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The stories we read and the movies we watch can have a difference in efficacy, even if they have

the same title. They may not follow the same order of words and happenings or events. Like the
story of the Gorgon’s head, its video version is not similar to the text version. Some of the
circumstances in the video version are not the same as the occurrences in the text version. It is
important to know what is more effective in providing additional information. There are events
in the text version that were not mentioned in the video version. In this different version of the
story "The Gorgon’s Head", we can say that they have similarities but also differences.

In the same manner, both featured the same characters, like the three old ladies who share the
same eye for seeing. Despite the fact that they are different versions, both are inspired by Greek
mythology. Likewise, the text version, the video version, or the movie version all have the same
goal, and that is to execute Medusa and get her head. Similarly, both versions have Perseus as the
protagonist and Medusa as the antagonist. Medusa’s power in the text is the same as her power in
the movie version; that anyone who looks into her eyes will be petrified and turned into stone.
Both also have the same description of Medusa, which is a girl with the body of a snake and hair
consisting of snakes.

The contrast between the text and the story version of the Gorgon's head is that, in the movie, we
see a completely different point of view, but in the story version of the Myth of Medusa, we only
get the chance to meet Perseus at the end of the story. Perseus faced many battles in the story,
but in the movie version, only a few of his experiences were shown. In the text version, it is not
clearly stated that Perseus is assigned to kill Medusa, but in the movie version, it is clearly stated.

In the movie, it was said that the Gorgon sisters were already slain before he could face Medusa.
However, in the text version, it is said that Medusa is the only one of the three that could be
slain. The movie version mentioned the children of Medusa, who were born from Medusa's
blood after being killed. On the other hand, the text version of the story did not mention
Medusa's children and how they were given birth. The text and movie versions of the story have
differences and similarities. Nevertheless, I can say that both versions are effective and have
something to learn.

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