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Ans 1.

Charts in MS Excel are a graphical and visual representation of data in a worksheet, that help users to
understand the numerical data with ease. Charts are very helpful in comparing huge amounts of data and
showing the relationship between them. Charts are very informative. With just a click, huge amounts of data
can be projected into a graph that helps the users to understand and analyze the data visually. It is ideal for
representing numbers and their relationship with one another. Moreover, MS Excel provides a feature
wherein it recommends charts according to the data selected which makes it way easier for the user to use
charts. It also allows the user to customize the appearance of the chart by adding elements, such as adding a
chart title, axis titles, a legend and also data labels. They can further be customized by the user, by changing
colors of the chart, adding percentages, changing its layout, and by changing its style. Charts help present
data in an attractive and artisitc manner. MS Excel 2019 provides the user with different types of charts,
from which the user can choose the one that suits his/her purpose. The charts provided by MS Excel 2019
are column chart, line chart, pie chart, bar chart, surface chart, area chart and scatter chart to name a few.
Another feature of using charts in MS Excel is that the user can change the chart type later as well. The
following are the different types of charts provided in MS Excel,

1. Column Chart: Column chart is a type of chart provided in MS Excel which represents data using
vertical columns. They are simple to represent and understand data. The data is represented through
vertical bars, horizontally through the chart and the height of a column is proportional to the value
represented by it. This type of chart works best with limited data points. This is helpful and ideal for
comparison of data. An example of this chart type is given below.

2. Line Chart: Line chart is a type of chart provided in MS Excel which is used to plot data using a series
of lines. This chart shows lines going across the chart horizontally with each point relating or
corresponding to a value. This type of chart can include single or multiple lines to compare any number
of data sets. The lines can be distinguished by changing its color or style. An example of this chart type
is given below.
3. Bar Chart: Bar chart is a type of chart provided in MS Excel that represents data through horizontal
bars wherein the length of the bar is proportional to the value of data. This type of chart is used to
compare data. There many different types of bar charts available in MS Excel. They are stacked bar
chart, clustered chart and 3D bar chart. An example of this chart type is given below.

4. Pie Chart: Pie chart is a type of chart provided in MS Excel which represents a “part to whole”
relationship, where each slice together represents as a whole (100%). The pieces of the chart are
proportional to the fraction of the whole in each category. This type of chart is ideal with small amounts
of data. In MS Excel, there are options for customization of this chart wherein percentages of each slice
can be shown without any calculations made by the user. An example of this chart type is given below.

5. X Y (Scatter) Chart: Scatter chart is a type of chart provided in MS Excel which is useful in showing
and comparing numerical values in two data series. This chart type displays the relationship between two
quantitative variables. This chart combines X (horizontal axis) and Y (vertical axis) values into single
data points. This type of chart is quite similar to a line chart but instead of lines, the data is represented
by points plotted on the chart. An example of this chart type is given below.

6. Surface Chart: Surface chart is a type of chart provided by Excel that plots data on a 3D surface that
show a functional relationship between a dependent variable which is located along the vertical axis and
two independent variables which is located on the horizontal axis. This chart is similar to a topographic
map as the colors and patterns show the areas that are in the same range of values. This chart is ideal for
identifying best combinations between the data of two groups.

7. Area Chart: Area chart is a type of chart provided in Excel which presents data in a form of line chart
with the areas below the lines filled with colors. This chart type shows a trend over time. This chart is
ideal if there is multiple time- series data and can help draw notice to the total values across a given data.
An example of this chart type is given below.
8. Combo Chart: Combination chart or combo chart is a type of chart provided in Excel that displays data
using the combination of two or more charts on the same chart. It allows the user to represent two
different data sets. The user can also use a single data set which can be represented in different ways on
the same chart. Normally, for any chart there will be an X-axis and a Y-axis. However, for a combo
chart there will be two Y-axis for the same X-axis.

Charts are helpful in communicating, presenting and analysing data visually. They make it easier by
showing comparisons and trends. It can show a clearer picture of a data when compared to a table, thus
making it easier for people to understand numerical data. Charts can be customised and are automated by
Excel which makes it easy for the user to convert data into a graphical presentation. Charts are ideal for
showing the relationship between the parts of the data.

The pie-chart below is the result of the given data,


Vanilla Butterscotch
25% 24%

Strawberry Chocolate
24% 27%

Butterscotch Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla

- For images:
 :

Ans 2.
a) To apply the desired conditional formatting here, the column Met Sale Goal is selected first. Then, the
conditional formatting option is selected from the Home tab. From the drop-down menu of conditional
formatting, the highlight text rules option is selected. Further, the text that contains option is selected. A
formatting rule window pops up. In the blank box next to option “containing”, the word “yes” in entered.

