Oktober s.d. November 2020 which has been determined in 300.00
2020 yang telah ditetapkan pada December 2020 consists of:
Desember 2020 terdiri atas: 30 200.00


202 30 1 45 2
Orang Orang Orang Orang Orang
People People Person People People
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Nov 20
Kontrak Baru
Beasiswa Beasiswa Pendidik Guru Beasiswa Dokter Spesialis Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Beasiswa Co Funding New Contracts
Pendidik Dosen Teacher Educator Specialist Doctor Peringkat Utama Dunia Co-Funding Scholarship
Lecturer Educator Scholarship Scholarship World’s Top Ranking Kontrak Nilau Baru 7 26 25 22 21 24 94 60
Scholarship University Scholarship (Milyar Rp)
New Contract Value 7,52 113,41 15,48 14,23 20,51 53,57 250,79 497.71
(Billion IDR)

Selain itu, pada tahun 2020 LPDP Additionally, in 2020 LPDP set 18 follow-
menetapkan 18 kontrak lanjutan dengan up contracts with funding of IDR
pendanaan Rp79.672.956.174,00. 79,672,956,174.00.

Adapun secara akumulatif, rincian In total, the details of the contract and
kontrak dan judul riset serta nilai kontrak research title as well as the value of the
pendanaannya adalah sebagai berikut: funding contract are as follows:

*ada Perjanjian
Kerja sama LPDP-
Judul Riset
Productive Skema Kontrak Jumlah Kontrak
untuk 5 tahun terkait
Number of
Innovative Scheme Contract Contract Value (IDR)
Research Funding Amount
nilai pendanaan untuk
tahun 2020 sebesar
Rp61 Milyar 112 147 299.005.769.545
Mahasiswa On Going yang sedang On Going students who are currently Kompetisi
*There’s a 5-year Competition
menjalankan studi di dalam dan luar studying at home and overseas under Implementatif
LPDP-Kemenristek/ 86 108 56.820.237.603
negeri dalam pembiayaan beasiswa dari scholarship funding from LPDP as of BRIN Cooperation
LPDP per 31 Desember 2020 sejumlah December 31, 2020, totaled 7,988 people. Agreement related to Molina
5 5 89.971.512.000
7.988 orang. Adapun jumlah alumni LPDP The number of LPDP alumni as of Molina
funding value for 2020
per 31 Desember 2020 adalah 12.597 orang December 31, 2020 is 12,597 people. of IDR 61 billion Ideathon
17 1 1.141.488.000
4. Layanan Pendanaan Riset 4. Research Funding Services Mandatory
Konsorsium COVID
293 1 117.823.425.000
COVID Consortium
A. Jumlah Proyek dan Pendanaan A. Number of Projects and Funding
Prioritas Riset Nasional
Secara akumulatif per 31 Desember 2020, Cumulatively as of December 31, 2020, 305 1 242.871.043.696
National Research Priority
LPDP telah menetapkan 892 proyek (judul LPDP has identified 892 projects (research
Kendaraan Listrik
riset) dengan nilai pendanaan Rp1,10 titles) with a funding value of IDR 1.10 Electric Vehicle
5 10 95.979.345.963

Triliun. Di tahun 2020, ada 60 kontrak baru trillion. In 2020, there were 60 new
Invitasi Farmasi dan Alkes
yang ditetapkan dengan nilai kontrak contracts assigned with a contract value of 33 33 112.333.932.000
Invitation Pharmacy and Medical Devices
Rp498.895.540.629,00. IDR 498,895,540,629.00.
Making Indonesia 4.0
23 23 55.932.837.278
Making Indonesia 4.0
22 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

a. Realisasi Belanja menurut Direktorat
Jumlah Judul Jumlah
Productive Actual Expenditure per Directorate
Skema Riset Kontrak Jumlah Kontrak
Scheme Number of Contract Contract Value (IDR)
Research Titles Amount
Realisasi Per
DIPI Sisa Anggaran
11 2 22.922.376.872 DIT Anggaran 31 Des 2020 % Realisasi
DIPI The Remaining
Kolaborasi Intl Directorate Budget Realization Realization
Core Collaboration Per 31 Dec 2020
JFS Southeast Asia - Europe
2 1 10.549.139.335
JFS Southeast Asia - Europe
Dit. KU
Jumlah Directorate of
892 332 1.105.351.107.292 87.799.513.000,00 50.974.498.459,00 36.825.014.541,00 58.06%
Amount Finance and General

B. Luaran Riset B. Research Output

Dari pelaksanaan Layanan Riset sejak From the implementation of Research Directorate
tahun 2013, LPDP telah menghasilkan Services since 2013, LPDP has produced of Services 7.877.241.000,00 1.802.532.011,00 6.074.708.989,00 22.88%
Development and
beberapa luaran HKI diantaranya: several IPR outputs including:
Risk Management

Uraian HKI Draft Pendaftaran Granted Total Dit. Investasi

IPR Description Draft Registration Granted Total Directorate of 4.877.922.000,00 2.981.859.403,00 1.896.062.597,00 61.13%
23 55 9 87
Patent Dit. Beasiswa
Directorate of,00 1.596.011.907.127,00 617.061.913.873,00 72.12%
Merek Scholarship
2 8 3 13
Dit. FRR
Directorate of
Desain Industri
13 6 2 21 Research and 514.658.029.000,00 371.092.831.806,00 143.565.197.194,00 72.10%
Industrial Design
Varietas Tanaman
0 0 1 1
Plant Varieties SPI
655.864.000,00 321.552.562,00 334.311.438,00 49.03%
Internal Audit Unit
Hak Cipta
1 14 12 27
Total 2.828.942.390.000,00,00 805.757.208.632,00 71.52%

Total 38 83 27 149

b. Realisasi Belanja Menurut Layanan

Dari luaran yang telah dicapai tersebut From the results that have been achieved
Actual Expenditure by Service
sampai dengan saat ini telah dihasikan up to now, the outcomes have been
outcomes berupa 15 produk teknologi, 15 technology products, 4 policies or
*dalam miliar Rp
4 kebijakan atau regulasi, 7 model tata regulations, 7 governance models, and 1 *in IDR billions Realisasi Per 31 Des
Uraian Anggaran % Realisasi
kelola, dan 1 standardisasi/sertifikasi. standardization/certification. Realization per 31
Description Budget % Realization
Dec 2020

5. Belanja Operasional 5. Operational Procurements Belanja Layanan

2.727,74 1.967,10 72.11%
Service Expenditure

Belanja LPDP per 31 Desember 2020 telah LPDP spending as of December 31, Beasiswa
2.213,08 1.596,01 72.12%
mencapai Rp2.,00 atau 2020 has reached IDR 2,023,185,181,368.00 Scholarship
71,52% dari anggaran belanja pada tahun or 71.52% of the 2020 budget of IDR
Layanan Beasiswa
2020 sebesar Rp2.828.947.640.000,00. 2,828,947,640,000.00. The details are 2.157,27 1.588,09 73.62%
Scholarship Service
Adapun rinciannya adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Operasional Beasiswa
55,81 7,92 14.20%
Scholarship Operational
24 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Selayang Pandang Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Realisasi Per 31 Des

Uraian Anggaran % Realisasi
Realization per 31
Description Budget % Realization
Dec 2020

514,66 371,09 72.10%

Layanan Riset
504,73 368,35 72.98%
Research Service

Operasional Riset
9,93 2,74 27.60%
Research Operational

Belanja Operasional
101,21 56,08 55.41%
Operational Procurements

Pengelolaan DPPN
4,88 2,98 61.13%
DPPN Management

Layanan Perkantoran
81,59 49,28 60.40%
Office Service

Dukungan Manajemen
14,45 3,76 26.05%
Management Support

Belanja Modal
0,29 0,06 0.00%
Capital Expenditure

Total 2.828,95 2.023,19 71.52%

Sebagai imbas dari adanya pandemi As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

COVID-19, beberapa pos belanja LPDP several LPDP expenditure posts
mengalami perubahan, belanja LPDP underwent changes, LPDP spending
pada akhir tahun hanya terealisasi at the end of the year only IDR
sebesar Rp2.,00 atau 2,023,185,181,368.00 or IDR 2.02 trillion
sebesar Rp2,02 Triliun (71,52% dari (71.52% of the 2020 budget). Although
anggaran tahun 2020). Meskipun angka the budget absorption rate has not
penyerapan anggaran belum maksimal, been maximized, LPDP still strives to
namun LPDP tetap berupaya menjaga ensure that all performance outputs
agar seluruh output kinerja dapat tercapai can be achieved optimally with
secara optimal dengan penyerapan efficient budget absorption.
anggaran yang efisien.
26 Lembaga Pengelola
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Profil Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Berawal dari

Starting from Perseverance

Seekor ikan salmon kemudian A salmon then grows and

tumbuh dan mulai aktif begins to actively swim up to
berenang hingga permukaan the surface of the water. This
air. Fase hidup ikan salmon ini life phase of a salmon fish
merepresentasikan ketekunan represents the perseverance
dan kegigihan putra-putri and tenacity of the nation’s
bangsa dalam menuntut ilmu children in studying and
dan mengembangkan cipta, developing their creativity,
rasa, dan karsanya. taste, and intention.
28 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

E. Profil Organisasi
Organization Profile

01. Visi dan Misi

Vision and Mission

Menjadi lembaga pengelola dana bertaraf

internasional guna menyiapkan SDM
Vision Indonesia yang berdaya saing global serta
mendorong inovasi bagi Indonesia yang
sejahtera, demokratis, dan berkeadilan.

To become an international standard fund

management institution in order to prepare
Indonesian human resources that are globally
competitive and encourage innovation for a
prosperous, democratic and fair Indonesia.

01. 02. 03.

Mempersiapkan pemimpin Menjamin Mendorong riset strategis
dan profesional masa keberlangsungan dan/atau inovatif yang
depan Indonesia melalui pendanaan pendidikan implementatif dan
pembiayaan pendidikan bagi generasi berikutnya menciptakan nilai tambah
melalui pengelolaan melalui pendanaan riset
Preparing Indonesia’s dana abadi pendidikan
future leaders and yang optimal Encouraging strategic
professionals through and/or innovative research
education financing Ensure the continuity of that is implementable
education funding for the and creates added value
next generation through through research funding
optimal management of
the education endowment
30 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

02. Nilai-Nilai

Nilai-nilai organisasi LPDP merupakan LPDP organizational values ​​are derived

turunan dari nilai-nilai Kementerian from the values of
​​ the Ministry of Finance
Keuangan yang dijabarkan sebagai berikut: which are described as follows:

a. Integritas b. Profesionalisme
Integrity Professionalism

Berpikir, berkata, berperilaku dan Bekerja tuntas dan akurat atas dasar
bertindak dengan baik dan benar serta kompetensi terbaik dengan penuh
memegang teguh kode etik dan prinsip- tanggung jawab dan komitmen
prinsip moral. yang tinggi.

Think, say, behave and act properly and Work thoroughly and accurately on the
correctly and uphold the code of ethics basis of the best competencies with full
and moral principles. responsibility and high commitment.

c. Sinergi d. Pelayanan
Synergy Service

Membangun dan memastikan hubungan Memberikan layanan yang memenuhi

kerjasama internal yang produktif serta kepuasan pemangku kepentingan
kemitraan yang harmonis dengan yang dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati,
para pemangku kepentingan, untuk transparan, cepat, akurat, dan aman.
menghasilkan karya yang bermanfaat
dan berkualitas. Providing services that meet stakeholder
satisfaction that are carried out
Build and ensure productive wholeheartedly, transparently, quickly,
internal cooperative relationships accurately, and safely.
and harmonious partnerships with
stakeholders, to produce useful and
quality work.

e. Kesempurnaan

Senantiasa melakukan upaya perbaikan

di segala bidang untuk menjadi dan
memberikan yang terbaik.

Always making efforts to improve in all

areas to be and provide the best.
32 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

03. Perilaku Utama • Memiliki sangka baik, saling percaya, • Menemukan dan melaksanakan
Main Behavior dan menghormati solusi terbaik
Have good thoughts, trust each other, Find and implement the best solution
and respect
• Bersikap jujur, tulus, • Menjaga martabat dan tidak • Berorientasi pada hasil yang
dan dapat dipercaya melakukan hal-hal tercela • Berkomunikasi dengan sikap terbuka memberikan nilai tambah
Be honest, sincere, and trustworthy Maintaining dignity to prevent dan menghargai perbedaan Result oriented that provides
despicable things Communicate with an open attitude added value
• Bertindak transparan dan konsisten and respect differences
Act transparently and consistently • Bertanggung jawab atas hasil kerja
Be responsible over work output

• Bersikap objektif
Be objective
• Melayani dengan berorientasi pada • Bersikap ramah dan santun
kepuasan pemangku kepentingan Be friendly and polite
Serve with an orientation to stakeholder • Bersikap proaktif dan cepat tanggap
satisfaction Be proactive and responsive
• Mempunyai keahlian dan • Bekerja cerdas, cepat, cermat, Pelayanan
pengetahuan yang luas dan tuntas Service • Menghindari arogansi kekuasaan
Have extensive skills and knowledge Work smart, fast, careful, and complete Avoid the arrogance of power

• Memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi • Bekerja dengan hati

Profesionalisme Have high self-confidence Work with heart
• Bekerja efisien dan efektif
Work efficiently and effectively
• Melakukan perbaikan terus-menerus • Mengembangkan inovasi dan kreativitas
Make continuous improvement Develop innovation and creativity

• Berwawasan ke depan dan adaptif • Peduli lingkungan

Forward-looking and adaptive Environmental care
34 Lembaga Pengelola
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Profil Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

4. Struktur Organisasi 4. Organizational Structure
Organisasi LPDP
Divisi Teknologi
Berdasarkan PMK 143/ Direktorat Keuangan dan
Divisi Pengelola Sumber Divisi Keuangan Informasi dan
PMK.01/2016 tentang Dasar hukum tata kerja dan The legal basis for the work procedure and Umum
Division of Finance
Daya Manusia dan Umum
OTK LPDP organisasi LPDP adalah Peraturan organization of the LPDP is the Minister Directorate of Finance and
Organisasi Division of
General Affairs
Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 143/ of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 143/ Division of Human Information
Resources and Organization Technology and
LPDP Organizational PMK.01/2016 tentang Organisasi dan PMK.01/2016 concerning the Organization
General Affairs
Tata Kerja LPDP. Dalam melaksanakan and Work Procedure of the LPDP. In
Based on PMK
143/PMK.01/2016 tugasnya, LPDP bertanggung jawab carrying out its duties, LPDP is responsible
regarding OTK LPDP kepada Menteri Keuangan melalui to the Minister of Finance through the
Sekretaris Jenderal. Secretary General.

Divisi Kerjasama dan Divisi Kepatuhan

Direktorat Pengembangan Divisi Perencanaan dan
Dewan Pengawas Layanan dan Manajemen
Komunikasi dan Manajemen
Pengembangan Layanan
Division of Risiko
Board of Supervisors Resiko Division of Planning and
Cooperation and Division of
Directorate of Services Services Development
Communication Compliance and Risk
Development and Risk

Divisi Pengelolaan
Dewan Penyantun Direktur Utama Direktorat Investasi Divisi Inisiasi dan Analisis
Board of Trustees President Director Directorate of Investment Division of
Division of Initiation and
Investment Analysis

Kelompok Jabatan
Group of Functional

Divisi Pelayanan dan Divisi Pengelolaan

Divisi Rekrutmen dan
Direktorat Beasiswa Evaluasi Beasiswa Alumni dan Talenta
Satuan Pemeriksaan Seleksi Beasiswa
Directorate of Scholarship Division of Division of Alumni
Internal Division of Recruitment and
Scholarship Services and Talents
Internal Auditor Scholarship Selection
& Evaluation Management

Divisi Pelayanan
Direktorat Fasilitas Riset Divisi Seleksi Riset dan
Riset dan
Directorate of Research Rehabilitasi
Facilitation Division of Research and
Division of Research
Rehabilitation Selection
and Rehabilitation
36 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Susunan Organisasi LPDP sesuai The organizational structure of the LPDP tugas menyusun perencanaan preparing planning and budgeting,
dengan PMK Nomor 143/PMK.01/2016 is in accordance with PMK Number 143/ dan penganggaran, melaksanakan implementing service development
tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja PMK.01/2016 concerning the Organization and pengembangan layanan dan proses and business processes, collaboration,
Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan Work Procedures of Indonesia Endowment bisnis, kerjasama, komunikasi dan communication and information
terdiri atas: Fund for Education Agency consisting of: layanan informasi, manajemen services, risk management, compliance
risiko, pengelolaan kepatuhan, dan management, and coordinating the
1. Direktorat Keuangan dan Umum 1. Directorate of Finance and General Affairs koordinasi penyusunan peraturan preparation of internal regulations and
Direktorat Keuangan dan Umum The Directorate of Finance and General internal serta pertimbangan hukum legal considerations of the LPDP. The
mempunyai tugas melaksanakan Affairs has the task of carrying out HR and LPDP. Direktorat Pengembangan Directorate of Service Development
pengelolaan SDM dan organisasi, organizational, financial and accounting Layanan dan Manajemen Risiko terdiri and Risk Management consists of 3
pengelolaan keuangan dan akuntansi, management, information technology, atas 3 (tiga) divisi yaitu: (three) divisions, namely:
pengelolaan teknologi informasi, serta and general affairs management at
pengelolaan urusan umum pada LPDP. the LPDP. The Directorate of Finance
• Divisi Perencanaan dan • The Service Planning and
Direktorat Keuangan dan Umum terdiri and General Affairs consists of 3 (three)
Pengembangan Layanan mempunyai Development Division is in control
atas 3 (tiga) divisi yaitu: divisions, namely:
tugas penyiapan bahan dan of preparing materials and compiling
penyusunan kebijakan teknis, technical policies, preparing business
• Divisi Pengelolaan Sumber • The Division of Human Resources
penyusunan rencana strategis strategic plans, business plans and
Daya Manusia dan Organisasi and Organizational Management
bisnis, rencana bisnis dan anggaran annual budgets, work plans and work
mempunyai tugas penyiapan has the task of preparing materials
tahunan, rencana kerja dan unit budgets, implementing service
bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan and compiling technical policies,
anggaran satuan kerja, pelaksanaan and business process development,
teknis, pelaksanaan perencanaan, implementing planning, recruitment
pengembangan layanan dan proses monitoring and evaluating
rekrutmen dan seleksi, and selection, placement,
bisnis, pelaksanaan monitoring implementation as well as reporting
penempatan, pengembangan, dan development, and maintenance of
dan evaluasi serta, pelaporan atas on the implementation of planning
pemeliharaan SDM, pengelolaan HR, management and organizational
pelaksanaan kegiatan perencanaan activities. and service development.
dan pengembangan organisasi, development, performance
dan pengembangan layanan.
pengelolaan kinerja, dan pelaporan management, and reporting on • The Division of Cooperation
atas pelaksanaan kegiatan the implementation of HR and • Divisi Kerjasama dan Komunikasi and Communication is in charge
pengelolaan SDM dan organisasi. organizational management activities. mempunyai tugas penyiapan of preparing materials and
bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan formulating technical policies,
• Divisi Keuangan mempunyai tugas • The Finance Division is in charge of
teknis, pelaksanaan kerjasama implementing cooperation and
penyiapan bahan dan penyusunan preparing materials and compiling
dan komunikasi, pengelolaan communication, managing
kebijakan teknis, pelaksanaan technical policies, implementing
layanan informasi, serta pelaporan information services, and reporting
pengelolaan keuangan, setelmen, financial management, settlement,
atas pelaksanaan kegiatan on the implementation of cooperation
sistem dan prosedur akuntansi, serta accounting systems and procedures,
kerjasama dan komunikasi. and communication activities.
pelaporan atas pelaksanaan kegiatan as well as reporting on the
keuangan dan akuntansi. implementation of financial and • Divisi Kepatuhan dan Manajemen • The Compliance and Risk
accounting activities. Risiko mempunyai tugas penyiapan Management Division has the
• Divisi Teknologi Informasi dan Umum
bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan task of preparing materials and
mempunyai tugas penyiapan bahan • The Information Technology and
teknis pengelolaan kepatuhan dan compiling technical policies for
dan penyusunan kebijakan teknis, General Division is responsible of
manajemen risiko, perumusan dan compliance management and risk
penyiapan bahan dan penyusunan preparing materials and compiling
penelaahan rancangan peraturan management, formulating and
kebijakan teknis, pengelolaan dan technical policies, managing and
perundang-undangan serta reviewing draft laws and regulations
pengembangan teknologi informasi, developing information technology,
pertimbangan hukum dalam rangka as well as legal considerations in
pelaksanaan urusan umum, implementing general affairs,
penyelesaian masalah hukum the context of resolving legal issues
kerumahtanggaan dan pengelolaan housekeeping and managing State
yang berkaitan dengan tugas dan related to the duties and functions
Barang Milik Negara, dan pelaporan Property, and reporting on the
fungsi LPDP serta pelaporan atas of LPDP as well as reporting on
atas pelaksanaan kegiatan teknologi implementation of information
pelaksanaan kegiatan kepatuhan, the implementation of compliance
informasi dan umum. technology and general activities.
manajemen risiko dan hukum. activities, management risk and law.
2. Direktorat Pengembangan Layanan 2. Directorate of Service Development
dan Manajemen Risiko and Risk Management 3. Direktorat Investasi 3. Directorate of Investment
Direktorat Pengembangan Layanan The Directorate of Service Development Direktorat Investasi mempunyai The Directorate of Investment has
dan Manajemen Risiko mempunyai and Risk Management has the task of tugas melaksanakan perencanaan, the task of carrying out planning,
38 Lembaga Pengelola
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Profil Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

