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In this month, as it is well known, it is mainly identified by Christmas where there is a
moment full of magic to share with loved ones and family. Especially for the little ones it
is a party and a reason for joy and enthusiasm. We can share with them many fun
Christmas activities for children that allow us to strengthen affective ties and thus take
advantage of these dates to live with them, the illusion, the joy and the positive
emotions that accompany these days. Therefore, it will be assigned as an activity for the
students to make a letter.

Upon arrival at the room, a list will be named and the task will be reviewed, which is to
bring the materials to make your letter, ordered two days beforehand, which are
personal since it will be your letter to Santa Claus, the sheet on the that they will write
can be of the color that they choose, the text will also be made with what is most easy
for them or they like, they can add cutouts, stickers or drawings related to Christmas or
the objective of the letter, they will also need glue to make the envelope, that is what is
assigned, the students are free to do it with other extra materials.
The activity and the objective will be explained to them, giving them approximately two
hours to carry it out. As they finish, they will be reviewed.

To finish, the work will be evaluated with a rubric in which the material will be graded, if
the message is understood, it contains an illustration, bright colors, if I make an
envelope, if I added any extra, if it is related to Christmas, it contains more than two
Activity evaluation criteria. Yes No

the message of the letter is clear

is creative

contains image

has about
In this month, the change of season to spring occurs, which is identified by children as a
season of the year, one of the most beautiful that exists due to the natural change that
we see in front of flowers and fruit trees. A renewal, after autumn and the fall of the
leaves, the plants change their foliage and turn green. That is why it is known for its
cheerful colors and aromas. For what will be assigned as an activity, they will build a
text related to nature with what they will observe and learn about their environment, in
addition to didactic material to decorate the classroom.

At the beginning of the class, they will be given an explanation about spring, clarifying
some concepts and explaining the activity. The work will begin where they leave the
classroom and make notes about their environment. They will have an hour for their
exploration. make a small draft, the text can be and the choice of the students can be a
story, news, summary, etc.,
They will have two hours to complete it if it is not finished, the task will be carried out
and reviewed the next day, since, on the day they will also be doing crafts related to
spring to decorate the room.

The day after the activity was carried out, it will begin to be reviewed with some points
that must be taken into account, the text is coherent and is related to the activity, it is
more than half a page, it has a title, it has some illustration alluding to spring, has cover.
It will also be qualified if I participate in the elaboration of crafts and didactic material
for the classroom.
Activity evaluation criteria. Yes No

the story is related to spring

has coherence

contains more than three lines

contains some illustration alluding to the subject

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