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12/06/2022, 18:34 Upper Arm Fractures - Injuries and Poisoning - MSD Manual Consumer Version

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Upper Arm Fractures

(Proximal Humeral Fractures; Shoulder Fractures)
By Danielle Campagne
, MD, University of California, San Francisco
Last full review/revision Apr 2021| Content last modified Apr 2021

Upper arm fractures occur at the upper end of the upper arm bone (humerus), affecting the shoulder joint.

Upper arm fractures usually result from a fall on an outstretched arm.

Usually, the broken pieces of bone remain in place or close together and thus tend to heal on their own.
These fracture cause pain and swelling in the shoulder and upper arm and limit movement of the arm.
Doctors diagnose upper arm fractures based on x-rays and sometimes computed tomography.
Usually, only a sling, sometimes with a swathe, is required, but sometimes surgery is needed to realign the broken bones or to replace the joint.
(See also Overview of Fractures.)

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Fracturing the Upper Arm

Fractures that occur in the upper part of the

upper arm bone (humerus) cause pain in the
shoulder because the upper arm bone is part
of the shoulder joint. The upper arm bone
may fracture in different places. One example
is shown below.

Upper arm fractures usually result from a fall on an outstretched arm. Sometimes they result from a direct blow. Usually, the broken pieces of bone do
not move out of place or move only slightly out of place and thus tend to heal on their own.
Upper arm fractures are common among older people.

Symptoms of Upper Arm Fractures

The shoulder and upper arm are painful and swollen. People cannot easily raise their arm.
Occasionally, a nerve is damaged, causing numbness in the upper arm.

Diagnosis of Upper Arm Fractures

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Sometimes computed tomography
(See also Diagnosis of Fractures.)
If people think they may have fractured their upper arm, they should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Doctors ask people to describe what happened and what their symptoms are. Doctors also examine the elbow and collarbone.
Doctors take x-rays of the shoulder joint from different angles to determine whether it is fractured.
Sometimes, if x-rays are unclear, computed tomography (CT) is done. CT combines x-rays with computer technology to produce a more detailed, three-
dimensional image of the injured area.

Treatment of Upper Arm Fractures

Usually a sling
Range-of-motion exercises
Sometimes surgery to realign the broken bones or to replace the joint
Most upper arm fractures are treated with a sling, sometimes held in place by a piece of cloth or strap (called a swathe—see figure Commonly Used
Techniques for Immobilizing a Joint).

Shoulder Immobilizer 3/6
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Exercises to move the shoulder joint through its full range of motion, such as Codman exercises, are started as soon as possible because this joint is
prone to becoming permanently stiff, especially in older people.

Codman Exercises

To start, people should

Bend at the waist and let the affected arm hang down perpendicular to the floor

Relax the arm and shoulder

Bend the knees slightly

Then they should

Slowly swing the arm from side to side, from back to front, and in circles clockwise and counterclockwise

Shift body weight from foot to foot in the same direction that the arm swing

Gradually increase the range of the movements as can be tolerated

These exercises should cause only minimal pain. People should do each exercise twice in one set and do several sets each day. These exercises are
done even if the arm is in a sling or in a sling and swathe (as it usually is). Moving the bones in the shoulder joint helps prevent the joint from
becoming stiff. 4/6
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Did You Know...

Range of motion exercises should be
started soon after the upper arm is
fractured, even if it is in a sling.

If bone is broken into several pieces, people are referred to an orthopedic surgeon, who aligns the broken pieces and inserts metal plates, screws, and
wires to hold the bone together (called open reduction with internal fixation, or ORIF).
Sometimes the shoulder joint must be replaced.

Total Shoulder Replacement (Arthroplasty)

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A total joint replacement procedure (arthroplasty) is done to replace a damaged joint.

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