pengembangan investasi, inisiasi, investment development, initiation, dan penyusunan kebijakan teknis, and compiling technical policies,
analisis kelayakan, setelmen, feasibility analysis, settlement, pengelolaan pelayanan beasiswa, managing scholarship services,
monitoring dan evaluasi, pelaporan monitoring and evaluation, monitoring dan evaluasi, serta monitoring and evaluating, and
investasi, pengelolaan pendapatan investment reporting, other income pelaporan atas pelaksanaan tugas reporting on the implementation of
lainnya, dan koordinasi pengelolaan management, and asset and liability pelayanan beasiswa. scholarship service tasks.
asset dan kewajiban (asset and liability management coordination. The
management). Direktorat Investasi Directorate of Investment consists of • Divisi Pengelolaan Alumni • The Alumni and Talent Management
terdiri atas 2 (dua) divisi: 2 (two) divisions: dan Talenta mempunyai tugas Division has the task of preparing
penyiapan bahan dan penyusunan materials and formulating technical
kebijakan teknis, pengelolaan, serta policies, management, and reporting
• Divisi Inisiasi dan Analisis Investasi • The Investment Initiation and Analysis
pelaporan atas pelaksanaan tugas on the implementation of alumni and
mempunyai tugas penyiapan Division is responsible of preparing
pengelolaan alumni dan talenta. talent management tasks.
bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan materials and preparing technical
teknis serta rencana investasi, policies and investment plans,
5. Direktorat Fasilitasi Riset dan 5. Directorate of Research Facilitation and
pengembangan investasi, investment development, investment
Rehabilitasi Rehabilitation
pelaksanaan investasi dan analisis implementation and investment
Direktorat Fasilitasi Riset dan The Directorate of Research Facilitation
kelayakan investasi dan mitra, feasibility analysis and partners,
Rehabilitasi mempunyai tugas and Rehabilitation has the task
pelaksanaan analisis portofolio implementation of investment
melaksanakan penyusunan of carrying out the preparation of
investasi, dan pelaporan atas portfolio analysis, and reporting on the
rencana fasilitasi dan pendanaan, facilitation and funding plans, selection
pelaksanaan analisis investasi. implementation of investment analysis.
seleksi dan verifikasi proposal, and verification of proposals, services,
• Divisi Pengelolaan Investasi • The Investment Management pelayanan, monitoring dan evaluasi monitoring and evaluation of research
mempunyai tugas penyiapan Division has the task of preparing fasilitas dan pendanaan riset dan facilities and funding and rehabilitation
bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan materials and compiling technical rehabilitasi fasilitas pendidikan of educational facilities damaged by
teknis, pelaksanaan setelmen, policies, implementing settlements, yang rusak akibat bencana alam, natural disasters, as well as managing the
monitoring dan evaluasi, monitoring and evaluation, serta pengelolaan alih teknologi transfer of research technology results.
pelaporan atas pelaksanaan reporting on the implementation hasil riset. Direktorat Fasilitasi Riset The Directorate of Research Facilitation
tugas pengelolaan investasi dan of investment management and o dan Rehabilitasi terdiri atas 2 (dua) and Rehabilitation consists of 2 (two)
pengelolaan pendapatan lainnya, ther income management tasks, as divisi yakni: divisions, namely:
serta koordinasi pengelolaan aset well as coordinating asset and
dan kewajiban liability management. • Divisi Seleksi Riset dan Rehabilitasi • The Research and Rehabilitation
mempunyai tugas penyiapan Selection Division is responsible of
4. Direktorat Beasiswa 4. Directorate of Scholarship bahan dan penyusunan kebijakan preparing materials and compiling
Direktorat Beasiswa mempunyai The Directorate of Scholarship has teknis, pelaksanaan seleksi technical policies, implementing the
tugas melaksanakan penyusunan the task of carrying out the planning, dan verifikasi proposal riset selection and verification of research
rencana, pelaksanaan rekrutmen implementation of recruitment dan rehabilitasi, serta pelaporan and rehabilitation proposals, as well
dan seleksi, pembekalan, pelayanan, and selection, debriefing, services, atas pelaksanaan seleksi riset as reporting on the implementation of
monitoring dan evaluasi atas monitoring and evaluation of the dan rehabilitasi. research and rehabilitation selection.
pelaksanaan beasiswa, serta implementation of scholarships, as
pengelolaan alumni dan talenta. well as the management of alumni and • Divisi Pelayanan Riset dan • The Research and Rehabilitation
Direktorat Beasiswa terdiri atas 3 talents. The Directorate of Scholarship Rehabilitasi mempunyai tugas Services Division is in charge of
(tiga) divisi yakni: consists of 3 (three) divisions, namely: penyiapan bahan dan penyusunan preparing materials and formulating
kebijakan teknis, pelaksanaan technical policies, implementing
pelayanan fasilitasi dan research and rehabilitation facilitation
• Divisi Rekrutmen dan Seleksi • The Scholarship Recruitment and
pendanaan riset dan rehabilitasi, and funding services, managing
Beasiswa mempunyai tugas Selection Division is in control of
pengelolaan alih teknologi hasil research and technology transfer
penyiapan bahan dan penyusunan preparing materials and compiling
riset, monitoring dan evaluasi riset results, monitoring and evaluating
kebijakan teknis, pengelolaan dan technical policies, managing and
dan rehabilitasi, serta pelaporan research and rehabilitation, as well as
pelaporan atas pelaksanaan tugas reporting on the implementation
atas pelaksanaan layanan riset dan reporting on the implementation of
rekrutmen, seleksi, dan pembekalan of recruitment, selection, and
rehabilitasi. research and rehabilitation services.
penerima beasiswa. debriefing of scholarship recipients.

• Divisi Pelayanan Beasiswa • The Scholarship Services Division 6. Satuan Pemeriksaan Intern 6. Internal Audit Unit
mempunyai tugas penyiapan bahan has the task of preparing materials Satuan Pemeriksaan Intern merupakan Internal Audit Unit is a work unit that
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unit kerja yang berada dibawah dan is under and responsible to the President
bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Director. The Internal Audit Unit has the
Utama. Satuan Pemeriksaan Intern task of carrying out internal audits on
mempunyai tugas melaksanakan the implementation of LPDP’s duties. In
pemeriksaan intern atas pelaksanaan carrying out its duties, SPI carries out the
tugas LPDP. Dalam melaksanakan following functions:
tugasnya, SPI menyelenggarakan fungsi:

• Penyusunan dan pelaksanaan • Preparation and implementation of

tugas sesuai dengan audit charter tasks in accordance with the audit
dan audit program; charter and audit program;

• Pelaksanaan audit berbasis • Implementation of risk-based

risiko khususnya pada aktivitas audits, especially in LPDP’s business
usaha LPDP; activities;

• Melakukan reviu terhadap laporan • Reviewing the financial statements

keuangan untuk meyakinkan bahwa to ensure that the content,
isi, penyajian, dan pengungkapannya presentation and disclosure are
sesuai dengan standar akuntansi in accordance with government
pemerintah dan standar akuntansi accounting standards and applicable
keuangan yang berlaku. financial accounting standards.

5. Sumber Daya Manusia 5. Human Resources

Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020, jumlah As of December 31, 2020, the total
total pegawai BLU LPDP sebanyak 76 employees of LPDP’s public service agency
orang yang terdiri dari 34 PNS dan 42 is 76 people, consisting of 34 civil servants
Tenaga Profesional Non PNS. and 42 non-civil servant professionals.

Komposisi pegawai BLU LPDP dapat di The composition of LPDP’s employees can
lihat dalam table di bawah ini: be seen in the table below:

Jumlah Pegawai LPDP

per 31 Desember 2020 Uraian Jumlah Pegawai
Description Number of Employees
Number of LPDP
Employees as of
PNS Golongan IV 7 orang
December 31, 2020 1
Civil Servant Group IV 7 people

PNS Golongan III 15 orang

Civil Servant Group III 15 people

PNS Golongan II 12 orang

Civil Servant Group II 12 people

PNS Golongan I
4 -
Civil Servant Group I

Tenaga Non PNS Professional 42 orang

Non-civil servant professionals 42 people

76 orang
76 people
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Dari segi pendidikan, demografi pegawai In terms of education, the demographics

LPDP adalah sebagai berikut: of LPDP employees are as follows:


S3 2

DIV / S1 41

Pegawai dari segi

S2 24
Pendidikan per 31
Desember 2020 DIII

LPDP Employee
Composition Based S2
on Education as of
DIV / S1
December 31, 2020

Dari segi jabatan, demografi pegawai In terms of position, the demographics of

LPDP adalah sebagai berikut: LPDP employees are as follows:








Pegawai Menurut
Jabatan per 31
Desember 2020

LPDP Employee
Composition by
Position as of 31 Direktur Kepala Divisi Pelaksana
December 2020 Director Head of Division Executor
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F. Struktur Pimpinan 03
Leadership Structure Sri Mulyani Indrawati

1. Dewan Penyantun 1. Board of Trustees Menteri Keuangan sebagai Wakil

Ketua merangkap Anggota
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 tahun 2019 Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2020
disahkan pada tanggal 18 Februari 2019 was ratified on February 18, 2020 and Minister of Finance as Deputy Chair
dan diundangkan oleh Kementerian promulgated by the Ministry of Law and and Member
Hukum dan HAM pada tanggal 20 Human Rights on February 20, 2020.
Februari 2019. Perpres ini secara umum This Presidential Regulation regulates
mengatur mengenai penguatan the strengthening of the structure of the
struktur Dewan Penyantun dan Dewan Trustees Board and Supervisory Board of
Pengawas LPDP, tata kelola LPDP, serta the LPDP, the governance of the LPDP, and
pendefinisian Dana Abadi Pendidikan the definition of the Endowment Fund for 04
dengan lebih jelas. Education by more clearly.
Nadiem Anwar Makarim
Dewan Penyantun LPDP sesuai dengan The LPDP Board of Trustees in accordance
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 tahun 2019 with Presidential Regulation Number 12 of Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudyaan
tersebut terdiri atas: 2020 consists of: sebagai Wakil Ketua merangkap Anggota

Minister of Education and Culture

as Member

Muhadjir Effendy

Menteri Koordinator Bidang

Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan 05
sebagai Ketua I merangkap Anggota Bambang Brodjonegoro
Coordinating Minister for Human
Menteri Riset dan Teknologi atau
Development and Culture as First
Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Chairman and concurrently Member
sebagai Anggota

Minister of Research and Technology or

Head of National Research and Innovation
02 Agency as Member
Airlangga Hartarto

Menteri Koordinator Bidang

Yaqut Cholol Qoumas
Perekonomian sebagai Ketua II dilantik sebagai

merangkap Anggota
Menteri Agama pada
23 Desember 2020
Fachrul Razi
Coordinating Minister for Economic Yaqut Cholol Qoumas
Menteri Agama sebagai Anggota
Affairs as Second Chairman and was appointed

concurrently Member Minister of Religion on

Minister of Religion as Member
December 23, 2020.
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07 • Proporsi penggunaan hasil • The proportion of the use of the results

pengembangan Dana Abadi of the development of the Education
Ida Fauziyah Pendidikan; Endowment Fund;

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan sebagai Anggota • Portofolio investasi Dana Abadi • Investment portfolio of the Education
Pendidikan; Endowment Fund;
Minister of Manpower as Member
• Bidang prioritas pada program • Priority areas in the service
layanan; dan program; and

• Kebijakan afirmasi pada program • Affirmation policies on service

layanan dengan memperhatikan programs by taking into account
kondisi wilayah, kelompok masyarakat regional conditions, certain community
tertentu, dan/atau kebijakan groups, and/or government policies in
pemerintah sesuai dengan ketentuan accordance with the provisions of laws
08 peraturan perundang-undangan. and regulations.
Suharso Monoarfa
2. Dewan Pengawas 2. Supervisory Board
Menteri Perencanaan
Pembangunan Nasional / Kepala Selain itu, Perpres tersebut juga In addition, the Presidential Regulation
BAPPENAS sebagai Anggota menyatakan susunan Dewan Pengawas also states the composition of the
yang bertugas melaksanakan Supervisory Board in charge of carrying
Minister of National Development Planning pengawasan sesuai dengan ketentuan out supervision in accordance with
/ Head of BAPPENAS as Member peraturan perundang-undangan. Dewan the provisions of the legislation. The
Pengawas dalam hal ini ditetapkan oleh Supervisory Board in this case is
Menteri Keuangan. determined by the Minister of Finance.

Secara regulatif, Dewan Pengawas On a regular basis, the LPDP Supervisory

09 LPDP terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) orang dengan Board consists of 7 (seven) people with
formasi sebagai berikut: the following formation:
Tjahjo Kumolo
1. 1 (satu) orang pejabat dari Kementerian 1. 1 (one) official from the Ministry of
Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Keuangan sebagai Ketua; Finance as Chairman;
dan Reformasi Birokrasi sebagai Anggota
2. 1 (satu) orang pejabat dari Kementerian 2. 1 (one) official from the Ministry of
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment Riset dan Teknologi; Research and Technology;
and Bureaucratic Reform as Member
3. 1 (satu) orang pejabat dari 3. 1 (one) official from the Ministry
Kementerian Agama; of Religion;

4. 1 (satu) orang pejabat dari Kementerian 4. 1 (one) official from the Ministry of
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan; Education and Culture;
Dalam kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan In relation to the operational
operasional LPDP, Dewan Penyantun implementation of the LPDP, the Board of 5. 3 (tiga) orang dari unsur tenaga ahli. 5. 3 (three) people from the expert element.
bertugas memberikan arahan kebijakan Trustees is tasked with providing strategic
strategis dalam pengelolaan Dana Abadi policy directions in the management of the Dewan Pengawas saat ini masih The Supervisory Board is currently
Pendidikan sesuai dengan pasal 5 Education Endowment Fund in accordance menggunakan struktur yang lama, karena still using the old structure, because
Perpres Nomor 12 tahun 2019. Arahan with Article 5 of Presidential Regulation LPDP masih dalam tahap peralihan LPDP is still in the transitional stage of
kebijakan strategis Dewan Penyantun Number 12 of 2019. The Board of Trustees’ aturan. Selain itu, Peraturan Presiden regulations. In addition, the Presidential
menetapkan paling sedikit: strategic policy directives stipulate at least: mengamanahkan agar Dewan Pengawas Regulation mandates that the
melaksanakan rapat secara rutin paling Supervisory Board hold regular meetings
• Proporsi hasil pengembangan • The proportion of the results of sedikit 1 (satu) kali dalam sebulan. at least 1 (one) time a month. The
Dana Abadi Pendidikan yang dapat the development of the Education Keanggotaan Dewan Pengawas LPDP per members of the LPDP Supervisory Board
dikembangkan; Endowment Fund that can be developed; tanggal 31 Desember 2020 adalah: as of December 31, 2020 are:
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01 02 03 04
Ainun Na’im Hadiyanto Dini Kusumawati Ananto Kusuma Seta

Lahir di Kediri, 4 Desember 1960. Beliau Lahir di Ciamis, 10 Oktober 1962. Beliau Lahir di Jakarta, 9 Mei 1974. Menempuh Lahir tanggal 20 Desember 1960.
mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Akuntansi di menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana pendidikan S1 Ekonomi Jurusan Ilmu Mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Universitas
Universitas Gadjah Mada (1984), Master Hukum di Universitas Padjadjaran (1986), Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan Universitas Brawijaya Malang, gelar Master di
of Business Administration dari Western Master of Law di Harvard University USA Padjadjaran (1997), Magister Ilmu University of Kentucky USA jurusan Soil
Michigan University USA (1991), dan Ph.D (1993) dan Doktor Studi Ilmu Hukum Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, (2001), dan and Water Management, dan Doktor
dari Temple University USA (1996). Beliau di Universitas Padjajaran (2012). Beliau Doktor Applied in Economic Universitas dari Kentucky University USA jurusan
dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar UGM memulai karier di Kementerian Keuangan Padjadjaran (2004). Beliau mengawali Environmental Management. Beliau
pada tahun 2010 dan saat ini menjabat sejak tahun 1987. Pernah menjabat karir di Kementerian Keuangan sejak dilantik menjadi Staf Ahli Bidang Inovasi
sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian sebagai Kepala Biro Hukum dan Humas 1 Maret 1999 hingga menjadi Tenaga dan Daya Saing, Kementerian Pendidikan
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan sejak Sekretariat Jenderal (1998-2003) dan Pengkaji Bidang Perencanaan Strategik dan Kebudayaan pada 28 Agustus 2015.
tahun 2019. Alternate Executive Director World Bank di Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian
(2003-2005). Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2015 Keuangan. Pada 23 September 2016, beliau Born on December 20, 1960. Obtained
Born in Kediri, December 4, 1960. He holds ditetapkan sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal dilantik sebagai Kepala Biro Organisasi dan a Bachelor’s degree from Brawijaya
a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Kementerian Keuangan. Tata Laksana Kementerian Keuangan. University Malang, a Master’s degree at
Gadjah Mada University (1984), Master of the University of Kentucky USA majoring
Business Administration from Western Born in Ciamis, October 10, 1962. He Born in Jakarta, May 9, 1974. She studied in Soil and Water Management, and
Michigan University USA (1991), and Ph.D completed his Bachelor of Law at S1 Economics, majoring in Economics, a Doctorate degree from Kentucky
from Temple University USA (1996). He Padjadjaran University (1986), Master of Development Studies, Padjadjaran University USA majoring in Environmental
was inaugurated as as the Professor of Law at Harvard University USA (1993) and University (1997), Masters in Economics, Management. He was appointed as Expert
Gadjah Mada University in 2010. in 2010 Doctor of Law Studies at Padjadjaran University of Indonesia, (2001), and Doctor Staff for Innovation and Competitiveness,
and currently serves as Secretary General University (2012). He started his career at of Applied in Economics, Padjadjaran Ministry of Education and Culture on
for the Ministry of Education and Culture the Ministry of Finance in 1987. He served University (2004). She started her career August 28, 2015.
since 2019. as Head of the Legal and Public Relations at the Ministry of Finance on March 1, 1999
Bureau of the Secretariat General (1998- until She became a Reviewer for Strategic
2003) and Alternate Executive Director Planning at the Secretariat General of the
of the World Bank (2003-2005). On July Ministry of Finance. On September 23,
1, 2015 he was appointed as Secretary 2016, She was inaugurated as Head of the
General of the Ministry of Finance. Organization and Administration Bureau of
the Ministry of Finance.
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3. Direksi & Manajemen 3. Directors and Management

Dengan diberlakukannya Peraturan With the enactment of the Minister

Menteri Keuangan Nomor 143/PMK.01/2016 of Finance Regulation Number 143/
tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja PMK.01/2016 concerning the Organization
Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, and Work Procedure of the Indonesia
Direksi LPDP berubah fungsi dan Endowment Fund for Education Agency,
nomenklaturnya, dari semula berjumlah the LPDP Board of Directors has changed
5 (lima) Direksi menjadi 6 (enam) Direksi. its function and nomenclature, from
Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Direksi 5 (five) Directors to 6 (six) Directors. In
diawasi oleh Caretaker yang ditunjuk oleh carrying out their duties, the Board of
Menteri Keuangan. Directors is supervised by a Caretaker
appointed by the Minister of Finance.
Susunan Direksi LPDP per 31 Desember
2020 adalah: The composition of the LPDP Board of
Directors as of December 31, 2020 is:
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01 Rionald Silaban
Plt. Direktur Utama
02 Sumiyati, Ak.
Caretaker LPDP
(Acting Official) Caretaker LPDP
President Director

Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum di He earned his Bachelor of Laws degree Beliau menempuh pendidikan Diploma She studied Diploma III and Diploma
Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1989. at the University of Indonesia in 1989. III dan Diploma IV Akuntansi di Sekolah IV Accounting at the State College of
Jenjang pendidikannya berlanjut di LLM His education continued at Georgetown Tinggi Akuntansi Negara, Jakarta (1989). Accountancy, Jakarta (1989). Subsequently,
Common Law Georgetown University University’s LLM Common Law in 1993. Selanjutnya, beliau menempuh pendidikan She took her master’s degree at Central
pada tahun 1993. Saat ini, Bapak Rionald Currently, Mr. Rionald Silaban serves S2 di Central Queensland University Queensland University Australia (1994)
Silaban menjabat sebagai Kepala Badan as Head of the Education and Training Australia (1994) dan mendapatkan gelar and obtained a Master of Financial
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kementerian Agency of the Ministry of Finance of the Master of Financial Management. Saat ini Management degree. Currently Mrs.
Keuangan RI. Bapak Rionald Silaban Republic of Indonesia. Mr. Rionald Silaban Ibu Sumiyati menjabat sebagai Inspektur Sumiyati serves as Inspector General of
diangkat sebagai Plt. Direktur Utama was appointed as Acting Official for LPDP Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan RI. Ibu the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
LPDP sejak tahun 2018. President Director from 2018. Sumiyati diangkat sebagai caretaker LPDP Indonesia. Mrs. Sumiyati was appointed as
sejak tahun 2018. LPDP caretaker in 2018.
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03 Emmanuel Agust Hartono

Direktur Keuangan dan Umum
05 Muhammad Oriza
Direktur Investasi
Director of Finance and General Affairs Director of Investment

Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan He completed his Bachelor of Economics

Beliau menempuh pendidikan DIII He studied at DIII State College of Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas Trisakti education at Trisakti University (1997)
Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (1992), Accountancy (1992), S1 Faculty of (1997) kemudian meniti karir profesional then pursued a professional career as
S1 Fakultas Ekonomi UI (1996) dan Master Economics UI (1996) and Master of sebagai praktisi manajemen risiko a risk management practitioner in the
of Accounting University of Southern Accounting University of Southern bidang jasa keuangan dalam dan field of domestic and foreign financial
California USA (2001). Mulai bekerja di California USA (2001). Started working at luar negeri pada tahun 1998 s.d. 2015. services in 1998 until 2015. Has worked
Kementerian Keuangan sejak tahun 1991 the Ministry of Finance in 1991 and most Pernah bekerja di Standard Chartered, at Standard Chartered, CIMB Niaga,
dan terakhir menjabat sebagai Kepala recently served as Head of Analysis and CIMB Niaga, Maybank, dan juga Alinma Maybank, and also Alinma Bank in
Bidang Analisis dan Harmonisasi Belanja Harmonization of State Expenditures Bank di Riyadh, Saudi Arabia pada Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 2008 to
dan Kekayaan Negara pada Pusat Analisis and Wealth at the Center for Policy tahun 2008 s.d. 2010 dan terlibat dalam 2010 and was involved in the initial
dan Harmonisasi Kebijakan (Pushaka), Analysis and Harmonization (Pushaka), proses awal pendirian bank syariah process of establishing a sharia bank
Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Secretariat General of the Ministry of milik Kerajaan Saudi Arabia tersebut. belonging to the Kingdom of Saudi
Keuangan sejak tahun 2016 hingga Finance from 2016 to October 2020. He Pada tahun 2015 bergabung dengan PT. Arabia. In 2015 joined PT. Sarana Multi
Oktober 2019. Beliau diangkat sebagai was appointed as Director of Finance Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) dan Infrastruktur (Persero) and developed
Direktur Keuangan dan Umum secara and General Affairs on a regular basis. mengembangkan direktorat manajemen a risk management directorate at the
definitif pada November 2019. definitive in November 2020. risiko pada lembaga pembiayaan infrastructure development financing
pembangunan infrastruktur tersebut. institution. He was definitively
Beliau diangkat sebagai Direktur Investasi appointed as Investment Director in
secara definitif pada November 2019. November 2020.
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06 Dwi Larso
Direktur Beasiswa
07 Wisnu Sardjono Soenarso
Direktur Fasilitasi Riset dan Rehabilitasi
Director of Scholarships Director of Research Facilitation and Rehabilitation

Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan He completed his undergraduate Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan He completed his undergraduate
sarjana Teknik Industri di Institut education in Industrial Engineering at the sarjana Pertambangan di Institut education in Mining at the Bandung
Teknologi Bandung pada 1989, kemudian Bandung Institute of Technology in 1989, Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 1986 Institute of Technology in 1986 and
melanjutkan pendidikan magister then continued his master’s education dan melanjutkan pendidikan Mining continued his education in Mining
Industrial Engineering dan pendidikan in Industrial Engineering and doctoral Engineering di University of South Engineering at the University of South
doctoral Industrial Engineering – Business education in Industrial Engineering - Australia. Memulai karir di BPPT Australia. Started his career at BPPT
Administration – Statistic di Oregon Business Administration - Statistics at pada 1987 kemudian pada tahun in 1987 then in 2000 he was entrusted
State University. Memulai karir sebagai Oregon State University. Started his 2000 dipercaya sebagai Kepala Biro as Head of the Planning Bureau of the
konsultan dan research associate di career as a consultant and research Perencanaan Kemenristek. Pada tahun Ministry of Research and Technology. In
Oregon, Amerika Serikat pada tahun associate in Oregon, United States in 1997. 2019 dipercaya sebagai Dewan Pengawas 2019 he was entrusted as the Supervisory
1997. Kemudian menjadi dosen di ITB dan Then he became a lecturer at ITB and Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Beliau Board of Sam Ratulangi University. He
dipercaya sebagai Ketua Program Magister was trusted as the Head of the Master of dipercaya sejak tahun 2015 hingga 2020 was trusted from 2015 to 2020 as Head of
Administrasi Bisnis (MBA) SBM ITB pada Business Administration (MBA) Program sebagai Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan the Education and Training Center of the
2005. Pada 2014 hingga 2016 dipercaya at SBM ITB in 2005. From 2014 to 2016 Pelatihan Kemenristek, dan dilantik Ministry of Research and Technology, and
sebagai Wakil Rektor bidang Kerjasama he was trusted as Vice Chancellor for sebagai Direktur Fasilitasi Riset dan was inaugurated as Director of Research
Universitas Kebangsaan dan pada 2017 Cooperation at the National University Rehabilitasi LPDP pada 19 Mei 2020. Facilitation and Rehabilitation of LPDP on
hingga 2020 sebagai wakil rektor I bidang and in 2017 to 2020 as vice chancellor I for 19 May 2020.
akademik di Universitas Presiden. Beliau academics at President University. He was
dilantik pada tanggal 19 Mei 2020 sebagai inaugurated on May 19, 2020 as Director of
Direktur Beasiswa LPDP. the LPDP Scholarship.
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Susunan Kepala Divisi LPDP per 31 The composition of LPDP’s Division Heads
Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut: as of December as of December 31, 2020 is
as follows:

Nama Pejabat Jabatan

Name Position

1 Gribig Darodjat Plt. Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan SDM dan Organisasi

Acting Official for Head of HR and Organizational
Management Division
Plt. Kepala Divisi IT dan Umum
Acting Official for Head of IT and General Division
Plt. Kepala Divisi Inisasi dan Analisis Investasi
Acting Official for Head of Investment Initiation and Analysis

2 M. Lukmanul Hakim Plt. Kepala Divisi Keuangan

Acting Official for Head of Finance Division
Plt. Kepala Divisi Kepatuhan dan Manajemen Risiko
Acting Official for Head of Compliance and Risk
Management Division

3 Shanti Sukmawati Plt. Kepala Divisi Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Layanan

Acting Official for Head of Service Planning and
Development Division
Plt. Kepala Divisi Kerjasama dan Komunikasi
Acting Official for Head of Cooperation and Communication

4 Diki Candra Plt. Kepala Divisi Pelayanan Riset

Acting Official for Head of Research Services Division

5 Fahdiansyah Putra Plt. Kepala Divisi Seleksi Riset

Acting Official for Head of Research Selection Division

6 Ratna Prabandari Plt. Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan Alumni dan Talenta

Acting Official for Head of Alumni and Talent Management
Plt. Kepala Divisi Pelayanan Beasiswa
Acting Official for Head of Scholarship Service Division

7 Rumtini Plt. Kepala Divisi Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Beasiswa

Acting Official for Head of Scholarship Recruitment and
Selection Division

8 Febriana K. Ristanti Kepala Satuan Pengawas Internal

Acting Official for Head of Internal Supervisory Unit
60 Lembaga Pengelola
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Fund for Education Agency
Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Kilas Kinerja
Performance Report
Menuju Cita-cita

Bridge to the Future

Ketika memasuki usia dewasa, When entering adulthood,

seekor ikan salmon akan a salmon will migrate to sea
bermigrasi ke perairan laut. waters. This is analogous
Hal ini menganalogikan LPDP to LPDP which bridges the
yang menjembatani cita-cita aspirations of the nation’s
putra-putri bangsa dalam children in pursuing
menempuh pendidikan education in various parts
di berbagai penjuru dunia of the world through
melalui program beasiswa. scholarship programs.
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Layanan Pengembangan Dana LPDP LPDP Fund Development Services are

dilaksanakan pada instrumen deposito, implemented on deposit instruments,
Surat Utang Negara (SUN), dan obligasi Government Securities (SUN), and
BUMN. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menjaga BUMN bonds. This is intended to
kestabilan nominal dana abadi tersebut di maintain the nominal stability of the
masa mendatang. Hasil pengembangan endowment fund in the future. The
dana dicatat sebagai Pendapatan Negara results of the development of funds
Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang digunakan are recorded as Non-Tax State Revenue
untuk pembiayaan layanan dan (PNBP) which is used to finance LPDP’s
operasional LPDP. services and operations.

Skema pengembangan dana dan The scheme for developing funds

pembiayaan layanan LPDP dapat and financing LPDP services can be
digambarkan sebagai berikut: described as follows:

APBN Sumber lain yang sah

State Budget Other legitimate sources

Dana Abadi Pendidikan

Education Endowment

G. Program Layanan
Service Program

1. Layanan Pengembangan 1. Education Endowment

Dana Abadi Pendidikan Development Services

Pengembangan Dana Abadi Pendidikan The development of the Education

merupakan salah satu layanan LPDP Endowment Fund is one of the LPDP

yang diamanahkan Peraturan Presiden services mandated by Presidential
Nomor 12 tahun 2019 tentang Dana Abadi Regulation Number 12 of 2020
Pendidikan. Dana Abadi Pendidikan dapat concerning the Education Endowment
dikembangkan dalam bentuk investasi Fund. The Education Endowment
jangka pendek dan/atau jangka panjang Fund can be developed in the form
pada surat berharga maupun nonsurat of short-term and/or long-term
berharga di dalam dan/atau di luar investments in domestic and/or
negeri. Dalam menjalankan tugas foreign securities and non-securities.
pengembangan dana, LPDP dapat In carrying out the task of developing
Surat Utang Negara
bekerjasama dengan pihak ketiga, funds, LPDP can cooperate with third (SUN), Obligasi BUMN,
dengan tetap mengedepankan praktik parties, while still promoting sound Deposito

bisnis yang sehat dan risiko yang business practices and managed
Government Bonds
terkelola, serta memperhatikan prinsip risks, as well as paying attention to the (SUN), BUMN Bonds, Beasiswa Operasional Riset
tata kelola yang baik. principles of good governance. Deposits Scholarship Operational Research
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Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

2. Layanan Beasiswa 2. Scholarship Service 2. Beasiswa Targeted Group, diantaranya: 2. Targeted Group Scholarships, including:

Layanan Beasiswa yang diberikan Scholarship services provided by LPDP • Beasiswa Pendidik Dosen • Lecturer Educator Scholarship
LPDP memiliki branding “Beasiswa have the branding “Indonesian Education Program beasiswa yang ditujukan The scholarship program is
Pendidikan Indonesia” yang ditujukan Scholarships” which are aimed at kepada dosen tetap pada perguruan aimed at permanent lecturers
untuk peningkatan aksesibilitas increasing the accessibility of higher tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh at universities organized by the
pendidikan tinggi bagi rakyat Indonesia. education for the people of Indonesia. The Pemerintah maupun swasta government and the private
Layanan Beasiswa LPDP merupakan LPDP Scholarship Service is an inclusive untuk mengembangkan dan sector to develop and improve
layanan beasiswa yang inklusif, dengan scholarship service, while still prioritizing meningkatkan kualitas dosen sesuai the quality of lecturers according to
tetap mengedepankan aspek kualitas aspects of the quality of education. In kebutuhan strategis Perguruan the strategic needs of universities
pendidikan. Pada tahun 2020, LPDP 2020, LPDP supports the vision of the Tinggi di Indonesia. in Indonesia.
mendukung visi Kabinet Indonesia Maju Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, namely
yakni “SDM Unggul, Indonesia Maju” “Excellent HR, Advanced Indonesia” • Beasiswa Pendidik Guru • Teacher Educator Scholarship
Program beasiswa yang Scholarship program aimed at
Program Layanan Beasiswa LPDP dapat The LPDP Scholarship Service Program ditujukan kepada guru untuk teachers to develop and improve
dijabarkan sebagai berikut: can be described as follows: mengembangkan dan meningkatkan the quality of teachers in Indonesia.
kualitas guru di Indonesia.
1. Beasiswa Umum, diantaranya: 1. General Scholarships, including:
3. Layanan Pendanaan Riset 3. Research Funding Services
• Beasiswa Dokter Spesialis • Specialist Doctor Scholarship
Program beasiswa ini diberikan This scholarship program is given Program pendanaan riset yang The research funding program
kepada Dokter Umum yang ingin to General Practitioners who wish dilaksanakan LPDP bernama implemented by LPDP is called
melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan to continue their education to Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif Productive Innovative Research
Dokter Spesialis. Specialist Doctors. (selanjutnya disebut Pendanaan Funding (hereinafter referred to as
RISPRO). RISPRO adalah program RISPRO Funding). RISPRO is a research
• Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi • World’s Top Ranking
pendanaan riset baik kompetitif funding program, both competitive
Peringkat Utama Dunia University Scholarship
maupun inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk and initiative that aims to improve
Program beasiswa ini diperuntukkan This scholarship program is
meningkatkan kemampuan daya saing the nation’s competitiveness through
bagi warga negara Indonesia intended for Indonesian citizens
bangsa melalui komersialisasi produk/ product/technology commercialization
yang telah memperoleh Letter of who have obtained
teknologi atau implementasi kebijakan/ or implementation of policies/
Acceptance (LoA) Unconditional dari an Unconditional Letter of
tata kelola atau publikasi. Layanan governance or publications. Research
Perguruan Tinggi Peringkat Utama Acceptance (LoA) from World’s Top
Pendanaan Riset terdiri atas: Funding Services consist of:
Dunia yang ditetapkan LPDP. Para Ranking University established by
calon penerima beasiswa dapat LPDP. The scholarship recipients
melanjutkan pendidikan pada can continue their education at • RISPRO Kompetisi • RISPRO Competition
jenjang Magister dan Doktoral the Masters and Doctoral levels RISPRO adalah program pendanaan RISPRO is a multidisciplinary research
di luar negeri. overseas. riset bersifat multidisiplin dan funding program and is implemented
dilaksanakan dalam tahun jamak in multiple years aimed at encouraging
• Beasiswa Kerjasama Pendanaan • C
o-Funding Scholarship yang ditujukan untuk mendorong research product innovation and
(Co-Funding) The Co-Funding Scholarship inovasi produk riset dan mengarah leading to the commercialization/
Program Beasiswa Co-Funding Program (Semi-Independent pada komersialisasi/implementasi implementation of research outputs.
(Beasiswa Semi Mandiri) Scholarship) is intended for luaran riset. RISPRO ditujukan RISPRO is intended for groups of
diperuntukkan bagi warga negara Indonesian citizens who will bagi kelompok periset dari Badan researchers from Research Agency
Indonesia yang akan melanjutkan continue their education at the Penelitian Kementerian/lembaga Ministries/government institutions,
pendidikan pada jenjang Magister Masters Overseas Regular program pemerintah, perguruan tinggi, universities, industrial research
Luar Negeri program Reguler or the BPI program World’s Top lembaga riset industri dan lembaga institutions and other private research
maupun program BPI Perguruan Ranking University. Sources of riset swasta lainnya. RISPRO dibagi institutions. RISPRO is divided into two
Tinggi Peringkat Utama Dunia. funding for applicants can come menjadi dua program, yaitu: programs, namely:
Sumber dana bagi pendaftar from family or personal funding.
dapat berasal dari keluarga atau 1. RISPRO Komersial 1. Commercial RISPRO
pendanaan pribadi. Dilaksanakan secara tahun jamak It is carried out on a multi-year
selama-lamanya tiga tahun basis for a maximum of three years
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

untuk pilihan fokus riset bidang for the choice of research focus in Kinerja Layanan
ketahanan pangan, ketahanan the fields of food security, energy
Service Performance
energi, serta kesehatan dan security, as well as health and
keperawatan. Program ini nursing. This program is directed at
diarahkan pada komersialisasi the commercialization of research 1. Dana Abadi Pendidikan 1. Education Endowment
luaran riset dalam skala industri. outputs on an industrial scale.
Sesuai dengan Bab I Ketentuan Umum In accordance with Chapter I of the
2. RISPRO Implementatif 2. Implementative RISPRO Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 tahun General Provisions of Presidential
Dilaksanakan secara tahun It is carried out in multiple years 2019 pasal 1 angka 1, disebutkan bahwa Regulation Number 12 of 2019 article 1
jamak selama-lamanya dua for a maximum of two years for Dana Abadi Pendidikan adalah dana number 1, it is stated that the Education
tahun untuk pilihan fokus riset the choice of research focus in the yang bersifat abadi untuk menjamin Endowment Fund is an enduring fund
bidang pembangunan ekonomi fields of eco-growth, governance, keberlangsungan program pendidikan to ensure the continuity of education
berwawasan lingkungan socio-religious, and cultural bagi generasi berikutnya yang tidak programs for the next generation that
(eco-growth), tata kelola, sosial research. This program is directed dapat digunakan untuk belanja. Dalam cannot be used for spending. In the
keagamaan, dan budaya. at implementing research outputs Perpres tersebut, sumber Dana Abadi Presidential Regulation, the sources of the
Program ini diarahkan pada in an implementable manner, Pendidikan adalah: Education Endowment Fund are:
penerapan luaran riset secara either through the establishment
implementatif baik melalui of public policies by regulators 1. Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan 1. The National Education Development
penetapan kebijakan publik oleh and the application of research Nasional (DPPN) termasuk akumulasi Fund (DPPN) includes the accumulated
regulator maupun penerapan outputs in the context of alokasi tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang allocations of previous years managed by
luaran riset dalam rangka community empowerment. dikelola LPDP; LPDP;
pemberdayaan masyarakat. pemberdayaan masyarakat.
2. Pendapatan investasi dan/atau; 2. Investment income and/or;
• RISPRO Mandatori • RISPRO Mandatory 3. Sumber lain yang sah, yang dapat 3. Other legitimate sources, which can
Rispro Mandatori merupakan Rispro Mandatory is research berupa hibah, hasil kerjasama dengan be in the form of grants, the result of
pendanaan riset yang dilaksanakan funding carried out by PMO which is pihak lain, pendapatan alih teknologi cooperation with other parties, income
oleh PMO yang ditetapkan/ditunjuk determined/appointed by the LPDP hasil riset, royalti atas hak paten, dana from technology transfer from research,
oleh Dewan Penyantun LPDP Board of Trustees based on directions/ pihak ketiga, dana perwalian, baik dari royalties on patents, third party funds,
berdasarkan arahan/kebijakan yang policies originating from the LPDP dalam maupun luar negeri dan/atau trust funds, both from within and outside
berasal Dewan Penyantun LPDP Board of Trustees consisting of sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan the country and/or in accordance with
yang terdiri dari Prioritas Riset National Research Priorities, National perundang-undangan. the provisions of laws and regulations.
Nasional, Mobil Listrik Nasional, Electric Cars, Ideathons and the
Ideathon dan Konsorsium Covid-19. Covid-19 Consortium.
Dana Abadi yang dikelola LPDP per 31 The Endowment Fund managed by LPDP
• RISPRO Invitasi • RISPRO Invitation Desember 2020 berjumlah Rp70,107 Triliun. as of December 31, 2020 amounted to
Rispro Invitasi merupakan riset Rispro Invitation is a special Jumlah tersebut adalah akumulasi dari IDR 70,107 Trillion. This amount is the
khusus yang ditujukan untuk research aimed at developing DPPN sejak 2010 dan Dana Abadi lainnya accumulation of DPPN since 2010 and
pengembangan Kendaraan Listrik Electric Vehicles and developing yang dititipkan kepada LPDP. other Endowments that have been
dan pengembangan Farmasi atau Pharmacy or Medical Devices. deposited with LPDP.
Dana Abadi yang dikelola LPDP saat
Alat Kesehatan.
• International Collaborative Research ini terdiri dari 4 jenis yakni Dana Abadi The Endowment Fund managed by the
• Riset Kolaborasi Internasional Rispro International Collaboration is Pendidikan (DPPN) sebesar Rp61,1 Triliun, LPDP currently consists of 4 types, namely
Rispro Kolaborasi Internasional research carried out with Dana Abadi Penelitian sebesar Rp4,99 the Education Endowment Fund (DPPN) of
merupakan riset yang dilaksanakan a third-party collaboration Triliun, Dana Abadi Perguruan Tinggi IDR 61.1 Trillion, the Research Endowment
dengan model bisnis kerjasama business model or also known as sejumlah Rp3 Triliun, serta dicairkan juga Fund of IDR 4.99 Trillion, the Higher
pihak ketiga atau yang juga disebut Grant Management. Dana Abadi Kebudayaan sebesar Rp1 Triliun. Education Endowment Fund of IDR 3
Grant Management. Trillion, and the Cultural Endowment Fund
of IDR 1 Trillion is also disbursed.
68 Lembaga Pengelola
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Kilas Kinerja Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Uraian Jumlah Dana Abadi (Rupiah) Realisasi Pencairan No Uraian Jumlah Dana Abadi (Rupiah)
Description Amount of Endowment (IDR) Disbursement Realization No Description Total Endowment Fund (IDR)

