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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 L03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 15, 2022 Call to O: A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-3 on August 15, 2022. The meeting convened at 3:00pm, Professor LeCompte presiding and Jessica Nicole Rivera-Toledo, secretary. All students attended except: Marfa Calaf, and Javelyn Serrano. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the August 10, 2022, meeting were approved after corrections. Matters Discussed: 1, Professor Le Compte reviewed the use of Active and Passive Voice in technical documents, such as minutes. 2. The professor gave an overview of two of the three special projects to be evaluated through the semester. a) Trip Report to be turned in as a one-page report with formal evidence (due date: 3. The professor assigned students to the task of signing up and preating portfolio website domain in order to receive extra bonus points by thc nextmeeting. Announcements: Future meetings are tobe held in classroom MTC-3, “The _meehings (more actwe) will take place Unfinished Business: The professor stated that | discussion on the Progress Reportiste-betioved to Wednesday, August 17, 2022. will take place ‘Adjournment: The meeting adjoumed at 3:58pm. Submitted by: ee - sk 17, 2020 Jessica Nicole Rivera-Toledo, Secretary ite of Approval

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