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Nomer 1

Nowadays, Indonesia face the biggest challenge on energy transition mechanism to

respond the effect of climate change. In another side, energy transition mechanism
also become important issues that will be raised through “Priority Economic
Deliverable” in ASEAN Summit 2023. As country chair, Indonesia realize that all
ASEAN member must put big concern on it because of the impact on economic.
Climate change could cost the world (including South east Asia’ s countries) more
than 10 percent, thus creating huge losses to the economic sector if the 2050
agreement in Paris is not met. This situation not only had an impact on people's
social lives but also on the economy as a whole. Based on this situation, Indonesia's
GDP predicted to be lost about 0.63% to 45 percent in 2030. Inflation will arise due
to disruptions to national and international supply chains due to weather changes
such as floods, storms, and droughts.

In fact, Indonesia Government has committed to dealing with climate change through
the Paris Agreement by reducing 29 percent of CO2 emissions and trying to reduce
41 percent with international support by 2030. However, the journey is still long way
to go. Because of that, I think Indonesia should finalize real plans to implement
policies that were formed due to climate change concerns. Indonesia also need to
rise this issue every time as well, either in G20 summit or ASEAN summit.

Nomer 2

The reason why I apply this seminar because of the curriculum. YSEALI provides
such comprehensive materials to the participants. I am so enthusiast on the
discussion about global energy outlook and risks, specifically on the implications for
South East Asia. I also notice that participants will study about the policy making. I
think this is the basic need for a good policy maker and future leader. Based on my
professional skill, I also have some experience related on economic issue risen in
this seminar. I am sure that my experience can contribute some insight on this
seminar as well.

After joining YSEALI seminar, I hope that I will have more knowledges on how
allocating the resources effectively as result of policy making related to economic.
The other important thing is having more colleagues to expand my connections. I
always dream to be part of YSEALI and Fulbright family.
Nomer 3

There is a quote : community is much more than belonging to something, it is about

doing something together that makes belonging matter. From quotes above, I believe
that community is about togetherness. I ever read that there are three important
components of community: engagement, growth and management. These are things
to be understood in building strong community.

The first thing is about engagement. We should build the strong community
by staying in touch with people, even if we have to do it virtually. We need to invest
our time and energy in maintaining our bonds. So that, it is very important to connect
each other by conducting some routine agenda with the member.

Second is about growth. Growth means expanding our connection to make YSEALI.
alumni bigger than now. We can make such a free mentoring program for everyone
who will join YSEALI program. This will attract people to join our program

The last one is management. It means integrating new ideas by organizing, planning
and utilizing the member’s capacities to create such an event or agenda that
involving or collaborating with other community. So that, YSEALI member’s existence
is better known as its innovation and solidarity.

Nomer 4

A great sea captain is made in rough waters and deep seas. It is what I believe in
mind. After my father passed away, I need to struggle in life. I play many roles in
home, as the first daughter, older sister and my own self. Being in this state makes
me a resilient person who go through many tough times and prepare future

I am used to maintain a positive outlook and envision brighter days ahead. I have
clear and solid goals and desire to achieve it. I also empathetic and
Hello YSEALI Team, I am Apriliyati Eka Subekti, everybody calls me Lia. I am a state asset
analyst in Ministry of of Indonesia. I have clear goal in my life to be a resilient  future policy
maker in the next five years, this is the way I give real contribution to my home country. I
realize that i sit in driver seat. I am not only exposed by so mush economic issue , but also
having capacity and chance to solve the problems through policy making. Beside it, I will
enhance my knowledges by graduated from master public policy in HKS, I am sure that
everything comes with challenge, but chance is a privilege that not all people can get. And I
will not miss it.

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