Akumulasi per 31 Des 2019 Pendapatan Deposito

51.117.700.000.000,00 1 2.236.493.832.672,24 57,21%
Accumulation as of 31 Dec 2019 Deposit Income

Pencairan pada tahun 2020 Desember 2020 Pendapatan Giro

18.990.000.000.000,00 2 1.050.327.103,03 0,03%
Disbursement in 2020 Desember 2020 Current Account Income

Akumulasi per 31 Desember 2020 Pendapatan Surat Berharga Negara

70.107.700.000.000,00 3 1.440.743.399.976,41 36,85%
Accumulation as of December 31, 2020 Government Securities Revenue

Pendapatan Obligasi Korporasi

16,00 80,00 4 230.956.500.000,00 5,91%
Corporate Bond Income
14,00 70,00
Dana Trilliun Rp
12,00 60,00
IDR Trillion Fund Total 3.909.244.059.751,68 100,00%
10,00 50,00
8,00 40,00
6,00 30,00
4,00 20,00 Uraian Jumlah PNBP % Yield % terhadap Target
Dana Abadi
2,00 10,00 Description Total PNBP % Yield % of Target
0,00 0,00
Endowment 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Target tahun 2020
3.732.568.161.000,00 6,75% -
2020 Target
Dana Abadi
Perguruan Tinggi 1,00 2,6177 7,00 5,00 5,00 10,50 15,00 5,00 10,00
College Endowment Capaian 1 Jan s.d. 31 Des 2020
3.732.568.161.000,00 7,65% 104,73%
4,99 Achievements 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2020
Dana Abadi
Culture Endowment 1,00 5,00
1,00 3,6177 10,6177 15,6177 15,6177 15,6177 20,61,77 31,1177 46,1177 51,1177 70,1077
4,00 3,91
2. Layanan Investasi 2. Investment Service
Pendapatan investasi merupakan Investment income is income from
pendapatan hasil pengembangan the development of the Education
2,00 1,84
Dana Abadi Pendidikan, sebagaimana Endowment Fund, as stated in Chapter 1,67 1,81
tercantum dalam Bab II Sumber Dana II Sources of the Education Endowment 1,43

Abadi Pendidikan pasal 3 ayat (2) Peraturan Article 3 paragraph (2) of Presidential 1,00 0,99
PNPB per Tahun 0,43
Presiden Nomor 12 tahun 2019. Pendapatan Regulation Number 12 of 2019. This (Trilyun Rp)
Investasi ini dikategorikan sebagai investment income is categorized as Non-
PNBP per Year
Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP). Tax State Income (PNBP).
(Trillion IDR) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Per 31 Desember tahun 2020 realisasi PNBP As of December 31, 2020, the realization
sebesar Rp3,909 Triliun dari target Rp3,73 of PNBP was IDR 3.909 trillion from Pada bulan Maret 2020 Indonesia In March 2020, Indonesia entered the
Triliun dengan annualized yield 7,65% p.a. the target of IDR 3.73 trillion with an memasuki masa Tanggap Darurat Emergency Response period due to
dari target yield tahun 2020 sebesar 6,75% annualized yield of 7.65% p.a. of the 2020 karena wabah COVID-19. Selain itu pada the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, in
p.a. Rincian realisasi PNBP tersebut adalah yield target of 6.75% p.a. The details of the bulan November 2020, Bank Indonesia November 2020, Bank Indonesia lowered
sebagai berikut: PNBP realization are as follows: menurunkan BI Reverse Repo Rate the BI Reverse Repo Rate by 25 basis
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

sebesar 25 basis poin dari 4,00% menjadi points from 4.00% to 3.75%. However, LPDP yang juga disebut Beasiswa people. The LPDP Scholarship, also known
3,75%. Namun demikian, kinerja realisasi the performance of PNBP realization Pendidikan Indonesia, meliputi beberapa as the Indonesian Education Scholarship,
PNBP diharapkan tetap stabil meskipun is expected to remain stable even program dengan pendanaan untuk includes several programs with funding
pasar keuangan Indonesia mengalami though the Indonesian financial market program Magister dan Doktor baik pada for Masters and Doctoral programs at
tekanan yang cukup berat pada tahun 2020. is experiencing quite heavy pressure universitas dalam negeri dan luar negeri, both domestic and foreign universities, as
in 2020. serta pendanaan Dokter Spesialis pada well as funding for Specialist Doctors at
Namun demikian, meskipun dalam universitas dalam negeri. domestic universities.
tekanan pasar keuangan yang cukup berat, However, despite the fairly heavy
LPDP mampu membukukan pendapatan financial market pressure, LPDP was
a. Penerima Beasiswa a. Scholarship Recipients
sebesar Rp3,909 Triliun dengan yield able to record revenue of IDR 3.909
7,65% p.a. Tingkat Imbal Hasil tersebut trillion with a yield of 7.65% p.a. The rate Penerima layanan beasiswa LPDP dari LPDP scholarship service recipients
menggambarkan kinerja LPDP yang of return illustrates the performance of tahun 2013 hingga 31 Desember 2020 from 2013 to December 31, 2020
tetap stabil meskipun ditengah pandemi LPDP which remains stable even in the secara akumulatif berjumlah 27.995 cumulatively numbered 27,995 people.
COVID-19. midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. orang. Rincian penerima beasiswa The details of the scholarship recipients
tersebut menurut programnya adalah: according to the program are:
Selanjutnya, ringkasan portofolio LPDP Furthermore, the LPDP portfolio as of
per 31 Desember 2020 dapat diikhtisarkan December 31, 2020 can be summarized
Penerima Penerima
sebagai berikut: as follows: Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Tahun Grand Total
Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 2020 (orang)
Scholarship Type Scholarship Year 2020 Grand Total
Recipients 2010 Scholarship (person)
Jumlah Dana - 2019 Recipients
Realisasi Pencairan
No Uraian Abadi (Rupiah)
No Description Total Endowment Full Scholarships
Realization 22.721 278 22.999
Fund (IDR) Full Scholarships

Deposito Beasiswa Afirmasi

1 38.880.012.090.382,70 52,77% 5.634 5.634
Deposit Affirmation Scholarship

Obligasi Surat Berharga Negara Beasiswa Alumni Bidik Misi

2 32.161.937.909.617,00 43,65% 2.302 2.302
Government Securities Scholarship for Alumni of Bidik Misi

Beasiswa Daerah Afirmasi

Obligasi BUMN 1.635 1.635
3 2.637.000.000.000,00 3,58% Scholarship for Affirmative Region
SOE Bonds

Beasiswa Indonesia Timur (BIT)

Total 332 332
73.678.949.999.999,70 100,00% Eastern Indonesia Scholarship (BIT)

Beasiswa Pengabdian 3T
76 76
Pokok Dana Abadi 3T Devotion Scholarship
Endowment Principal
Beasiswa Penyandang Disabilitas
16 16
Saldo Pendapatan (yang direinvestasi) Scholarship for Diffable
Income Balance (reinvested)
Beasiswa Prasejahtera Berprestasi
799 799
Scholarship for Underprivileged Students
3. Layanan Beasiswa 3. Scholarship Service
Beasiswa Prestasi Nasional/Internasional
National/International Achievement 162 162
Program Beasiswa LPDP bertujuan The LPDP Scholarship Program aims to Scholarship
untuk menyiapkan pemimpin dan prepare Indonesia’s future leaders and
Beasiswa Santri
profesional masa depan Indonesia yang professionals who are expected to become Santri Scholarship
293 293
diharapkan dapat menjadi lokomotif the leaders who will drive the nation
kemajuan bangsa Indonesia. Pada forward. In 2020, LPDP fully supports the Beasiswa Sektor Strategis
16 16
Strategic Sector Scholarship
tahun 2020, LPDP mendukung penuh implementation of the vision and mission of
pelaksanaan visi misi Presiden RI yakni the President of the Republic of Indonesia,
“SDM Unggul Indonesia Maju” dengan namely “Advanced Indonesian Through 3 3
memperluas akses pendidikan tinggi Superior Human Resources” by expanding
bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Beasiswa access to higher education for all Indonesian
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Penerima Penerima Penerima Penerima

Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Tahun Grand Total Beasiswa 2010 Beasiswa Tahun Grand Total
Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 2020 (orang) Jenis Beasiswa s.d. 2019 2020 (orang)
Scholarship Type Scholarship Year 2020 Grand Total Scholarship Type Scholarship Year 2020 Grand Total
Recipients 2010 Scholarship (person) Recipients 2010 Scholarship (person)
- 2019 Recipients - 2019 Recipients

Beasiswa Targetted Tesis

4.824 232 5.056 1.302 1.302
Targeted Scholarship Thesis

Beasiswa PNS/TNI/POLRI Beasiswa Top Up

1.430 1.430 187 187
Scholarship for State Apparatuses Top Up Scholarship

Beasiswa Prestasi Olimpiade Program Kampus Mengajar Perintis

14 14 2.389 2389
International Olympic Scholarship Pioneer Teaching Campus Program*

Akumulasi Penerima Beasiswa

Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia (BUDI) 24.926 3.069 27.995
3.380 3.380 Accumulation of Scholarship Recipients

Beasiswa Pendidik Dosen

202 202
Lecturer Educator Scholarship
202 30 1 45 2
Beasiswa Pendidik Guru
30 30 Orang Orang Orang Orang Orang
Teacher Educator Scholarship People People Person People People

Beasiswa Umum Beasiswa Beasiswa Pendidik Guru Beasiswa Dokter Spesialis Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Beasiswa Co Funding
12.154 46 12.200
General Scholarship Pendidik Dosen Teacher Educator Specialist Doctor Peringkat Utama Dunia Co-Funding Scholarship
Lecturer Educator Scholarship Scholarship World’s Top Ranking
Scholarship University Scholarship
Beasiswa Dokter Spesialis
594 1 595
Specialist Doctor Scholarship

Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Utama Dunia

34 45 79
World’s Top Ranking University Scholarship

Beasiswa Reguler
11.526 11.526
Regular Scholarship

Beasiswa Presiden Republik Indonesia

President of the Republic of Indonesia 109 109

Partial Scholarships
2.205 402 2.607
Partial Scholarships

Beasiswa Targeted
0 400 400
Targeted Scholarship

Beasiswa Bantuan Pendidikan Doktor (Dosen)

Doctoral Education Assistance Scholarship 0 379 379

Beasiswa Bantuan Pendidikan Magister

0 21 21
Masters Education Assistance Scholarship

b. Mahasiswa On Going b. On Going Student

Beasiswa Umum
2.018 2 2.020
General Scholarship
Mahasiswa On Going adalah mahasiswa On Going Students are those who
CoFunding yang sedang menjalankan studi are currently studying at home and
39 2 31
Co-Funding di dalam dan luar negeri dalam overseas in financing scholarships
pembiayaan beasiswa dari LPDP. Jumlah from LPDP. The number of ongoing
677 677 mahasiswa ongoing per 31 Desember students as of December 31, 2020 is
2020 adalah 7.988 orang. 7,988 people.
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Secara lebih rinci, mahasiswa on going These students receiving LPDP Penerima Beasiswa berdasarkan Provinsi Asal
penerima beasiswa LPDP tersebar pada scholarships are spread out at the best Akumulasi dari tahun 2013 s.d. 31 Desember 2020
universitas terbaik pada berbagai negara universities in various countries around Scholarship Recipients by Province of Origin
di seluruh dunia. Sebaran mahasiswa the world. The distribution of On Going Accumulation from 2013 to 31 December 2020
on going dimaksud berdasarkan negara Students, based on their destination
tujuan studi adalah: countries are: 5.000

Realisasi Pencairan
No Tujuan Studi Jumlah (Orang)
Disbursement Realization 4.000
No Destination Number (People)
Persentase (%)


1 6.088 77,77%


2 406 5,19%


3 386 4,93%
4 280 3,58%



Amerika Serikat

5 229 2,93%

United States of America 1.000




6 123 1,57%


Japan 500




















7 63 0,80%


German 0

Jawa Barat
Jawa Barat

Jawa Timur
East Java

DKI Jakarta
DKI Jakarta

Jawa Tengah
Central Java
DI Yogyakarta

Sulawesi Selatan
South Sulawesi
Sumatra Barat
West Sumatra
Nusa Tenggara Barat
West Nusa Tenggara

Nusa Tenggara Timur

East Nusa Tenggara
Sumatera Utara
North Sumatra


Sumatera Selatan
South Sumatra

Sulawesi Tenggara
Southeast Sulawesi
Kalimantan Barat
West Kalimantan
Kalimantan Timur
East Kalimantan
Sulawesi Tengah
Central Sulawesi

Kalimantan Selatan
South Kalimantan

Papua Barat
West Papua

Maluku Utara
North Maluku

Sulawesi Utara
North Sulawesi
Kepulauan Riau
Riau islands

Sulawesi Barat
West Sulawesi

Kepulauan Bangka Belitun

Bangka Belitung Islands

Kalimantan Tengah
Central Kalimantan
Kalimantan Utara
North Kalimantan
8 33 0,42%

Selandia Baru
9 28 0,36%
New Zealand

10 22 0,28%

22 0,28%
*Program Kampus c. Alumni c. Alumni
Belgium Mengajar Perintis
dikecualikan dari
Malaysia Alumni LPDP adalah mahasiswa yang LPDP alumni are students who have
12 21 0,28% statistik ini.
Malaysia telah menyelesaikan studinya baik di completed their studies both at home
*The Pioneer Teaching dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri, and overseas, and have reported their
13 20 0,27% Campus Program is
France dan telah melaporkan kelulusannya graduation to LPDP. The number
excluded from these
Singapura statistics.
pada LPDP. Jumlah alumni LPDP per of LPDP alumni as of December 31,
14 17 0,26%
Singapore 31 Desember 2020 adalah 12.597 orang 2020 is 12,597 people which can be
yang dapat dirinci sebagai berikut: specified as follows:
15 13 0,22%

Korea Selatan
16 13 0,17% Jumlah Alumni per Persentase dari
South Korea
Program Beasiswa 31 Des 2020 (Orang) Total Alumni (%)
Taiwan Scholarship Program Number of Alumni as Percentage of Total
17 11 0,14% of 31 Dec 2020 (Person) Alumni (%)

Swiss Magister Dalam Negeri

18 9 0,11% 1 3.948 31,3%
Switzerland Master’s Degree at Domestic

Thailand Magister Luar Negeri

19 8 0,10% 2 5.901 46,8%
Thailand Master’s Degree at Overseas

Italia Doktor Dalam Negeri

20 8 0,10% 3 474 3,8%
Italy Doctoral at Domestic
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Performance Report
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Jumlah Alumni per Persentase dari No Universitas DN Jumlah

Program Beasiswa 31 Des 2020 (Orang) Total Alumni (%) No Domestic University Total
Scholarship Program Number of Alumni as Percentage of Total
of 31 Dec 2020 (Person) Alumni (%)
11 Universitas Brawijaya 107
Doktor Luar Negeri
4 575 4,6%
Doctoral at Overseas
12 Universitas Sebelas Maret 104
Spesialis Dokter
5 83 0,7%
Medical Specialty
13 Universitas Diponegoro 81
Disertasi DN
6 286 2,3%
Dissertation at Domestic 14 Universitas Negeri Malang 81
Disertasi LN
7 111 0,9%
Dissertation at Overseas 15 Universitas Negeri Jakarta 70

Tesis DN
8 1.190 9,4%
Thesis at Domestic 16 Universitas Negeri Makassar 67

Tesis LN
9 29 0,2%
Thesis at Overseas 17 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 39

Total Alumni 12.597 100,0%

18 UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 39

Alumni Beasiswa LPDP merupakan LPDP Scholarship Alumni are graduates

19 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 25
lulusan dari berbagai universitas terbaik from various best universities in the
di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. country and overseas. The 20 destination
20 universitas tujuan di dalam dan luar universities at the homeland and abroad
negeri dengan alumni beasiswa LPDP with the most LPDP scholarship alumni
No Universitas LN Jumlah
terbanyak (tidak termasuk pembiayaan (excluding thesis and dissertation No Overseas University Total
tesis dan disertasi serta program KMP) financing as well as the KMP program)
dapat dijabarkan dalam tabel berikut: can be described in the following table: 1 Wageningen University 283

2 University College London 276

No Universitas DN Jumlah
No Domestic University Total
3 The University of Manchester 266

1 Universitas Gadjah Mada 1.085

4 The University of Melbourne 217

2 Universitas Indonesia 726

5 Monash University 193

3 Institut Teknologi Bandung 677

6 Imperial College London 185

4 Institut Pertanian Bogor 336

7 The University of Edinburgh 185

5 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 222

8 University of Leeds 165

6 Universitas Padjadjaran 171

9 University of Birmingham 161

7 Universitas Hasanuddin 164

10 Delft University of Technology 151

8 ITS Surabaya 138

11 Australian National University 137

9 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 134

12 UNSW Australia 127

10 Universitas Airlangga 118

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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

No Universitas LN Jumlah
No Overseas University Total Andi Taufan Garuda Putra

13 University of Aberdeen 122

• Public Policy Harvard • Public Policy at Harvard
University University
14 Leiden University 107
• CEO dan Founder of Amartha • Special Staff to the President of
• Staf Khusus Presiden RI the Republic of Indonesia
15 The University of Nottingham 106

16 The University of Queensland 106

17 University of Glasgow 100

Risa Santoso

18 Erasmus University Rotterdam 96 • MA Learning and Teaching • MA Learning and Teaching at

Harvard University Harvard University
19 The University of Sydney 96 • Rektor Institut Teknologi dan • Chancellor of the Asian Institute
Bisnis Asia pada usia 27 tahun of Technology and Business at
20 Newcastle University 81 the age of 27 years old

Tambahan alumni LPDP pada tahun There are additions of LPDP alumni in Putri Urfanny Nadhiroh
2020 adalah 3.310 orang dimana waktu 2020, numbered 3,310 people, whose
untuk kelulusan program Magister dan time for the graduation of the Masters • Fashion Design University • Fashion Design at University
Doktor Luar Negeri terjadi mulai pada and Doctoral Overseas programs Southampton UK Southampton, UK
sekitar bulan Februari 2020. occurs around February 2020. • Founder Shibotik Design • Founder of Shibotik Design

Adamas Belva Syah Devara Andri Rizki Putra

• Stanford University MBA • Stanford University MBA • Technology and Education • Technology and Education
• Pendiri RuangGuru • RuangGuru Founder Harvard University Harvard University
• Staf Khusus Presiden RI • Special Staff to the President of • Founder Yayasan Pemimpin • Founder Yayasan Pemimpin
the Republic of Indonesia Anak Bangsa Anak Bangsa

Dyah Roro Esti Giri Kuncoro

• Environment Policy Imperial • Environment Policy Imperial • Information Science Cornell • Information Science Cornell
College London College London University University
• Anggota DPR RI 2019 - 2024 • Member of Indonesian House • System Engineer GoJek • GoJek Indonesia System
of Parliamentary 2019 - 2024 Indonesia (GoPay Engineer) Engineer (GoPay Engineer)
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Performance Report
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

