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Study trip to Pike High School

A) When we were in Pike High School, we had the opportunity to visit their planetarium. It
was an immersive experience on how to bring different aspects of the world into lessons.
We learned about how English classes and other classes that are not specifically science
or astronomy can be related to this conversation. This reminded me of the book Tech
Like A Pirate, in how we can use old or new technology to create a unique aspect of
learning. The teacher that helps to run the planetarium used the platform also for us to
describe the high school, its statistics, and other important information that we need when
learning about this place. Through this experience, I realized that you can take a lesson
from a different perspective that will engage the students and help to enhance the
B) During this experience at the Planetarium, I felt immense happiness. It was just such a
calming learning place that I knew could bring a new light into a lesson or class. The
happiness also radiated from my peers as they looked around at this environment and
imagined how they could incorporate this into a lesson of their own. I was glad that this
type of learning and piece of technology is still accessible to students and teachers at
C) In this place, I was imagining the lessons that I could create that could be inclusive and
engaging for the students. I,also, talked to my peers at the time wondering if they could
show us a star show just for a little fun while we were on this experience. I was
disappointed that it did not get it, but I understood that we were on a time crunch and that
we had to see what we came there to see. This place was just so cool and I am jealous
also that my high school did not have this. It seems overwhelming to operate this
machinery and process, but it makes learning all the more engaging. Stars and astronomy
relate to lessons a lot more than I thought they could have and it's amazing. This
embodies the core values of the college of ed by embodying inclusive and responsive
teaching. This piece truly takes what could be a “boring” lesson and twists it into
something students might care about.
D) The person that impacted me the most during this trip was a student at Pike. We were all
standing in a group in the hallway and he walked up to us asking about teaching. You
could tell that he had a want to be a teacher and a passion, but was contemplating it due
to the reality of teaching and what it contains. This student really made me think about
why I want to be a teacher truly, for it wasnt a professor I was talking to or a parent, but a
peer, a student my own age. This student needed someone in his life that gave him a
positive outlook on education and we were the ones that may be helped inspire that
passion for teaching in him.It showed me that we do make an impact on others and how
our identity is not only about ourselves but about how we relate to others.

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