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Goal: To address wide range of concerns regarding hypertension, as the most prevalent health concern in the community areas, for promotion and prevention
for further incapacitating disease.

Objective: At the end of 30 minutes of health teaching, clients or participants of the people in Upper Calarian will be able to acquire and carry out knowledge
gained from educational activities in order to promote and sustain holistic and healthy well-being.

Specific Learning Learning Content Time Frame Methodology Resources/ Evaluation

Objective Instructional
After 30 mins of student
nurse- client interaction in
the community, the clients
will be able to:

1. Define A. Definition of Hypertension: 10 minutes Direct Discussion: 1 -Visual Aids Clients are able to
hypertension and High blood pressure, also called student nurse will define -Pamphlets demonstrate
classification of blood hypertension, is blood pressure that is hypertension and its -Man power of 1 student understanding and give
pressure. higher than normal. Your blood classifications utilizing nurse their own definition about
pressure changes throughout the day visible printed visual hypertension via direct
based on your activities. Having blood aids. questioning.
pressure measures consistently above
normal may result in a diagnosis of
high blood pressure (or hypertension)

B. Classification of blood pressure

C. ◆ Normal: systolic less than 120
mm Hg and
D. diastolic less than 80 mm Hg
E. ◆ Elevated: systolic between 120-
129 mm Hg
F. and
G. diastolic less than 80 mm Hg
H. ◆ Stage 1: systolic between 130-
139 mm Hg or
I. diastolic between 80-89 mm Hg
J. ◆ Stage 2: systolic at least 140 mm
Hg or
K. diastolic at
L. least 90 mm Hg

2. Identify and explain the Risk factors of hypertension 5 minutes Direct Discussion: 1 -Visual Aids Direct Questioning
risk factors for oDiabetes student nurse will -Pamphlets
hypertension oUnhealthy diet briefly explain the -Printed pictures
oPhysical inactivity possible risk for -Man power of 1 student
oObesity acquiring hypertension nurse
oExcessive consumption of alcohol by utilizing visible
oTobacco use printed visual aids.
oGenetics and Family History

3. Verbalize understanding Common signs and symptoms 5 minutes Direct discussion: 1 -Visual Aids Direct questioning
of the common signs and associated with hypertension: student nurse will -Pamphlets Nurse- Client Discussion
symptoms of hypertension  Shortness of breath/ dyspnea describe and present -Printed pictures
 Headaches printed picture of -Man power of 1 student
 Possible fainting possible signs and nurse
 Fatigue symptoms that can be
 Chest pain experienced by a
 Dizziness person.
 Lip Discoloration
 Can be asymptomatic

4. Identify what type of Foods to include in a hypertensive 5 minutes Direct discussion: 1 -Visual Aids Clients were able to
foods to eat and avoid diet: student nurse will -Pamphlets understand the importance
when diagnosed with  Lots of whole grains verbalize and explain -Printed pictures of mainting healthy diet
hypertension  Fruits essential and silent -Man power of 1 student for hypertension via direct
 Green leafy vegetables killing foods to avoid nurse questioning.
 Low-fat dairy products when a person is
 Fish diagnosed with
 Poultry hypertension or has an
 Legumes elevated blood pressure
 Eating red meat without diagnosis.
 Fats in small amounts

Foods to avoid for a hypertensive diet:

 Salty foods
 Foods that are high in glucose
and cholesterol
 Street foods and canned/
preservative foods.
 Coffee, alcoholic and carbonated

5. Understand the Pharmacological management for 5 minutes Direct discussion: 2 Visual Aids Direct questioning
pharmacological and non clients with Hypertension: student nurse will -Pamphlets Nurse- Client Discussion
pharmacological ways to -there are specific supplements which explain and provide -Printed pictures
manage hypertension. are scientifically proven to help lower examples on how to -Man power of 1 student
BP, these are the over-the-counter manage hypertension nurse
diuretics such as metformin, using home remedies
metolazone. There are also medication and overt the counter
also known as water pills but it is still medications.
necessary to drink properly otherwise
it can reach an overdose . These water
pills are not regulated by the Food and
Drug Administration so their dosage is
not clear.

Non-pharmacological management
for clients with Hypertension:
1. Drink maintenance medicine at the
right time.
2. Regular Exercise
3. Avoid stress.
4. Change an unhealthy diet and
5. Reduce the use of salt.
6. Avoid obesity
7. Stop smoking
8. Limit your alcohol consumption.

There are supplements that can be use

to help regulate the bp that are
scientifically proven, these are
recommended herbal supplements
such as:
-Aged garlic extract
-hibiscus or known as gumamela

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