To add another level of formatting, the column Region is selected. Then, conditional formatting is selected
from which a drop-down menu appears. Again, selecting the highlight text rules option and further selecting
text that contains option. In the blank next to the option “containing”, the word “North” is entered. The color
again is highlighted in green. The results for both are highlighted in green in the screenshot below.
b) To apply the desired conditional formatting, the column Quantity is selected. From the home tab,
conditional formatting is selected. From the drop-down menu, the highlight text rule option is selected.
Further, the greater than option is selected from highlight text rule drop down menu. In the blank next to
“greater than”, the number 300 is entered. The numbers greater than 300 are highlighted in yellow. The
results 958,532, and 371 are shown after applying the desired conditional formatting in the screenshot
c) To apply the desired conditional formatting, the column Item Weight is selected. From the home tab,
conditional formatting option is selected. Then, from the drop-down menu, the color scales option is
selected. Further, green-red-yellow color scale is chosen. The result is shown in the screenshot below.

d) To apply the desired conditional formatting, select the Item Manufactured on column. From the home tab,
select the conditional formatting option. From the drop-down menu, the highlight text rule option is selected.
Further, the “date occurring” option is selected. A window pops up. The option “last week” is selected.
The result here is null as there are no items manufactured last week. (The system date here is set as 14-08-
e) To apply the desired conditional formatting, select the column Item Manufactured on. Then, select
conditional formatting and from the drop-down menu select highlight text rule option. Further, select the
date occurring option. In the window that pops up, select “today”. The result is highlighted in red here.
(The system date here is set as 14-8-2020).

Ans 3a. From the given data, the following scatter chart is the result.


Advertising Expenditure


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

The relationship from the above scatter plot between sales and advertising expenditure is positive. It has a
positive correlation because there is an increase in advertisement expenditure as the sales increase. When
the data is plotted on a graph, it is showing a positive slope. The trendline tells the users the correlation of
the scatter plot. Here, the trend line is positive as it is sloping upwards from the origin and indicating that the
scatter plot is positive. Thus, leading to a positive relationship between sales and advertising expenditure.

Ans 3b. Data is a collection of unprocessed or raw facts and figures. The processed and interpreted form of
data is called information. Though data and information are closely related, data is different from
information. Data is different from information in the following ways,


Definition Data is raw, unprocessed and Information is refined, processed

unorganized. and organized data.
Meaning Data is meaningless/ has no proper Information has proper meaning.
Dependency Data is independent. Information depends on data.

Decision Making Data is not useful directly for decision Information is used for decision
making. making.
Unit of measurement Data is measured in bits, bytes or Information is measured in time,
kilobytes etc. quantity etc.
Form Data is unorganized. Information is organized.

Significance Data has no significance. Information is significant by itself.

Interpretation Data needs interpretation. Interpreted data turns into

Based on Data is based on records and Information is based on analysis.
Example Test score of a student is an example of Average score of the class is an
data. example of information.

A database can be defined as an organized collection of data that is organized in an integrated manner,
which can be easily accessed, updated and managed. Before Database Management System (DBMS) was
introduced, the traditional file processing system was used for storing data wherein the data was organized
into computer files. This system had various drawbacks, and thus highlighted the need for database. The
following are the limitations of traditional file processing system or the need for database,

1. Data redundancy: Due to the use of different applications for storing different files, the same data
got repeated again and again leading to redundancy. Updating one file in one location doesn’t update
in another location and also lead to inconsistency.

2. Data inconsistency: This occurs when different versions of same data appear in different places with
no updated data. Changes made in one or many files may not be updated in others, thus leading to

3. Lack of data integration: Since each file is different from other data files, it becomes extremely
difficult to get information.
4. Lack of security: In the traditional file processing system, it was difficult to maintain security as
each data file was associated with a different application.

5. Poor data manipulation: Due to the files not being related to each other in the traditional file
processing system, it resulted in poor data manipulation. Each file had its own purpose and were
barely related. Re-entry of data is required if an organization wants data from unrelated files.

Database Management System (DBMS) can be defined as a set of computer programs that control the
creation, maintenance and use of a database and also helps in controlling redundancy and data inconsistency.
The following are the advantages of DBMS,

1. Reduces data redundancy: Data redundancy occurs when the same data is stored in two or more
places. DBMS reduces data redundancy by minimizing isolated files in which the same data is
repeated. In other words, DBMS stores data at a single location wherein it is easy to access and
modify data. Any changes made in the data are automatically shown and made available to all users.

2. Reduces data inconsistency: Data inconsistency occurs when the different versions of the same data
appear in different places. DBMS reduces data inconsistency by storing data at a single or central
location wherein any changes in data are automatically updated in other locations as well.

3. Allows data sharing: DBMS allows data sharing by allowing many other users to have easy access
to the data. It can be shared from one user to multiple other users.

4. Enforces database standards: DBMS ensures that certain standards are applied to the data stored as
these standards, whether set by a person or an organization, helps in data transferring between

5. Ensures data security: DBMS provides a better framework for ensuring data privacy and security
policies. It allows only certain authorized users to have access to the data and runs various security
checks to verify whether the user is an authorized user or not. It gives permission to certain users
only to access data. This keeps the data safe and away from being accessed by everyone.

6. Provides backup and recovery: DBMS helps organizations or the person using it to recover and
backup data to prevent them from losing the data during any system failures. Thus, DBMS protects
the data and copies it in the form of backup where it can be used for future references for recovery.


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