4. Layanan Pendanaan Riset 4. Research Funding Services

Priscilla Anais
Program pendanaan riset yang The research funding program
dilaksanakan LPDP bernama Program implemented by LPDP is called the
• Harvard Business School • Harvard Business School Pendanaan Riset Pembangunan Indonesian Development Research
• CEO Office Manager at • CEO Office Manager at Indonesia (RPI). Program ini merupakan Funding Program (RPI). This program
Tokopedia Tokopedia program pendanaan riset unggulan is a leading research funding program
yang diarahkan pada komersialisasi/ directed at the commercialization/
implementasi hasil riset sehingga implementation of research results so that
diharapkan dapat memberi nilai tambah it is expected to provide added value and/
dan/atau inovasi. Capaian kinerja or innovation. LPDP service performance
Ramda Yanurzha layanan LPDP per 31 Desember 2020 achievements as of December 31, 2020 can
dapat diikhtisarkan sebagai berikut: be summarized as follows:
• Applied Science New York • Applied Science New York
University University a. Jumlah Proyek dan Pendanaan a. Number of Projects and Funding
• VIP Research at GoJek • VIP Research at GoJek
Indonesia Indonesia Secara akumulatif per 31 Desember Cumulatively as of December 31,
2020, LPDP telah menetapkan 892 2020, LPDP has identified 892
proyek (judul riset) dengan nilai projects (research titles) with a
pendanaan Rp1,10 Triliun. Di tahun funding value of IDR 1.10 trillion. In
Firman Parlindungan 2020, ada 60 kontrak baru yang 2020, there were 60 new contracts
ditetapkan dengan nilai kontrak assigned with a contract value of IDR
• The Ohio State University USA • The Ohio State University USA Rp498.895.540.629,00. 498,895,540,629.00.
• Direktur Global Research • Direktur Global Research
Institute Meulaboh, Aceh Institute Meulaboh, Aceh 600.00

80 500.00


M. Senoyodha Brennaf 400.00


• Advanced Computer Science • Advanced Computer Science
Manchester University UK Manchester University UK
• Co Founder Halal Local startup • Co Founder Halal Local startup 30 200.00


Kontrak Baru
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Nov 20
Dewi Nur Aisyah New Contract

Kontrak Nilai Baru

• Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia • Indonesian Epidemiologist (Milyar Rp) 7 26 25 22 21 24 94 60

• Senior Peneliti pada Gugus • Senior Researcher at the New Value Contract
7,52 113,41 15,48 14,23 20,51 53,57 250,79 497.71
(Billion IDR)
Tugas COVID-19 Indonesia Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force

Selain itu, pada tahun 2020 LPDP Additionally, in 2020 LPDP set 18
menetapkan 18 kontrak lanjutan dengan follow-up contracts with funding
pendanaan Rp79.672.956.174,00. of IDR 79,672,956,174.00.
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Adapun secara akumulatif, rincian As for cumulatively, the details of the

Uraian HKI Draft Pendaftaran Granted Total
kontrak dan judul riset serta nilai contract and research title as well as
IPR Description Draft Registration Granted Total
kontrak pendanaannya adalah the value of the funding contract are
sebagai berikut: as follows: Paten
23 55 9 87
*ada Perjanjian
RISPO Jumlah Judul Jumlah Nilai Kontrak
Kerja sama LPDP- Merek
Productive Skema Riset Kontrak (Rp) 2 8 3 13
Kemenristek/BRIN Brand
untuk 5 tahun terkait
Innovative Scheme Numbers of Contract Contract Value
Research Research Titles Amount (IDR)
Desain Industri
nilai pendanaan untuk 13 6 2 21
Komersial Industrial Design
tahun 2020 sebesar 112 147 299.005.769.545
Rp61 Milyar Commercial
Varietas Tanaman
Competition 0 0 1 1
*There is a 5-year Implementatif Plant Varieties
86 108 56.820.237.603
LPDP-Kemenristek/ Implementative
BRIN Cooperation Hak Cipta
Agreement related to
1 14 12 27
Molina Copyright
MIRA/IMPACT with a 5 5 89.971.512.000
funding value for 2020
of IDR 61 billion. 38 83 27 149
Ideathon Total
17 1 1.141.488.000
Konsorsium COVID
293 1 117.823.425.000
Dari luaran yang telah dicapai From the results that have been
COVID Consortium
tersebut sampai dengan saat ini achieved up to now, there have
telah dihasikan outcomes berupa 15 been outcomes in the form of 15
Prioritas Riset Nasional
National Research Priority
305 1 242.871.043.696 produk teknologi, 4 kebijakan atau technology products, 4 policies or
regulasi, 7 model tata kelola, dan 1 regulations, 7 governance models, and
Kendaraan Listrik standardisasi/sertifikasi. Selain itu, 1 standardization or certification. In
5 10 95.979.345.963
Electric Vehicle outcome dari Layanan Pendanaan addition, the outcomes of the LPDP
Riset LPDP diantaranya dapat Research Funding Service can be
Invitasi Farmasi dan Alkes
33 33 112.333.932.000 dijabarkan sebagai berikut: described as follows:
Invitation Pharmacy and Medical Devices

Making Indonesia 4.0 Asal Universitas

23 23 55.932.837.278 Nama Peneliti Judul Penelitian
Making Indonesia 4.0 No Origin of
Researcher’s Name Research Title
Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
11 2 22.922.376.872 Membran untuk Kerusakan Jaringan Saraf
Indonesian Science Fund
Kolaborasi Intl 1 Drg. Ika Dewi Ana, Ph.D. UGM dan Tulang
Kolaborasi Intl Membranes for Nerve and Bone Damage
JFS Southeast Asia - Europe
2 1 10.549.139.335 Pengembangan ProliSlim (Kapsul Pelangsing
JFS Southeast Asia - Europe Prof. Dr. Dyah Iswantini
2 IPB Development of ProliSlim (Slimming
Pradono, M.Sc.Agr.
892 332 1.105.351.107.292
Bank Sel Gamet Kambing dan Domba Lokal
3 Dr. Ir. Gatot Ciptadi, DESS. UNIBRAW
Local Goat and Sheep Gamete Cell Bank

b. Luaran Riset b. Research Output KJA & Model Budidaya Ikan Nila
Universitas di Danau Maninjau
4 Prof. Dr. Ir. Hafrijal Syandri, MS.
Dari pelaksanaan Layanan Riset sejak From the implementation of Research Bung Hatta KJA & Tilapia Cultivation Model in Lake
tahun 2013, LPDP telah menghasilkan Services since 2013, LPDP has produced
beberapa luaran HKI diantaranya: several IPR outputs including: Biopestisida Organik dari Daun Tembakau
5 Prof. Misri Gozan Univ Indonesia
Organic Biopesticides from Tobacco Leaves
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Performance Report
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Asal Universitas
kendaraan listrik 5 PTN tersebut untuk vehicles for the 5 state universities to
Nama Peneliti Judul Penelitian
No Origin of meningkatkan TKDN pada platform yang increase TKDN on the platform which
Researcher’s Name Research Title
University akan diselesaikan tahun 2022/2023. Pada will be completed in 2022/2023. Also in
Pupuk Organik-Hayati & Integrasi Konservasi tahun 2020 juga, LPDP telah membiayai 2020, LPDP has financed research related
dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Kentang di Riset terkait dengan COVID-19 bekerjasama to COVID-19 in collaboration with the
Andisol Berlereng
6 Dr. Ir. Tamad, M.Si. Unsoed
Bio-Organic Fertilizer & Conservation
dengan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi/ Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN
Integration in Increasing Potato Production BRIN sesuai dengan Prioritas Riset Nasional in accordance with the National Research
in Andisol Valley (PRN) sebesar Rp242,87 Miliar. Priority (PRN) of IDR 242.87 billion.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Andreas
Pupuk Hayati Provibio Dapat kami laporkan juga progres Progress of the implementation of the
Santosa, MS. Provibio Bio Fertilizer
pelaksanaan kebijakan Layanan Pendanaan Research Funding Service policy during
Aplikasi Pengendalian Pascapanen
Riset selama tahun 2020 adalah: 2020 as follows:
Kedelai (Peka Kekal, Aplikasi Pengandalian
Kedelai Lokal)
8 Dr. Atris Suyantohadi, STP, MT UGM 1. Konsorsium COVID-19 1. The COVID-19 Consortium
Soybean Postharvest Control Application
(Permanent Sensitivity, Local Soybean Konsorsium Riset COVID-19 adalah The COVID-19 Research Consortium
Control Application) kerjasama antara LPDP dan is a collaboration between LPDP
Pewarna Batik Alami Kemenristek/BRIN dalam menangani and the Ministry of Research and
9 Prof. Dr. Tech. Suyitno UNS
Natural Batik Dye pandemi COVID-19. Total komitmen Technology / BRIN in dealing with the
pendanaan untuk program ini COVID-19 pandemic. The total funding
Benih Gama Melon Kulivar Hikadi/Hikapel
10 Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryonno UGM Gama Melon Seeds of Hikadi/Hikapel adalah Rp119 Miliar. Per 31 Desember commitment for this program is IDR 119
Cultivation 2020, LPDP telah melaksanakan billion. As of December 31, 2020, LPDP
Pengembangan Baterai LFP (Lithium Ferro pembiayaan riset untuk 293 judul has carried out research financing for 293
11 Prof. Dr. Agus Purwanto UNS
Phosphate) riset dengan total nilai Rp117,82 Miliar research titles with a total value of IDR.
Development of LFP Batteries (Lithium Ferro
dimana realisasi pencairannya adalah 117.82 billion, of which the realization of
Rp78,19 Miliar. disbursement is IDR 78.19 billion.
Aplikasi DiTenun, untuk Pelestarian dan
Peningkatan Kreativitas Penenun Ulos 2. Riset Prioritas Riset Nasional (PRN) 2. National Research
Institut di Tapanuli Utara dan Samosir
12 Dr. Arlinta Barus Prioritas Riset Nasional (PRN) adalah Priority Research (PRN)
Teknologi Deli DiTenun Application, for Preservation and
Improving Creativity of Ulos Weavers in pembiayaan riset yang menjadi National Research Priority (PRN) is
North Tapanuli and Samosir prioritas bekerjasama dengan research financing that is a priority
Model Ekowisata Pelestarian Ekologi Kemenristek/BRIN. Total komitmen in collaboration with the Ministry of
Masyarakat Adat Ammatoa Kajang, pendanaan riset ini adalah Rp250 Research and Technology/BRIN. The total
Bulukumba, Sulsel
13 Dr. Samsul Maarif UGM Miliar dimana hingga saat ini LPDP commitment for this research funding
Ecotourism Model for Ecological Preservation
of Indigenous Peoples of Ammatoa Kajang, telah membiayai 305 judul riset is IDR 250 billion, where so far LPDP has
Bulukumba, South Sulawesi dengan total nilai Rp242,87 Miliar. financed 305 research titles with a total
Model Wisata Edukasi Bahari Realisasi pencairan dana riset untuk value of IDR 242.87 billion. The realization
di Kepulauan Seribu program ini per 31 Desember 2020 of disbursement of research funds for
14 Dr. Ucu Cahyana UNJ
Marine Educational Tourism Model in the adalah Rp149,71 Miliar. this program as of December 31, 2020
Seribu Islands
was IDR 149.71 billion.
Minuman Fungsional Berbasis Kumis Kucing 3. MIT-Indonesia Research Alliance
15 Prof. Dr. Hanny Wijaya IPB
untuk Penderita Diabetes (MIRA) / IMPACT (Indonesia MIT 3. MIT-Indonesia Research Alliance
Labiatae-Based Functional Drink for
Program for Advanced Research (MIRA) / IMPACT (Indonesia MIT Program
and technology) for Advanced Research
Program ini telah memiliki total and technology)
Selain itu, LPDP juga membiayai In addition, LPDP also finances the komitmen pendanaan sebesar Rp961 This program has a total funding
pengembangan Mobil Listrik Nasional development of the National Electric Miliar untuk 5 tahun anggaran (2020 commitment of Rp961 billion for 5 fiscal
(MOLINA) yang merupakan kerjasama Car (MOLINA) which is a collaboration s.d. 2024). Pagu anggaran untuk years (2020 to 2024). The budget ceiling
dari beberapa universitas seperti UI, between several universities such as UI, program ini adalah Rp61 Miliar, namu for this program is IDR 61 billion, but
ITS, UNS, UGM, dan ITB. LPDP dalam ITS, UNS, UGM, and ITB. LPDP, in this case, belum ada pencairan untuk program there has been no disbursement for this
hal ini melanjutkan pendanaan riset will continue to fund research on electric ini pada tahun 2020. program in 2020.
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IDEATHON memiliki total komitmen IDEATHON has a total funding commitment

pendanaan sebesar Rp2 Miliar yang of IDR 2 billion which finances 17 research
membiayai 17 judul riset dengan total nilai titles with a total value of IDR 1.14 billion.
Rp1,14 Miliar. Pagu anggaran untuk program The budget ceiling for this program is IDR 2
ini adalah Rp2 Miliar dengan realisasi billion with a realization of IDR 965.01 million
Rp965,01 Juta per 31 Desember 2020. as of December 31, 2020.
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Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Kebijakan Tata
Governance Terbaik

The Best Guidance

Selanjutnya, seekor ikan Next, a salmon will

salmon akan kembali ke return to freshwater
perairan air tawar untuk waters to breed. A salmon
berkembang biak. Seekor ikan must go against the stream
salmon harus melawan arus during migration process.
saat proses migrasi tersebut. This illustrates that LPDP
Hal ini menggambarkan always helps and protects
LPDP yang senantiasa every scholarship recipient
membantu dan mengayomi to achieve their dreams
setiap penerima beasiswa in various challenges,
untuk meraih mimpi dalam including during the
berbagai tantangan, termasuk pandemic.
pada masa pandemi.
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Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

I. Tata Kelola

1. Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 1. Public Information Disclosure

Transparansi informasi adalah asas Transparency of information is the

utama bagi instansi sektor publik yang main principle for public sector
bersinggungan langsung dengan agencies, whose implementation
pelaksanaan layanan kepada masyarakat of services are in direct contact with
luas. LPDP merupakan salah satu diantara the wider community. LPDP is one of
instansi tersebut. LPDP melaksanakan these institutions. LPDP carries out
pelayanan informasi publik berdasarkan public information services based on
Undang Undang Nomor 14 tahun Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning
2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Public Information Disclosure in full
Publik secara penuh dan konsekuen, and consequently, as a form of LPDP’s
sebagai bentuk komitmen LPDP commitment to clear and equitable
terhadap persebaran informasi yang distribution of information to all levels
jelas dan merata kepada seluruh lapisan of society. The main targets of this
masyarakat. Sasaran utama informasi ini information are prospective scholarship
adalah para calon pendaftar beasiswa dan applicants and recipients of LPDP
penerima bantuan dana riset LPDP. research grants.

Keterbukaan informasi LPDP diantaranya LPDP’s information disclosure is carried

dilaksanakan secara langsung melalui out directly through massive socialization
kegiatan sosialisasi secara masif pada activities in various government agencies
berbagai instansi pemerintah dan and universities throughout Indonesia. In
perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia. addition to institutions and universities
Selain instansi dan perguruan tinggi that have the greatest potential for
yang memiliki potensi terbesar calon prospective scholarship recipients and
penerima beasiswa dan penerima dana recipients of research funds, LPDP also
riset, LPDP juga memberikan penyebaran provides information dissemination
informasi pada berbagai institusi non to various non-profit institutions that
profit yang ikut serta dalam upaya participate in efforts to increase access
meningkatkan akses pendidikan tinggi to higher education in Indonesia, for
di Indonesia, misalnya melalui kegiatan example through educational activities
atau pameran pendidikan. Target utama or exhibitions. The main target of this berfokus untuk melaksanakan sosialisasi conducting remote socialization
sosialisasi ini adalah daerah-daerah yang socialization is areas that have not jarak jauh dengan menggunakan video using video conferencing and/or
belum terjangkau informasi melalui been reached by information through conference dan/atau webinar karena webinars due to the Social Distancing
media elektronik. Dengan sosialisasi electronic media. With massive and adanya kebijakan Social Distancing yang policy set by the government, with
secara masif dan menyeluruh di seluruh comprehensive socialization throughout ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, dengan the imposition of a ban on gathering
Indonesia, diharapkan jumlah persebaran Indonesia, it is hoped that the number adanya pemberlakuan larangan large numbers of people.
pendaftar menjadi lebih merata sehingga of registrants will be more evenly untuk pengumpulan masyarakat
seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dapat ikut distributed so that all Indonesian people dalam jumlah besar.
In addition, LPDP also optimizes the
menikmati akses terhadap pendidikan can gain access to higher education
Selain itu, LPDP juga mengoptimalkan distribution of information through
tinggi yang diberikan oleh LPDP. provided by LPDP.
persebaran informasi melalui sosial media social media including Instagram,
Secara umum sampai 31 Desember 2020, In general, as of December 31, 2020, diantaranya Instagram, Facebook, dan Facebook, and LinkedIn. The
LPDP telah melaksanakan 107 kegiatan LPDP has carried out 107 outreach LinkedIn. Persebaran informasi ini dinilai dissemination of this information is
sosialisasi pada berbagai kota di Indonesia activities in various cities in Indonesia lebih efektif pada masa pandemi COVID-19 considered more effective during
(27 sosialisasi) serta pada berbagai (27 outreach) and on various online dibandingkan dengan sosialisasi secara the COVID-19 pandemic compared
platform daring (80 sosialisasi virtual). platforms (80 virtual outreach). daring. Program keberangkatan pun to online socialization. The departure
Selama jangka waktu tersebut, LPDP During this period, LPDP focused on dilaksanakan secara daring untuk tetap program is also carried out online to
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Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

menjalankan proses bisnis beasiswa keep the ongoing scholarship business Nama Platform Permintaan Per 31 Des 2020
yang tengah berjalan. process running. Platform Name Request As of Dec 31 2020

Statistik media sosial LPDP beserta LPDP’s social media statistics and their Inbound Calls
1 24.837
followers-nya adalah sebagai berikut: followers are as follows: Inbound Calls

Customer Relationship Management

*cut off data 31 2 50.447
Costumer Relationship Management
Desember 2020 No Nama Media Sosial Jumlah Followers (Orang)
No Social Media Accounts Number of Followers (People)
*cut off data Kunjungan Fisik
3 211
December 31, 2020 On-site Visitation
1 Facebook 124.735

Sosial Media
4 22.039
2 Instagram 521.147 Media Social

3 Youtube 10.800 Total


4 Twitter 110.090
Penyelesaian CRM
CRM Completion
5 LinkedIn 88.470

Dari keluhan tersebut, sekitar 99,55% From all the complaints, around 99.55% of
Jumlah followers sosial media LPDP The number of LPDP social media permintaan informasi dan keluhan telah requests for information and complaints
merepresentasikan jumlah peminat followers represents the number of LPDP ditanggapi oleh tim CSO LPDP (tersisa 225 have been responded to by the LPDP
beasiswa LPDP didominasi oleh scholarship applicants, dominated by permintaan dalam proses penyelesaian). CSO team (the remaining 225 requests
generasi milenial, yang sangat tech the Millennial generation, who are very Pengelolaan permintaan informasi dan are in the process of being resolved). The
savvy dan memiliki keterhubungan tech-savvy and have close connections keluhan ini menjadi prioritas LPDP dalam management of requests for information
erat dengan penggunaan media sosial. with the use of social media. With upaya meningkatkan kualitas layanan and complaints is a priority for LPDP in an
Dengan informasi tersebut di atas, the information above, the use of baik Layanan Beasiswa maupun Layanan effort to improve the quality of services,
maka penggunaan media sosial sebagai social media as a means of mediating Pendanaan Riset disamping dapat both Scholarship Services and Research
sarana mediasi informasi menjadi sangat information becomes very important membantu LPDP menyempurnakan Funding Services, in addition to helping
penting dan akan terus dioptimalkan and will continue to be optimized for layanannya. LPDP improve its services.
penggunaannya di masa mendatang. use in the future.

