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Course: BSN2 BLOCK1


1. What do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial? Why?

 I discovered that people have a disposition to internalize their ideas and feel
intimidated anytime those beliefs are questioned or appear to be under threat. I
wouldn't suggest that the majority of intellectual concepts are controversial just
because they have previously gained acceptance and/or because they are no longer
However, the most classic and interesting ideas frequently cause controversy because
many people, including academics, have a propensity to develop beliefs and opinions that
become a part of their self-perception and instinctively attack anything that might
challenge or conflict with those beliefs, forcing them to reevaluate how they perceive
reality, how they should act, or how they should behave.

2. Why did the people accept these new discoveries despite being contradictory to what was
widely accepted at that time?
 Because a new discovery might be made tomorrow, science never takes firm positions on
any issues. Most people embrace the new version because it functions better than the
previous one, with the exception of Fundamentalists. Astronomy, celestial navigation,
and other important technologies all made sense once the heliocentric hypothesis
replaced the geocentric model upheld by the Church. When science was freed from its
dogmatic restraints, new fields of inquiry were made possible. Astrology has taken over
the previous system.
As the expression goes, there are unanswerable questions in science. Religion offers
solutions that might never be called into question.

3. How to intellectual revolutions transform societies?

 Obviously, the age of enlightenment.
I don't believe modern culture will ever understand just how much those brave guys owe
us. They freed society from ignorance, fear, and dogma.
Although there were intellectual advancements in the Middle Ages, they were still
dependent on personal salvation. It took us hundreds of years to understand how
arbitrary that was and that each person should seek salvation in his or her own way.
The pursuit of happiness, the supremacy of reason, and the evidence of the senses as
the fundamental sources of knowledge and high ideals were among the concepts
prevalent throughout the Enlightenment. liberalism, progress, tolerance, fraternity,
constitutional governance, and separation of church and state are ideals that we  hold

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