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Christopher Sauceda

Dr. Nelson

ENGL 1302

The importance of eating when you’re a college athlete

The majority of the college athlete struggle with their eating plan since most of the
athletes have practices and classes during certain times, so they don’t have time to seat and eat
a good meal. Every time a college athlete does not eat a good meal they will not perform at
their maximum level at their competition. Or during a class they will fall asleep if they don’t get
a good meal between class and practices. For example, many college athletes need more help
during their classes since they are not at their maximum capacity because probably, they
haven’t eaten all day. However, although the college athlete needs to eat healthy plus at some
certain times because of their performance or their classes if they don’t do that basic thing
their resistant or mentality to perform off and, on the field, will reflect on their bodies.

The Experiment
The method of this experiment includes gathering data from a Texas A&M International
University athlete. The data was collected based on how the athlete performed during a game
and class with one day of not eating and the next day with some meal before their class and

This experiment it taking me 4 more days to complete because I need to talk more
about how the college athletes feel during their performs and their development in the
classroom. It’s a challenging experiment, but it can be helpful for most of the college athletes.

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