Selain itu, LPDP juga mengelola In addition, LPDP also manages requests 2. Kerjasama Kelembagaan 2. Institutional Cooperation
permintaan informasi dan keluhan baik for information and complaints from both
dari penerima layanan LPDP maupun LPDP service recipients and the general Sejak tahun 2013, LPDP mulai Since 2013, LPDP has started to
dari masyarakat umum melalui aplikasi public through the Customer Relationship berkolaborasi dengan beberapa mitra collaborate with several partners to
Customer Relationship Management Management (CRM) application. With untuk bekerja sama dalam pencapaian visi work together in achieving the vision
(CRM). Dengan proses bisnis ini diharapkan this business process, it is expected that menjadi lembaga pengelola dana terbaik of becoming the best fund management
respon terhadap permintaan informasi responses to requests for information and di tingkat regional untuk mempersiapkan institution at the regional level to prepare
dan keluhan dapat ditanggapi dengan complaints can be responded to quickly pemimpin masa depan serta mendorong future leaders and encourage innovation
cepat dan tepat sasaran sehingga and on target so as to increase the level inovasi bagi Indonesia yang sejahtera, for a prosperous, democratic and
meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan pengguna of satisfaction of LPDP service users. As demokratis, dan berkeadilan. just Indonesia.
layanan LPDP. Per 31 Desember 2020, of December 31, 2020, the number of
Sampai dengan Desember 2020 sudah As of December 2020, there have been
jumlah permintaan informasi dan keluhan requests for information and complaints
ada 113 kerjasama dalam negeri dan 34 113 domestic collaborations and 34
dapat diikhtisarkan sebagai berikut: can be summarized as follows:
kerjasama luar negeri dengan rincian foreign collaborations with the details
terlampir sebagai berikut: attached as follows:

Rincian kerjasama DN sampai dengan Details of the domestic cooperation until

Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut: December 2020 are as follows:
94 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal
No No
Type Domestic Partner About Type Domestic Partner About

Kerja Sama Pemanfaatan Jasa Layanan Perbankan dan

Akademi Ilmu
Kerjasama Pendanaan Riset Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Pengelolaan SDM
1 NK-KLDN Pengetahuan 13 NK-KLDN Bank Bukopin
Science and Technology Research Funding Cooperation Cooperation in the Utilization of Banking Services and HR

Kerjasama Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan dan Peningkatan Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset
Kualitas SDM Kabupaten Bantaeng Pembangunan Indonesia
2 NK-KLDN Kabupaten Bantaeng 14 NK-PTDN Universitas Jember
Education Cooperation for Development and Quality Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian
Improvement of Human Resources in Bantaeng Regency Development Research Program

Kerjasama Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan dan Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset
Kabupaten Peningkatan Kualitas SDM Kabupaten Lombok Utara Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia
Lombok Utara Education Cooperation for the Development and Improvement Negeri Semarang Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian
of the Quality of Human Resources in North Lombok Regency Development Research Program

Kerjasama Program Beasiswa dan Program Riset Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset
Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia
Sumatera Utara Cooperation of the Scholarship Program and the Indonesian Negeri Medan Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian
Development Research Program Development Research Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Serta Penelitian
Ditjen Sumber Daya Indonesia (BUDI) Kementerian Dan Pengembangan Di Bidang Transportasi
Iptek & Dikti Indonesian Lecturer Excellence Scholarship Program Perhubungan Human Resource Development, as well as Research and
Cooperation (BUDI) Development in the Field of Transportation

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset Kerja Sama Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Penitian
Pembangunan Indonesia Dalam Rangka Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak
6 NK-PTDN Universitas Riau Pencucian Uang dan Tindak Pidana Pendanaan Teroris
Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian 18 NK-KLDN PPATK
Development Research Program Cooperation in Human Resource Development and Research in
the Context of Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering
Kerja Sama Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Dan Peningkatan and Terrorist Financing Crimes
Kabupaten Sumba Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya
7 NK-KLDN Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Barat Daya Educational Cooperation for Development and Improvement of
the Quality of Human Resources in Southwest Sumba Regency Kementerian Di Kementerian Luar Negeri
Luar Negeri Human Resources Development In The Ministry
Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset Of Foreign Affairs
Pembangunan Indonesia
8 NK-PTDN Universitas Khairun Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Kementerian Hukum
Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian
Development Research Program dan Hak Asasi Manusia
20 NK-KLDN KemkumHAM
Human Resources Development at the Ministry of Law and
Kerja Sama Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan dan Peningkatan Human Rights
Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Jambi
9 NK-KLDN Provinsi Jambi Educational Cooperation for the Development and Peningkatan Kapasitas Aparatur Sipil Negara Dalam
Improvement of the Quality of Human Resources of Jambi Mendukung Program Reformasi Birokrasi
Province Increasing The Capacity Of The State Civil Apparatus In
Supporting The Bureaucracy Reform Program
Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset
Pembangunan Indonesia Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Pendanaan Riset
10 NK-PTDN Muhammadiyah
Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian UIN Syarif Inovatif Produktif
Surakarta 22 NK-PTDN
Development Research Program Hidayatullah Scholarship Program Collaboration and Productive Innovative
Research Funding Program
Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Riset
Pembangunan Indonesia Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa dan Program Pendanaan Riset
11 NK-PTDN ISI Surakarta
Cooperation between Scholarship Program and Indonesian Inovatif Produktif
23 NK-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
Development Research Program Cooperation of Scholarship Program and Productive Innovative
Research Funding Program
Kerja Sama Bidang Riset dan Pengembangan
Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa dan Program Pendanaan Riset
12 NK-KLDN PT. PINDAD (Persero)
Cooperation in the Field of Research and Development of the Institut Inovatif Produktif
Quality of Human Resources Teknologi Bandung Cooperation of Scholarship Program and Productive Innovative
Research Funding Program
96 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal
No No
Type Domestic Partner About Type Domestic Partner About

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa dan Program Pendanaan Riset Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program
Inovatif Produktif Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif
25 NK-PTDN Pendidikan 38 NK-PTDN Universitas Andalas
Cooperation of Scholarship Program and Productive Innovative Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive
Research Funding Program Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa dan Program Pendanaan Riset Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program
Universitas Inovatif Produktif Universitas Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif
Diponegoro Cooperation of Scholarship Program and Productive Innovative Negeri Malang Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive
Research Funding Program Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa dan Program Pendanaan Riset Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Pendanaan Riset
Institut Teknologi Inovatif Produktif Universitas Inovatif Produktif
Sepuluh Nopember Cooperation of Scholarship Program and Productive Innovative Sebelas Maret Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive
Research Funding Program Innovative Research Funding Program

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Kementerian Umum

Pengembangan Dan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya
Dan Perumahan Rakyat Kementerian
28 NK-KLDN Kementerian PUPR 41 NK-KLDN Manusia Kesehatan
Human Resources Development In The Ministry Of Public And Kesehatan RI
Health Human Resources Development And Empowerment
People’s Housing

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Dan Program Pendanaan Riset

Universitas Kerja Sama Bidang Riset Dan Pengembangan Sumber
Inovatif Produktif
29 NK-PTDN Islam Negeri 42 NK-KLDN PT. PINDAD (Persero) Daya Manusia
Scholarship Program Collaboration and Productive Innovative
Sunan Kalijaga Cooperation In Human Resources Research And Development
Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program
Institut Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif
30 NK-PTDN 43 NK-PTDN Universitas Riau
Pertanian Bogor Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive
Innovative Research Funding Program Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Pengembangan dan Perdayaan Sumberdaya Manusia
Universitas Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif
31 NK-PTDN 44 NK-KLDN Kementerian BUMN Yang Unggul
Padjadjaran Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive
Superior Human Resources Development and Empowerment
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif PT. Wijaya Karya Kerja Sama Pendanaan Riset
32 NK-KLDN Kejaksaan Agung 45 NK-KLDN
Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive (WIKA) Persero Research Funding Cooperation
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Universitas Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif PT. Industri Kereta Kerja Sama Pendanaan Riset
Negeri Yogyakarta Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Api (INKA) Persero Research Funding Cooperation
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Universitas Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif PT. Kalbe Kerja Sama Pendanaan Riset
Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Farma (Persero) Research Funding Cooperation
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif Kerja Sama Pendanaan Riset
35 NK-PTDN Universitas Udayana 48 NK-KLDN PT. Pertamina
Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Research Funding Cooperation
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif Kerja Sama Pendanaan Riset
36 NK-PTDN Universitas Airlangga 49 NK-KLDN PT. Telkom Indonesia
Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Research Funding Cooperation
Innovative Research Funding Program

Kerja Sama Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana dan Program

Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Angkatan I
37 NK-PTDN Universitas Brawijaya 50 PKS-PTDN Universitas Udayana
Postgraduate Scholarship Program Cooperation and Productive Management of Indonesian Education Scholarship Batch I
Innovative Research Funding Program
98 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal
No No
Type Domestic Partner About Type Domestic Partner About

Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia

51 PKS-PTDN 64 PKS-PTDN UIN Walisongo
Hasanuddin Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships

Indonesia Education Scholarships for Postgraduate Program

Institut Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas “Joint Degree in Master of Nursing”
Teknologi Bandung Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Gadjah Mada Indonesia Education Scholarships for Postgraduate Program
“Joint Degree in Master of Nursing”

Institut Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia

53 PKS-PTDN 66 PKS-PTDN Universitas Khairun
Pertanian Bogor Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships

Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia

54 PKS-PTDN 67 PKS-PTDN Universitas Brawijaya
Negeri Yogyakarta Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships

Institut Teknologi Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia
55 PKS-PTDN 68 PKS-PTDN Muhammadiyah
Sepuluh Nopember Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships

Pengelolaan Beasiswa Double Degree Program Master

Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Magister Sains Ekonomi (UI) dan Master of International &
Padjadjaran Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Development Economics, Master of Environmental &
Resource Economics (ANU)
69 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
Management of Double Degree Scholarships for Master
of Science in Economics (UI) and Master of International &
Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Development Economics, Master of Environmental & Resource
57 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Economics (ANU) Scholarships

Pengelolaan Beasiswa Double Degree Program Master Magister

Kesehatan Masyarakat (UI) dan Master of Public Health (Curtin
Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia 70 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
58 PKS-PTDN Universitas Airlangga University, Australia)
Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Inbound

Pengelolaan Beasiswa Double Degree Program Magister

Sains Bidang Teknologi Industri Pertanian antara Fakultas
Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Teknologi Pertanian ITB dan Faculty of Profession Adelaide
59 PKS-PTDN Institut
Diponegoro Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships 71 PKS-PTDN University, Australia
Pertanian Bogor
Management of Double Degree Scholarships for Master of
Public Health (UI) and Master of Public Health (Curtin University,
Kerja Sama Pengelolaan Beasiswa Kemitraan dan
Australia) Scholarships
Pembangunan Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi LPDP
60 PKS-PTDN Universitas Telkom
Partnership Scholarship Management Cooperation and LPDP Pengelolaan Beasiswa Double Degree Program Magister
Information Technology Infrastructure Development Sains Bidang Agribisnis antara Fakultas Ekonomi Manajemen
ITB dan Fakultas Ilmu Pertanian Georg-August-Gottingen
Pemberian Beasiswa dan Penempatan Alumni Penerima Institut University, Jerman
PT Sarana Multigriya Beasiswa LPDP 72 PKS-PTDN
61 PKS-KLDN Pertanian Bogor Management of the Double Degree Scholarship for the Master
Finansial (Persero) Scholarship Award and Placement of LPDP Scholarship of Science Program in the Field of Agricultural Industrial
Recipient Alumni Technology between the Faculty of Agricultural Technology ITB
and the Faculty of Profession Adelaide University, Australia

Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Program Double Degree Magister dalam bidang Teknik
62 PKS-PTDN UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Geofisika antara ITB dan Curtin Unviersity, Australia
Management of Double Degree Scholarship for Master
73 PKS-PTDN of Science Program in Agribusiness between the Faculty
Teknologi Bandung
Lembaga Diklat of Economics and Management, ITB and the Faculty of
Kerja Sama Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
63 PKS-KLDN Kepolisian Republik Agricultural Sciences, Georg-August-Gottingen University,
Human Resource Development Cooperation
Indonesia Germany
100 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal
No No
Type Domestic Partner About Type Domestic Partner About

Program Double Degree antara Program Magister Bioteknologi,

Sekolah Ilmu & Teknologi Hayati ITB dengan Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi
Institut 87 PKS-PTDN
74 PKS-PTDN Engineering Osaka University. Yogyakarta Implementation of the Affirmation Program
Teknologi Bandung
Double Degree Master Program in Geophysical Engineering
between ITB and Curtin Unviersity, Australia
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Kementerian Hukum
Program Double Degree antara FST Unair & Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Groningen University dan Ham Human Resources Development at the Ministry of Law and
Institut Teknologi
75 PKS-PTDN Double Degree Program between Master Program in Human Rights
Sepuluh Nopember
Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences & Technology, ITB and
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.
Kementerian Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Bidaang Transportasi
Perhubungan Human Resources Development in the Transportation Sector
Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia
Negeri Malang Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships
Petunjuk Teknis Pemberian Beasiswa Oleh Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan Guna Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Kementerian Di Kementerian Luar Negeri
Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Luar Negeri Technical Guidelines for Providing Scholarships by Indonesia
77 PKS-PTDN Universitas Jember
Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Endowment Fund for Education Agency for Human Resource
Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Pusat Pelaporan dan

Institut Seni Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Analisis Transaksi Keuangan
Indonesia Surakarta Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Human Resources Development at the Center for Financial
Transaction Reports and Analysis

Universitas Pengelolaan Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi
79 PKS-PTDN 92 PKS-PTDN Pendidikan
Negeri Semarang Management of Indonesian Education Scholarships Implementation Of The Affirmation Enrichment Program

Penyelenggaraan , Pengelolaan Administrasi, Penyaluran Dana,

Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Beasiswa Bagi Penerima Beasiswa
Sebelas Maret Implementation of the Affirmation Program Lpdp Yang Melaksanakan Studi Di Universitas Indonesia
93 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia Organization, Administration Management, Distribution Of
Funds, Monitoring And Evaluation Of Scholarships For Lpdp
Universitas Islam Scholarship Recipients Performing Study At University Of
Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi Indonesia
81 PKS-PTDN Negeri Syarif
Implementation of the Affirmation Program
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum Dan Perumahan Rakyat
94 PKS-KLDN Kementerian PUPR
Human Resources Development In The Ministry Of Public Works
Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi And People’s Housing
Negeri Malang Implementation of the Affirmation Program

Institut Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi

Teknologi Bandung Implementation Of The Affirmation Enrichment Program
Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi
83 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
Implementation of the Affirmation Program

Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi

Universitas Hasanuddin Implementation Of The Affirmation Enrichment Program
Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi
84 PKS-PTDN Islam Negeri
Implementation of the Affirmation Program
Sunan Kalijaga

Institut Teknologi Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi

Sepuluh Nopember Implementation Of The Affirmation Enrichment Program
Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi
Gadjah Mada Implementation of the Affirmation Program

Institut Teknologi Penyelenggaraan Program Afirmasi

Bandung Implementation of the Affirmation Program
102 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal Tipe Mitra Dalam Negeri Perihal
No No
Type Domestic Partner About Type Domestic Partner About

Penyelenggaraan, Pengelolaan Administrasi, Penyaluran

Dana, Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Beasiswa Bagi Penerima UIN Syarif Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi
Beasiswa Lpdp Yang Melaksanakan Studi Pada Perguruan Hidayatullah Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program
98 PKS-PTDN PKS-PTDN Tinggi Uin Jakarta
Operating, Administrative Management, Distribution Of Funds,
Monitoring And Evaluation Of Scholarships For Lpdp Scholarship
Recipients That Conducting Studies At Jakarta Uin Institution Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi-
110 PKS-PTDN Universitas Indonesia
Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program

Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi

99 PKS-PTDN Penyelenggaraan, Pengelolaan Administrasi, Penyaluran Dana,
Diponegoro Implementation Of The Affirmation Enrichment Program
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Beasiswa Bagi Penerima Beasiswa
Lpdp Yang Melaksanakan Studi Di Institut Pertanian Bogor (Ipb)
Pengembangan Dan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya 111 PKS-PTDN Organization, Administration Management, Fund Distribution,
Pertanian Bogor
Kementerian Manusia Kesehatan Scholarship Monitoring And Evaluation For Lpdp Scholarship
Kesehatan RI Human Resources Development And Empowerment In The Recipients Who Conduct Studies At The Bogor Agricultural
Health Industry Institute (Ipb)

Pemanfaatan Nomor Induk Kependudukan, Data Penyelenggaraan, Pengelolaan Administrasi, Penyaluran Dana,
Kependudukan Dan Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik Dalam Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Beasiswa Bagi Penerima Beasiswa
Lingkup Tugas Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pendidikan Lpdp Yang Melaksanakan Studi Di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Kependudukan dan
101 PKS-KLDN Kementerian Keuangan Institut Teknologi Nopember (ITS)
Pencatatan Sipil 112 PKS-PTDN
Utilization Of Population Number, Population Data And Sepuluh Nopember Operation, Administration Management, Distribution Of Funds,
Electronic Population Card In The Scope Of Ministry Of Finance Scholarship Monitoring And Evaluation For Lpdp Scholarship
Education Fund Management Institutions’ Tasks Recipients Who Conduct Studies At The Sepuluh Nopember
Institute Of Technology (Its)
Pelaksanaan Seleksi Berbasis Komputer Beasiswa LPDP Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Safe Travel dan Portal Peduli WNI bagi
102 PKS-KLDN Kepegawaian Dit. PWNI dan
LPDP Scholarship Computer-Based Selection Implementation penerima Beasiswa LPDP di Luar Negeri
Nasional 113 PKS-KLDN BHI Kementerian
Utilization of Safe Travel Applications and Peduli WNI Portal for
Luar Negeri
LPDP Scholarship Recipients Overseas
Pemanfaatan Data Keimigrasian Untuk Mendukung Tugas Dan
Fungsi Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan
103 PKS-KLDN Imigrasi
Utilization Of Immigration Data To Support The Duties And
Functions Of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency NK – KLDN Nota kesepahaman NK-KLDN Memorandum of Understanding
kementerian/Lembaga Dalam Negeri of the Ministry/Institution of Home Affairs

Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi PKS – KLDN Perjanjian Kerja sama PKS – KLDN Cooperation Agreement of
Gadjah Mada Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program
Kementerian/Lembaga Dalam Negeri Ministries/Institutions of Home Affairs

NK – PTDN Nota kesepahaman perguruan NK – PTDN Memorandum of

Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi tinggi Dalam Negeri Understanding for Domestic Universities
105 PKS-PTDN UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program
PKS – PTDN Perjanjian Kerja sama PKS – PTDN Domestic Higher Education
Penyelenggaraan, Pengelolaan Administrasi, Penyaluran Dana, perguruan tinggi Dalam Negeri Cooperation Agreement
Monitoring, Dan Evaluasi Beasiswa Bagi Penerima Beasiswa
Lpdp Yang Melaksanakan Studi Di Institut Teknologi Bandung
106 PKS-PTDN Organization, Administration Management, Fund Distribution,
Teknologi Bandung
Monitoring, And Scholarship Evaluation For Lpdp Scholarship
Recipients Who Conduct Studies At The Bandung Institute Of

Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi
107 PKS-PTDN Pendidikan
Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program

Universitas Penyelenggaraan Program Pengayaan Afirmasi

Sebelas Maret Implementation of the Affirmation Enrichment Program
104 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Kebijakan Tata Kelola Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Governance Policy
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Daftar Kerjasama Luar Negeri LPDP 01. Amerika Serikat

United States of America
03. Inggris
United Kingdom
List of LPDP Foreign Cooperation
1. University of California Los Angeles 6. The University of Warwick
2. Northwestern University 7. University of Sheffield
3. Duke Center for International 8. University of Birmingham
4. Development, Duke University 9. The Queen’s University of Belfast
10. University of Bristol
02. Kanada 11. Newcastle University
Canada 12. Queen Mary University of London
13. University of Leeds
5. University of Alberta

04. Belanda
The Netherlands

14. University of Groningen

15. University of Twente
16. The VU Amsterdam
17. University of Leiden
18. The Erasmus University Rotterdam
19. Radboud University
20. Universiteit Utrecht
21. Wageningen University

07 05. Perancis
02 03

04 22. University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbone

05 06. Australia
01 09
08 23. University of Melbourne
24. University of Adelaide
25. The University of New South Wales
26. Monash University
27. University of Queensland
28. The University of Western Australia
29. University of Tasmania
30. Australian National University

07. Swedia

31. Lund University

32. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
06 33. Hanyang University

08. Jepang

34. Osaka University

09. Korea

35. Hanyang University

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3. Manajemen Risiko 3. Risk Management 1. Reviu Laporan Keuangan Semester 1. Review of Financial Reports for Semester
I dan Semester II Tahun 2019 serta I and Semester II of 2019 and Assessment
Profil risiko organisasi untuk tahun 2020 An organizational risk profile for 2020 has Penilaian Efektivitas Pengendalian of the Effectiveness of Internal Control in
telah disusun dengan memetakan peta been prepared which maps out a map of Intern Pelaporan Keuangan Tahun 2019. Financial Reporting for 2019.
risiko yang mungkin dapat menghambat risks that might hinder the achievement
pencapaian visi dan misi dalam of the vision and mission in realizing 2. Evaluasi atas program pengayaan 2. Evaluation of the language enrichment
mewujudkan SDM Unggul Indonesia Maju. Advanced Indonesian Through Superior bahasa pada dua universitas di program at two universities in
Human Resources. Yogyakarta dengan luaran berupa dua Yogyakarta with the outputs in the
Pada 2020, terdapat beberapa highlighted berita acara hasil evaluasi program form of two minutes of the evaluation
risk yang ditetapkan dalam peta risiko di In 2020, there are several highlighted risks persiapan bahasa. of the language preparation program.
antaranya: defined in the risk map, including:
3. Evaluasi atas pelaksanaan klausul 3. Evaluation of the implementation
perjanjian kerja sama antara LPDP of the clauses in the cooperation
1. Komplain dari pengguna layanan pada 1. Complaints from service users on CRM,
dengan perguruan tinggi tujuan agreement between LPDP and
CRM terkait teknis aplikasi: Level 21 related to technical applications: Level 21
studi dalam negeri pada 7 perguruan domestic study destination universities
2. Komplain dari pengguna layanan 2. Complaints from service users on CRM, tinggi yang mengatur pertukaran at 7 universities that regulate the
pada CRM terkait respons keluhan dan regarding response to complaints and data dan informasi dengan perguruan exchange of data and information with
permintaan informasi: Level 15 requests for information: Level 15 tinggi tujuan studi, sebagian besar study destination universities, mostly
dilaksanakan secara daring. conducted online.
3. Portofolio penempatan dana tidak 3. Suboptimal fund placement
optimal: Level 15 portfolio: Level 15 4. Pemantauan atas efektivitas 4. Monitoring effectiveness of the
Direktorat Beasiswa dalam mengelola Directorate of Scholarship in
4. Terdapat pelanggaran yang berindikasi 4. Violations that are indicated as fraud program Beasiswa Pendidikan managing the Indonesian Education
fraud oleh pejabat/pegawai LPDP by LPDP officials/employees, especially Indonesia yang meliputi pelaksanaan, Scholarship Program which includes
terutama terkait pemberian layanan related to providing services to pertanggungjawaban, monitoring implementation, accountability,
kepada customer: Level 14 customers: Level 14 dan evaluasi dengan luaran berupa 1 monitoring and evaluation with
laporan hasil evaluasi atas pengelolaan the output of 1 (one) evaluation
5. Terdapat rekomendasi audit/ 5. Audit/monitoring-evaluation
program Beasiswa Pendidikan report on the management of the
monev yang tidak dapat recommendations that cannot be
Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan program. This activity is carried
ditindaklanjuti: Level 13 followed up: Level 13
secara daring. out online.

