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SMP/A Dian Harapan

Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023

Criterion-based Summative

Kelas : 11 IPA / IPS

Mata Pelajaran : Seni Budaya (Musik)
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.4 Memahami perkembangan musik Barat
Topik : 4 Major Eras of Western Music Development
EU :


Answer the following questions in paragraph format. For each number, a good answer will
consist around 150-200 words. This is a open-book test, meaning that you are allowed to
look at your notes ONLY.

1. The four major eras in Western music development (Baroque, Classical, Romantic,
20th century) have shaped the global music world as we know today. In your own
words, describe the musical development of each era, providing as many details as
possible. (50 points)

Baroque era in 1600-1750, baroque era is irregullary shaped or flawed from ( French), in
Baroque era, they use violin, viola, cello, pianoforte, harpsichord, organ. People who
involved in the baroque music and make it develop is Johan Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi,
George Fridens Handal.
Next, Classical Era in 1750-1830, Classical falls between the baroque and romantic
periods. Classical era has a characteristic that; lighter and clearer texture than baroque music,
piano replaced. People who composed in classical era is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frans
Peter Schubert, Joseph Hyden.\
Romantic Era in 1830-1900, Romantic era is individualistic, more emotional,
dramatic, programmatic. Proggramatic connected with an idea, story,etc. Romantic Era more
complex and dramatic during the classical era, increased chromatiscm, moving away from
tradional forms. People who compose music in Romantic Era isnFrederic Chopin, Pyotr
20th century in 1900-2000, 20th century era is music envolved beyond the 19-century
styles, mix of and old ard new, simple and complex ideas, 20th music trends is Impressionum,
Expressionism, Neoclassicism, Postmunerism. Music concepts = Minimalism, E-Music, Jazz,
Folk Music. Characteristic= A mix of everything, pop culture, Simplicity and more complex
both present. 20th century music uses electronic music because technology has developed
more good.
From baroque era to 20th century, I can see very huge different from huge gradual
transformation of philosophical ideas which influenced every art and cultural, including
music. Music lso became increasingly different because more music became more expressive
and dramatic.

2. From a Christian perspective, WHY and HOW do you think it’s important to learn
about the evolution of music from time to time? (50 points)

I think it’s important to learn about the evolution of music from time to time because
music develop until now, so many and music more better. From baroqque era, the music
is very boring, but now 20th century, music very more emotional, dramatic and more
better. We have to be grateful of what god has created in this world because if God
doesn’t make all by his plan, we can’t do anything. But because by because His grace, we
all can enjoy music and know how the evolution of music works. Blibical worldview that I
choose is Worshipful expression, because we have to grateful by all God Works, by
praying, go to church, and help others.

Bonus Question:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Just Intonation tuning and temperament
system? (+ 20 points)

Just intonation tuning

- All intervals sound very clean and stable in one key
- Sound will be messed up when changing to other key
- Differences between sharps and flats
Temperament system
- Sound could be play well in any key or change in other key

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