4. Pemeriksaan Internal 4. Internal Audit 5. Pemeriksaan atas kepatuhan 5. Examination of scholarship recipients’
penerima beasiswa terhadap Peraturan compliance with the President
Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan asuransi, In the implementation of insurance Direktur Utama terkait beasiswa Director’s Regulations related to
Satuan Pemeriksaan Internal (SPI) activities, the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) dengan luaran berupa 2 Laporan scholarships with an output in
menggunakan pendekatan audit berbasis uses a risk-based audit approach so Hasil Pemeriksaan atas pelanggaran the form of 2 Examination Result
risiko sehingga sumber daya pemeriksaan that the largest allocation of audit yang dilakukan oleh penerima Reports for violations committed by
dialokasikan paling besar untuk area yang resources is for areas with the highest beasiswa. Pemeriksaan atas dugaan scholarship recipients. Examination
memiliki tingkat risiko tertinggi antara risk level, including the management of pelanggaran oleh penerima beasiswa of alleged violations by scholarship
lain yaitu pengelolaan beasiswa. scholarships. dilaksanakan atas dasar permintaan recipients is carried out on the basis
dan tindak lanjut temuan BPK. of requests and follow-up to BPK
Di samping melaksanakan kegiatan In addition to carrying out inspection
(State Finance Agency) findings.
pemeriksaan, SPI juga melakukan activities, SPI also carries out several 6. Pemeriksaan dalam rangka tindak
beberapa kegiatan di antaranya activities including managing lanjut pengaduan yang disampaikan 6. Examination in order to follow up on
dengan mengelola pengaduan yang complaints submitted by the public pegawai atau masyarakat melalui complaints submitted by employees
disampaikan masyarakat melalui through the Ministry of Finance’s WiSE Kementerian Keuangan, or the public through the Ministry of
Whistleblowing System Kementerian Whistleblowing System, and conducting aplikasi CRM dan email pengaduan Finance’s WiSE, CRM application and
Keuangan, dan melaksanakan edukasi education in the fields of governance dengan luaran berupa 11 Laporan email complaints with the outputs of
di bidang tata kelola dan pengendalian and internal control to employees. Pengumpulan Bahan dan Keterangan 11 Material and Information Collection
internal kepada pegawai. dan 3 Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Reports and 3 Investigative Inspection
In 2020, SPI has carried out several
Investigatif. Lima pemeriksaan Results Reports. Five examinations
Pada 2020, SPI telah melaksanakan inspection activities, namely as follows:
dilaksanakan secara daring. were conducted online.
beberapa kegiatan pemeriksaan
yakni sebagai berikut:
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7. Pengelolaan pengaduan melalui 7. Complaint management through the

WiSE Kementrian Keuangan yang Ministry of Finance’s WiSE which is
dilakukan sepanjang tahun. carried out throughout the year.

8. Penyampaian pengaduan kepada 8. Submission of complaints to the

direktorat terkait untuk ditindaklanjuti. relevant directorate for follow-up.

9. Dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan 9. In order to carry out consulting

konsultasi, SPI telah melakukan activities, SPI has provided assistance
Asistensi Penyusunan Fraud Risk in the preparation of Fraud Risk
Scenario dan Risk Control Matrix, Scenarios and Risk Control Matrix,
pelatihan kepada pegawai terkait training for employees related to the
Konsinyering Pelatihan Pemeriksaan Consignment Training for Examination
dan Penyusunan LHP, serta and Preparation of LHP, as well
Konsinyering Pelatihan Kegiatan as Consigning Training for Closed
Operasi Tertutup. Kegiatan tersebut Operations Activities. The activity
mengundang Inspektorat Jenderal invited the Inspectorate General as a
sebagai narasumber. resource person.

10. Selama pandemi, SPI juga turut 10. During the pandemic, SPI also
aktif mengikuti beberapa seminar have been actively participating in
dan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan several online seminars and training.
secara daring.

Dari sisi kinerja, SPI telah melakukan In terms of performance, SPI has followed
tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi audit. up on audit recommendations. The audit
Rekomendasi audit tersebut telah recommendation has been followed
selesai ditindaklanjuti/ditetapkan up/determined to be complete. In this
tuntas. SPI dalam hal ini berkoordinasi case, SPI coordinates intensively with 5. Survei Kepuasan Publik 5. Public Satisfaction Survey
secara intensif dengan pemeriksa external auditors and the APIP of the
eksternal maupun APIP Kementerian Ministry of Finance. The performance Sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas dan As a form of accountability and public
Keuangan. Kinerja SPI ini dihitung of this SPI is calculated based on the pertanggungjawaban publik, LPDP responsibility, LPDP measures the Public
berdasarkan penyelesaian rekomendasi completion of policy recommendations melakukan pengukuran Indeks Kepuasan Satisfaction Index for LPDP Services in
kebijakan dan rekomendasi hukuman and recommendations for disciplinary Publik atas Layanan LPDP sesuai dengan accordance with the Public Satisfaction
disiplin yang kemudian dirata-rata punishment which are then averaged for Indeks Kepuasan Publik pada Kementerian Index at the Ministry of Finance. Public
tingkat capaiannya. the level of achievement. Keuangan. Kepuasan layanan publik service satisfaction is measured based on
diukur berdasarkan hasil survei kepuasan the results of a public satisfaction survey
Capaian untuk kinerja SPI ini pada 2020 The achievement for this SPI performance publik oleh lembaga independen by an independent institution based on
adalah 100% dari target 100%. Untuk in 2020 is 100% of the 100% target. For the berdasarkan pemenuhan atas asas the fulfillment of the principles of public
tindak lanjut rekomendasi kebijakan, follow-up to policy recommendations, penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik sesuai service delivery in accordance with Law
dari target 18 rekomendasi temuan pada from the target of 18 recommendations for Undang Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009. Number 25 of 2009.
audit kinerja BPK, 18 temuan tersebut findings in the BPK performance audit, 18
telah ditindaklanjuti dan diusulkan of these findings have been followed up Pada periode September s.d. Desember In the period of September to December
untuk tuntas. Selain itu, dari target 26 and proposed to be completed. Besides, 2020, LPDP telah melaksanakan 2020, LPDP has carried out the 2020 Public
rekomendasi audit Inspektorat Jenderal, from the target of 26 recommendations of Survei Kepuasan Publik atas Layanan Satisfaction Survey on Services (SKPL)
kesemuanya (26 temuan) juga telah the Inspector General’s audit, all have also (SKPL) tahun 2020 bekerjasama in collaboration with an independent
diusulkan untuk tuntas. Pada 2020, tidak been proposed for completion. In 2020, dengan konsultan independen dari consultant from the Bogor Agricultural
ada rekomendasi temuan hukuman there are no recommendations for finding Institur Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Survei University (IPB). The survey was conducted
disiplin atas pegawai. disciplinary penalties for employees. dilaksanakan pada penerima beasiswa dan on recipients of scholarships and research
pendanaan riset, serta kinerja operasional funding, as well as the operational
perkantoran LPDP. Survei bertujuan performance of LPDP offices. The survey
untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan aims to determine the level of satisfaction
para penerima layanan LPDP, yang pada of LPDP service recipients, which in turn
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akhirnya akan menjadi masukan bagi will become input for LPDP in service
LPDP dalam penyempurnaan layanan. improvement. The survey was carried
Survei dilaksanakan dengan metode out using an online method, both for
daring, baik untuk penyebaran kuesioner distributing questionnaires and for
maupun Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Focus Group Discussions (FGD), which
yang juga dilaksanakan secara daring. were also conducted online. This year,
Pada tahun ini untuk pertama kalinya for the first time, LPDP was able to
LPDP dapat melaksanakan survei untuk conduct a survey for recipients of
penerima beasiswa klaster Luar Negeri overseas cluster scholarships because
karena sebelumnya FGD hanya untuk para previously FGDs were only for recipients
penerima beasiswa Dalam Negeri. of domestic scholarships.

Responden Survei pada tahun 2020 ini The survey respondents in 2020 amounted
berjumlah 3.985 orang untuk layanan to 3,985 people for scholarship services
beasiswa dan 56 penerima dana riset and 56 recipients of research funds with a
dengan kepuasan total 4,37 dari skala 5. total satisfaction of 4.37 out of a scale of 5.
Adapun hasil Survei tersebut per layanan The results of the survey per service can be
dapat dirinci sebagai berikut: broken down as follows:

Indeks Kepuasan Layanan Beasiswa

Scholarship Service Satisfaction Index


4, 34
4,35 4, 31
4, 30

J. Modernisasi Kantor
4, 24

4,20 Office Modernization

LPDP merupakan organisasi modern LPDP is a modern organization that
yang secara progresif terus berkembang is progressively growing from time to
Tahap Pendaftaran Tahap Seleksi Tahap Penerimaan Tahap Pelayanan Indeks Kepuasan Total
Registration Stage Selection Stage Benefit Receipt Stage Awardee Service Stage Total Satisfaction Index seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. time. Including in terms of operational
Termasuk dalam hal penyelenggaraan management, LPDP adopts an open
Indeks Kepuasan Layanan Pendanaan Riset operasional, LPDP mengadopsi office system that has the potential
Research Funding Service Satisfaction Index sistem open office yang berpotensi to increase productivity and synergy
meningkatkan produktivitas dan sinergi among LPDP employees. The Open
4,70 para pegawai LPDP. Open Office juga Office concept also has a collaborative
4, 59 memiliki nuansa kolaboratif, yang feel, which makes it easier to coordinate
4,60 4,44
memudahkan dalam koordinasi antar between individuals in teams
4,50 individu dalam tim maupun antar divisi and between divisions within the
4, 31 4,40
4,40 dalam organisasi. Peningkatan kolaborasi organization. This increased collaboration
ini krusial untuk mendukung tujuan is crucial to supporting the overall goals
4,30 4, 24
organisasi secara keseluruhan. of the organization.
Untuk melaksanakan modernisasi To carry out the modernization, in March
tersebut, pada bulan Maret 2019, LPDP 2019, LPDP officially moved its office
4,00 secara resmi telah berpindah kantor from the Ali Wardhana Building to the
Tahap Pendaftaran Tahap Seleksi Tahap Penerimaan Tahap Pelayanan Indeks Kepuasan Total dari Gedung Ali Wardhana ke Gedung Danadyaksa Cikini Building.
Registration Stage Selection Stage Benefit Receipt Stage Awardee Total Satisfaction Index
Awardee Service Stage Danadyaksa Cikini.
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Alamat Lama K. Peristiwa Penting

Important Events
Previous Address
1. Pengembangan Vaksin Merah Putih 1. Merah Putih Vaccine Development

Gedung Ali Wardhana Lantai 2, Jalan Ali Wardhana Building 2nd Floor, Jalan LPDP bekerjasama dengan Kemenristek/ LPDP in collaboration with the Ministry of
Lapangan Banteng Timur Nomor 1, Senen, Lapangan Banteng Timur Number 1, BRIN menyelenggarakan program Research and Technology/BRIN
Jakarta Pusat 10710 Senen, Central Jakarta 10710 Konsorsium Riset dan Inovasi untuk held a Research and Innovation
Percepatan Penanganan Corona Virus Consortium program for the Acceleration
Telepon/Faks: (021) 384 6474 Phone: (021) 384 6474
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dengan jumlah of Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019
Call Center: 1500 652 Call Center: 1500 652
pendanaan Rp17.040.314.000,00 atau (COVID-19) with a total funding of IDR
Web: Web: Rp17,04 Milyar. Riset ini bertujuan untuk 17,040,314,000.00 or IDR 17.04 billion. This
menciptakan sebuah vaksin yang dapat research aims to create a vaccine that can
menjadi solusi atas pandemi COVID-19 di be a solution to the COVID-19 pandemic
Indonesia bekerjasama dengan berbagai in Indonesia in collaboration with various
Alamat Baru institusi diantaranya: institutions including:

Latest Address
Nama Ketua Periset
Asal Institusi Judul
No Name of the Chief
Gedung Danadyaksa Cikini, Jalan Cikini Danadyaksa Cikini Building, Jalan Cikini Researcher
Institution Origin Title

Raya Nomor 91A-D, Menteng, Jakarta Raya Number 91A-D, Menteng, Central
Pengembangan Vaksin Covid-19
Pusat 10330 Jakarta 10330 1 Prof. Amin Soebandrio LBM Eijkman
Covid-19 Vaccine Development

Telepon/Faks: (021) 239 51607 Phone: (021) 239 51607 Produksi Protein RBD S SARS-Cov-2 Rekombinan
Call Center: 1500 652 Call Center: 1500 652 di Escherichia coli sebagai Kandidat Vaksin
Prof. Dessy Natalia, Institut Teknologi COVID-19
Ph.D Bandung Production of Recombinant SARS-Cov-2 RBD S
Web: Web:
Protein in Escherichia coli as a COVID-19 Vaccine

Uji Tantang Hewan Coba Terhadap Rekombinan

Viral Vector Adenovirus-SARSCoV2 Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Fedik A. Universitas sebagai Prototype Vaksin Covid Indonesia
Rantam, DVM Airlangga Animal Challenge Test Against Indonesian
Recombinant Viral Vector Adenovirus-SARSCoV2
as Prototype of Indonesian Covid Vaccine

Pengembangan Vaksin COVID-19 Indonesia:

Produksi Seed Vaccine COVID-19 Protein
Korri Elvanita El Rekombinan Berbasis Sel Ragi/Yeast
4 LBM Eijkman
Khobar, Ph.D Development of Indonesian COVID-19 Vaccine:
Production of Yeast Cell-Based Recombinant
COVID-19 Seed Vaccine Protein

Pengembangan kandidat vaksin menggunakan

desain stabilisasi prefusi protein spike dari virus
Lembaga Ilmu
SARS-CoV-2 dengan sistem ekspresi sel mamalia
5 Dr. Andri Wardiana Pengetahuan
Vaccine candidate development using spike
protein prefusion stabilization design of SARS-
CoV-2 virus with mammalian cell excretory system

Pengembangan Kandidat Vaksin Rekombinan

Dr. Yodi Subunit dan CHA sebagai adjuvan Vaksin COVID-19
Universitas Gadjah
6 Mahendradhata, MSc., Developmentv of Subunit Recombinant Vaccine
PhD., FRSPH Candidates and CHA as a COVID-19 Vaccine

Pengembangan Vaksin DNA, Messenger DNA dan

Dr. drh. Silvia Tri
Universitas VLP SARS-Cov-2
7 Widyaningtyas,
Indonesia Development of DNA Vaccine, DNA Messenger
and VLP SARS-Cov-2
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2. Dukungan Program Kampus 2. Pioneer Teaching Campus

Mengajar Perintis Program Support

Pada tahun 2020, LPDP memberikan In 2020, LPDP provides a support for
dukungan terhadap Program Kampus the Pioneer Teaching Campus Program
Mengajar Perintis dari Kementerian from the Ministry of Education and
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Kampus Culture. Campus Teaching Pioneers
Mengajar Perintis (KMP) merupakan salah (KMP) is one of the programs of the
satu program dari Kampus Merdeka: Merdeka Campus: Merdeka Learning
Merdeka Belajar dalam rangka memberi in order to provide space for students
ruang bagi mahasiswa untuk bergerak to move outside the campus, namely
di luar kampus, yakni dengan kegiatan by teaching and learning activities
belajar mengajar pada satuan pendidikan in primary and secondary education
dasar dan menengah. Program KMP units. The KMP program is a pilot of the
merupakan rintisan dari Program Teaching Campus Program with the
Kampus Mengajar dengan sasaran main target being elementary schools
utama sekolah dasar di sekitar domisili around the student’s domicile. With a full
mahasiswa. Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat of hope that students can increase the
meningkatkan APK Indonesia dengan
adanya program ini.
Indonesian APK with this program.

The KMP program selection is carried

L. Dari Alumni Untuk Indonesia
From Alumni To Indonesia
Seleksi Program KMP dilaksanakan oleh out by the Ministry of Education and
LPDP saat ini telah memiliki ribuan alumni, LPDP currently has thousands of
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Culture and then funded by the LPDP. As
yang berkontribusi pada bidangnya alumni, who contribute to their
untuk lalu didanai oleh LPDP. Per 31 of December 31, 2020, there were 2,389
masing-masing bagi kemajuan bangsa respective fields for the progress of
Desember 2020, peserta Program KMP KMP Program participants who had
Indonesia. Ribuan alumni tersebut the Indonesian nation. Thousands of
yang berhasil lolos seleksi sebanyak passed the selection.
tergabung dalam wadah organisasi yang alumni are members of an organization
2.389 orang.
disebut Mata Garuda. Organisasi ini secara called Mata Garuda. This organization
resmi menjadi tempat alumni untuk is officially a place for alumni to discuss
berdiskusi dan mengembangkan jaringan and develop networks related to their
3. PMK Struktur Organisasi Baru 3. PMK New Organizational Structure terkait dengan tugas profesionalnya. professional duties.

Pada tahun 2020 ini, LPDP juga telah In 2020, LPDP also has a new Organizational Selain itu, alumni LPDP secara langsung In addition, LPDP alumni directly
memiliki struktur Organisasi dan Tata and Work Procedure structure with berkontribusi kepada masyarakat contribute to the community by
Kerja yang baru dengan ditetapkannya the enactment of Minister of Finance dengan membuat berbagai program dan creating various alumni programs and
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 47/ Regulation Number 47/PMK.01/2020 kegiatan alumni. Program ini ditujukan activities. This program is primarily
PMK.01/2020 tentang Organisasi dan concerning Organization and Work terutama untuk meningkatkan awareness aimed at increasing public awareness
Tata Kerja Lembaga Pengelola Dana Procedure of Indonesia Endowment Fund masyarakat luas terhadap program of the LPDP scholarship program and
Pendidikan. PMK tersebut menggantikan for Education Agency. The PMK replaces beasiswa LPDP dan menumbuhkan raising awareness for future generations
PMK Nomor 143/PMK.01/2016 tentang PMK Number 143/PMK.01/2016 concerning kesadaran bagi para calon generasi of the nation to dare to dream.
Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lembaga the Organization and Work Procedure of the penerus bangsa untuk berani bermimpi.
Pengelola Dana Pendidikan yang Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education
sudah tidak berlaku sejak PMK tersebut Agency which has been invalid since the 1. Alumni untuk Indonesia 1. Alumni for Indonesia
diundangkan. Implementasi PMK 47/ PMK was promulgated. The implementation
PMK.01/2020 tersebut dapat dilaksanakan of PMK 47/PMK.01/2020 can be carried out Alumni LPDP telah memasuki LPDP alumni have entered various
paling lama 1 (satu) tahun terhitung sejak no later than 1 (one) year from the date the berbagai sektor yang dapat sectors that can support the
PMK tersebut diundangkan. PMK was promulgated. mendukung kinerja pemerintah dalam government’s performance in
menyejahterakan rakyat Indonesia dan improving the welfare of the Indonesian
menggerakkan perekonomian. Para people and driving the economy.
alumni tersebut bersinergi dengan The alumni synergize with various
berbagai sektor pemerintahan, privat, sectors of government, private,
non profit organization, dan institusi non-profit organizations, and other
lainnya di Indonesia. institutions in Indonesia.
116 Lembaga Pengelola
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Adamas Belva Syah Devara Giri Kuncoro

• Stanford University MBA • Stanford University MBA • Information Science Cornell • Information Science Cornell
• Pendiri RuangGuru • RuangGuru Founder University University
• Staf Khusus Presiden RI • Special Staff to the President of • System Engineer GoJek • GoJek Indonesia System
the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia (GoPay Engineer) Engineer (GoPay Engineer)

Dyah Roro Esti Priscilla Anais

• Environment Policy Imperial • Environment Policy Imperial • Harvard Business School • Harvard Business School
College London College London • CEO Office Manager at • CEO Office Manager at
• Anggota DPR RI 2019 - 2024 • Member of Indonesian House Tokopedia Tokopedia
of Parliamentary 2019 - 2024

Andi Taufan Garuda Putra Ramda Yanurzha

• Public Policy Harvard • Public Policy at Harvard • Applied Science New York • Applied Science New York
University University University University
• CEO dan Founder of Amartha • Special Staff to the President of • VIP Research at GoJek • VIP Research at GoJek
• Staf Khusus Presiden RI the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia

Risa Santoso Firman Parlindungan

• MA Learning and Teaching • MA Learning and Teaching at • The Ohio State University USA • The Ohio State University USA
Harvard University Harvard University • Direktur Global Research • Direktur Global Research
• Rektor Institut Teknologi dan • Chancellor of the Asian Institute Institute Meulaboh, Aceh Institute Meulaboh, Aceh
Bisnis Asia pada usia 27 tahun of Technology and Business at
the age of 27 years old

Putri Urfanny Nadhiroh M. Senoyodha Brennaf

• Fashion Design University • Fashion Design at University • Advanced Computer Science • Advanced Computer Science
Southampton UK Southampton, UK Manchester University UK Manchester University UK
• Founder Shibotik Design • Founder of Shibotik Design • Co Founder Halal Local startup • Co Founder Halal Local startup

Andri Rizki Putra Dewi Nur Aisyah

• Technology and Education • Technology and Education • Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia • Indonesian Epidemiologist
Harvard University Harvard University • Senior Peneliti pada Gugus • Senior Researcher at the
• Founder Yayasan Pemimpin • Founder Yayasan Pemimpin Tugas COVID-19 Indonesia Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force
Anak Bangsa Anak Bangsa
118 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Ikhtisar Laporan
Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Summary of
Financial Statements 119
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Ikhtisar Laporan
Summary of untuk Negara

Financial Statements
Contribution for the Nation

Fase selanjutnya dari siklus The next phase of the

hidup ikan salmon adalah salmon life cycle is laying
bertelur di air tawar. Hal ini eggs in fresh water. This
melambangkan putra-putri symbolizes the nation’s
bangsa beserta LPDP yang sons and daughters and the
kembali ke tanah air untuk LPDP who return to their
memberikan sumbangsih homeland to contribute
kepada negara melalui to the country through
pendidikan dan melahirkan education and give birth to
penerus bangsa terbaik. the best nation’s successors.
120 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Ikhtisar Laporan
Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Summary of
Financial Statements 121
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

M. Ikhtisar Laporan Keuangan

Financial Statements Overview
Realisasi s/d 31 DES 2020
Realization per 31 DEC2020
% Realisasi
% Realization

Belanja Layanan
Laporan Keuangan Lembaga Pengelola This Financial Report of the Indonesia 2.727.737.100.000 1.967.104.738.934 72,11%
Procurement For Services
Dana Pendidikan Tahun Anggaran 2020 Endowment Fund for Education Agency
ini telah disusun dan disajikan sesuai for Fiscal Year 2020 has been prepared and Layanan Talenta 1.596.011.907.128 72,12%
dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 71 presented in accordance with Government Talent Service

Tahun 2010 tentang Standar Akuntansi Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning

Persiapan Bahasa
Pemerintahan dan Peraturan Menteri Government Accounting Standards and 35.725.200.000 32.882.327.292 92,04%
Language Preparation
Keuangan Nomor 220/PMK.05/2016 Regulation of the Minister of Finance
tentang Sistem Akuntansi dan Number 220/PMK.05/2016 concerning Dana Beasiswa
2.121.546.776.000 1.555.206.606.029 73,31%
Pelaporan Badan Layanan Umum serta Accounting and Reporting Systems for Scholarship Fund
berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah pengelolaan Public Service Agencies and based on the
keuangan yang sehat di lingkungan following principles: principles of sound Operasional Beasiswa
55.807.095.000 7.922.973.807 14,20%
Scholarship Operation
pemerintahan. financial management in the government
Sebagai informasi, Laporan Tahunan Layanan Riset
514.658.029.000 371.092.831.806 72,10%
Research Service
2020 ini akan menyajikan ringkasan For information, this 2020 Annual Report will
Laporan Keuangan SAP Tahun 2020 present a summary of the audited SAP 2020
Dana Riset
audited. Laporan Keuangan 2020 Financial Statements. The complete audited 504.730.485.000 368.349.841.249 72,98%
Research Fund
audited lengkap dapat diakses pada 2020 Financial Report can be accessed on
laman resmi LPDP. Ringkasan Laporan the LPDP official website. The summary of Operasional Riset
9.927.544.000 2.742.990.557 27,63%
Keuangan 2020 dimaksud diantaranya: the 2020 Financial Statements includes: Research Operations

1. Laporan Realisasi Anggaran 1. Budget Realization Report Operation
101.210.540.000 101.210.540.000 55,41%

Laporan Realisasi Anggaran The Budget Realization Report Layanan Penerimaan

Pengelolaan DPPN
menggambarkan perbandingan antara describes the comparison between 4.877.922.000 2.981.859.403 61,13%
DPPN Management
anggaran dengan realisasinya, yang the budget and its realization, which Admission Service
mencakup unsur-unsur pendapatan-LRA includes elements of income-LRA and
dan belanja selama periode 1 Januari expenditures for the period January 1 to Layanan Perkantoran
81.587.611.000 60,40%
Office Service
sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020. December 31, 2020.

Realisasi Pendapatan-LRA pada Realization of Revenue-LRA in Fiscal Dukungan Manajemen

14.450.507.000 3.764.075.958 26,05%
Management Support
Tahun Anggaran 2020 adalah berupa Year 2020 is in the form of Non-Tax
Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak Realisasi State Revenue. Revenue realization in
Belanja Modal
Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) 2020 reached 105.04% of the estimated 294.500.000 56.217.000 0,00%
Capital Expenditure
sebesar Rp3.920.672.233.899. Realisasi revenue set in the budget of IDR
Pendapatan tahun 2020 mencapai 3,732,568,161,000. Total
2.828.947.640.000 71,52%
105,04% dari estimasi Pendapatan yang Total

ditetapkan dalam anggaran sebesar The realization of FY 2020

Rp3.732.568.161.000. expenditure reached 71.52% or
2,023,185,181,369 of the budget 2. Laporan Perubahan 2. Report Changes in Budget
Realisasi belanja TA 2020 mencapai ceiling of IDR 2,828,947,640,000. The Saldo Anggaran Lebih Balance Over
71,52% atau sebesar details of Shopping by Service can be
Laporan Perubahan Saldo Anggaran The Changes in Budget Balance Report
dari pagu anggaran sebesar summarized as follows:
Lebih menyajikan informasi kenaikan atau provides information on the increase or
Rp2.828.947.640.000. Adapun rincian
penurunan Saldo Anggaran Lebih per 31 decrease in the Budget Balance More as
Belanja berdasarkan Layanan dapat
Desember 2020 dibandingkan dengan of December 31, 2020 compared to the
diikhtisarkan sebagai berikut:
tahun sebelumnya. previous year.

Nilai Saldo Anggaran Lebih akhir The value of the Budget Balance at
tahun per tanggal 31 Desember 2020 the end of the year as of December 31,
122 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Ikhtisar Laporan
Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Summary of
Financial Statements 123
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

adalah Rp3.578.533.669.951. SAL Akhir 2020 is IDR. 3,578,533,669,951. The

Akun Saldo per 31 Desember 2020 (Rp)
periode 31 Desember 2020 mengalami SAL at the end of December 31, 2020 Accounts Balance as of December 31, 2020 (IDR)
peningkatan sebesar Rp1.897.487.052.530 increased by IDR. 1,897,487,052,530
Dana yang Dibatasi Penggunaannya
atau 112,88% dari SAL Akhir periode or 112.88% from the SAL at the end 8.990.000.000.000,00
Restricted Funds
TA 2019. Adapun jumlah Selisih Lebih/ of the FY 2019 period. The amount of
Kurang Pembiayaan Anggaran PNBP Over/Understanding PNBP Budget Saldo Aset
Asset Balance
tahun 2020 dan 2019 masing-masing Financing for 2020 and 2019 was IDR
sebesar Rp1.897.487.052.530 dan 1,897,487,052,530 and respectively Kewajiban Jangka Pendek
Rp1.576.690.276.747. SiLPA/SiKPA tahun IDR 576,690,276,747. SiLPA/SiKPA Short Term Liabilities

2020 dan tahun 2019 mengalami kenaikan in 2020 and 2019 increased by IDR Utang Kepada Pihak Ketiga
sebesar Rp320.796.775.783 atau 20,35% 320,796,775,783 or 20.35% Third Parties Liabilities
dibandingkan tahun 2019. compared to 2019.
Kewajiban Jangka Panjang
Long Term Liabilities

Akun Saldo per 31 Desember 2020 (Rp) Utang Jangka Panjang BLU kepada BUN
Accounts Balance as of December 31, 2020 (IDR) BLU’s Long Term Liabilities to BUN

Aset Lancar Ekuitas

4.259.745.314.019,00 4.333.025.499.621,00
Current assets Equity

Kas pada Badan Layanan Umum Saldo Kewajiban dan Ekuitas

496.181.669.951,00 74.580.703.320.302,00
Cash on Public Service Agency Balance of Liabilities and Equity

Investasi Jangka Pendek

Short Term Investment
4. Laporan Operasional 4. Operational Report
Belanja Dibayar di Muka
Prepaid Expense Laporan Operasional menyajikan berbagai The Operational Report presents
Pendapatan yang Masih Harus Diterima
unsur Pendapatan-LO, Beban-LO, various elements of OR-income,
Accrued Income Surplus/Defisit dari Kegiatan Operasional, OR-expenses, surplus/deficit from
dan Surplus/Defisit dari Kegiatan Non operational activities, and surplus/deficit
Piutang dari Kegiatan Non Operasional BLU (Netto)
Receivables from BLU Non-Operational Activities (Net),00 Operasional yang diperlukan untuk from non-operational activities that are
penyajian yang wajar. required for fair presentation.
Inventory Jumlah Pendapatan-LO untuk periode Total OR-Revenue for the period
Investasi Jangka Panjang tanggal 31 Desember 2020 adalah December 31, 2020 is IDR,00
Long term investment sebesar Rp4.078.787.325.893,00. 4,078,787,325,893.00. OR-Revenue
Pendapatan-LO Per 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020 consists of
Investasi Jangka Panjang Non-permanen Lainnya (Netto),00 terdiri dari Pendapatan Negara Bukan Non-Tax State Revenue in the form
Other Non-Permanent Long Term Investments (Net)
Pajak berupa Pendapatan Layanan of LPDP Education Endowment
Aset Tetap
Fixed assets
4.877.922.000 Investasi Dana Abadi Pendidikan LPDP Investment Service Income and Other
dan Pendapatan BLU Lainnya. BLU Revenues.
Land Jumlah Beban Operasional Total Operating Expenses as
Peralatan dan Mesin (Netto) per 31 Desember 2020 adalah of December 31, 2020 is IDR,00
Equipment and Machinery (Net) Rp2.157.635.043.052,00 yang terdiri dari: 2,157,635,043,052.00 which consists of:

Gedung dan Bangunan (Netto)

Buildings and Buildings (Net)
Uraian Jumlah per 31 Desember 2020 (Rp)
Aset Tetap Lainnya (Netto) Details Amount as of December 31, 2020 (IDR)
Other Fixed Assets (Net)
Beban Pegawai
Aset Lainnya Employee Expenses
Other Assets

Aset Tak Berwujud (Netto) Beban Persediaan

22.897.500,00 106.477.108,00
Intangible Assets (Net) Inventory Expense
124 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Ikhtisar Laporan
Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Agency
Summary of
Financial Statements 125
Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report 2020

Arus Kas Bersih dari Aktivitas Operasi December 31, 2020 consisted of
Uraian Jumlah per 31 Desember 2020 (Rp)
Details Amount as of December 31, 2020 (IDR) adalah Rp1.897.546.269.530,00 Inflows of IDR 3,920,672,233,899.00
and Outflows of IDR
Beban Barang dan Jasa Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi untuk 2,023,125,964,369.00 so that Net
Goods and Services Expenses periode sampai dengan 31 Desember Cash Flows from Operating Activities
2020 tidak terdapat Arus Kas Masuk dari was IDR 1,897,546,269,530.00
Beban Pemeliharaan Aktivitas Investasi dan terdapat Arus Kas
Maintenance Expense
Keluar sebesar Rp18.990.056.217.700,00 Cash Flow from Investing Activities
sehingga Arus Kas Bersih dari Aktivitas for the period up to December
Beban Perjalanan Dinas
7.441.329.076,00 Investasi adalah (Rp18.990.056.217.700,00). 31, 2020: There is no Cash Inflow
Business Travel Expenses
from Investment Activities and
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan there is Cash Outflow of IDR
Beban Penyusutan dan Amortisasi
756.162.817,00 untuk periode sampai dengan 31
Depreciation and Amortization Expense 18,990,000,000,000.00 from
Desember 2020 terdiri dari Arus Masuk Funding Activities for the period
Beban Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih sebesar Rp18.990.000.000.000,00 up to December 31, 2020. Ending
Expenses for Uncollectible Accounts dan tidak ada Arus Keluar. Arus Kas Cash Balance as of December
Bersih dari Aktivitas Pendanaan adalah 31, 2020 amounted to IDR
Beban lain-lain
16.360.360.000,00 Rp18.990.000.000.000,00 3,578,533,669,950.00
Miscellaneous expenses

Saldo Akhir Kas per 31 Desember 2020

Total Beban Operasional
2.157.635.043.052,00 sebesar Rp3.578.533.669.950,00
Total Operating Expenses

6. Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas 6. Statement of Changes in Equity

Pendapatan dari Kegiatan Non Income from Non-Operational Activities
Operasional per 31 Desember 2020 adalah as of December 31, 2020 was IDR Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas menyajikan The Change in Equity Report presents
Rp12.348.760.362,00 sedangkan Beban 12,348,760,362.00 while Expenses informasi kenaikan atau penurunan information on the increase or decrease in
dari Kegiatan Non Operasional sejumlah from Non-Operational Activities were ekuitas per 31 Desember 2020 equity as of December 31, 2020 compared
Rp1.954.600,00. Dengan demikian, IDR1,954,600.00. Thus, the Surplus/Deficit dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. to the previous year.
Surplus/Defisit dari Kegiatan Non from Non-Operational Activities as of
Nilai Ekuitas Akhir periode 31 Desember The value of the Equity at the end of the
Operasional per 31 Desember 2020 adalah December 31, 2020 is Rp12,346,805,762.
2019 yang menjadi ekuitas awal 31 December 2019 period which became
sebesar Rp12.346.805.762.
OR Surplus/(Deficit) in 2020 Before tahun anggaran 2020 adalah sebesar the equity at the beginning of the 2020
Surplus/Defisit LO Tahun 2020 Extraordinary Posts is the same as Rp2.347.148.602.909,00 Sedangkan fiscal year was IDR 2,347,148,602,909.00
Sebelum Pos Luar Biasa sama dengan OR Surplus/Deficit, which is IDR nilai Ekuitas Awal tahun anggaran 2020 While the value of the equity at the
Surplus/Defisit LO yakni sebesar 1,933,499,088,603.00. adalah sebesar Rp706.450.934.586,00. beginning of the 2020 fiscal year was
Rp1.933.499.088.603,00. Nilai ekuitas tersebut ditambah Surplus- IDR 706,450,934,586.00. The equity
LO sebesar Rp1.933.499.088.603,00; value is added by Surplus-OR of IDR
5. Laporan Arus Kas 5. Cash flow statement Koreksi Perubahan Kebijakan sebesar 1,933,499,088,603.00; Correction
Rp52.378.096.909,00; Transaksi Antar of Policy Changes amounting to
Laporan Arus Kas pada BLU menyajikan The Cash Flow Statement at BLU Entitas KL (Rp288.800,00). IDR 52,378,096,909.00; Inter-Entity
informasi mengenai sumber, penggunaan, presents information regarding Transactions (IDR 288,800.00).
Maka, Ekuitas Akhir entitas pada
perubahan kas dan setara kas dalam the sources, uses, changes in
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 mengalami Thus, the entity’s Final Equity as of
3 (tiga) jenis aktivitas yaitu aktivitas cash and cash equivalents in 3
kenaikan dari tahun sebelumnya December 31, 2020 has increased from the
operasi, aktivitas investasi, dan aktivitas (three) types of activities, namely
sebesar Rp1.985.876.896.712,00 previous year of IDR.1,985,876,896,712.00
pendanaan selama satu periode akuntansi operating activities, investing
sehingga nilai saldo akhir Ekuitas adalah so that the value of the ending balance of
dan saldo kas dan setara kas BLU pada activities, and financing activities
Rp4.333.025.499.621,00. Equity is IDR 4,333,025,499,621.00.
tanggal 31 Desember 2020. during an accounting period
and the balance of cash and
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi untuk 7. Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan 7. Notes to Financial Statements
cash equivalents at BLU as of
periode sampai dengan 31 Desember December 31, 2020.
2020 terdiri dari Arus Masuk sebesar Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan (CaLK) Notes to Financial Statements
Rp3.920.672.233.899,00 dan Arus Keluar Cash Flows from Operating meliputi penjelasan atau daftar terinci atau (CaLK) include an explanation or
sebesar Rp2.023.125.964.369,00 sehingga Activities for the period up to analisis atas nilai suatu pos yang disajikan detailed list or analysis of the value
126 Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan
Ikhtisar Laporan
Laporan Tahunan 2020

dalam Laporan Realisasi Anggaran, of an item presented in the Budget

Laporan Perubahan Saldo Anggaran Realization Report, Report on Changes
Lebih, Neraca, Laporan Operasional, in Budget Excess Balance, Balance
dan Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas. Sheet, Operational Report, and Report
on Changes in Equity. Also included in
Termasuk pula dalam Catatan atas the Notes to the Financial Statements
Laporan Keuangan adalah penyajian is the presentation of information
informasi yang diharuskan dan dianjurkan required and recommended
oleh Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan by Government Accounting
serta pengungkapan-pengungkapan Standards as well as other disclosures
lainnya yang diperlukan untuk penyajian required for a fair presentation of
yang wajar atas laporan keuangan. the financial statements.
Dalam penyajian Laporan Realisasi In presenting the Budget Realization
Anggaran, Laporan Perubahan Saldo Report, Report on Changes in Budget
Anggaran Lebih, dan Laporan Arus Kas Over Balance, and Cash Flow Statement
untuk periode yang berakhir sampai for the period ended December 31,
dengan 31 Desember 2020, Pendapatan 2020, State Revenues and State Grants
Negara dan Hibah dan Belanja Negara and Expenditures are recognized on
diakui berdasarkan basis kas. Sedangkan a cash basis. Meanwhile, the Balance
Neraca, Laporan Operasional, dan Laporan Sheet, Operational Report, and Report
Perubahan Ekuitas untuk periode Tahun on Changes in Equity for the 2020 Fiscal
Anggaran 2020 disusun dan disajikan Year period are prepared and presented
dengan basis akrual. on an accrual basis.

Gedung Danadyaksa Cikini,

Jalan Cikini Raya Nomor 91A-D,
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10330

Telepon : (021) 239 51607

Call Center: 1500 652

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