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Angeles City


Student’s Name: _______________________________ Clinical Area: ___________________________

Group: ________________________________

Patient’s Initial:
Admitting Diagnosis:
Date of Admission:
Ferrous Sulfate
Indication/ Specific
Generic and Brand Classification/s Action/ Mechanism Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Nursing
Name of Action Frequency and Adverse Reactions Desired Considerations
Preparation Effects
Generic Name: Iron Products INDICATION: Iron Deficiency ● Dark stool ● ● Conduct
Ferrous Sulfate ● Ferrous sulfate is Adult: PO Sulfate ● Constipation laboratory
type of supplement (30% elemental ● Contact test such as
that treats cases of iron) 750–1500 cbc, blood
Brand Name: low blood levels of iron
mg/d in 1–3
specifically Anemia in divided doses; ● Stomach pain count in
Slow FE, Fer-In-Sol,
Feratab, Iron. pregnant mothers. It Fumarate (33% ● Urine order to
helps produce red
elemental iron) 200 discoloration monitor the
blood cells in order tomg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; ● Vomiting blood levels
balance the level of Gluconate (12% ● Tooth and maintain
blood and iron in the elemental iron) discoloration a balanced
body. 325–600 mg q.i.d.,
● Irritation of the number of
may be gradually
Gastrointestinal red blood
CONTRAINDICATION: increased to 650
● Ferrous sulfate is mg q.i.d. as needed cells and iron
contraindicated in and tolerated. in the body
patients who have ● Instruct the
high levels of iron in Child: PO Sulfate patient to
the body as this can (30% elemental take ferrous
cause iron metabolism iron)<6 Y, 75-225
disorder or an mg/d in divided sulfate with
increased in iron doses; 6-12 y, 600 an empty
levels. mg/d in divided stomach a
doses; Fumarate
few hours
MECHANISM OF (33% elemental
iron) 3 mg/kg before or after
t.i.d; Gluconate meal time.
Iron is required to (12% elemental and can be
maintain optimal iron) <6 y, 100- taken with
health, particularly for 300 mg/d in orange juice
helping to form red divided doses; 6-12
blood cells (RBC) that y, 100-300 mg
carry oxygen around t.i.d.
the body. Taking iron
in supplement form, Iron Supplement
such as ferrous Adult: PO Sulfate
sulfate, allows for Pregnancy, 300–
more rapid increases 600 mg/d in
in iron levels when divided doses;
dietary supply and Fumarate 200 mg
Iron Deficiency Adult: once/d; Gluconate
PO Sulfate (30% 325–600 mg
elemental iron) 750– once/d.
1500 mg/d in 1–3
divided doses; Child: PO
Fumarate (33% Fumarate 3 mg/kg
elemental iron) 200 once/d; Gluconate
mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; <6 y, 100-300
Gluconate (12% mg/d in divided
elemental iron) 325– doses; 6-12 y, 100-
600 mg q.i.d., may be 300 mg once/d
gradually increased to
650 mg q.i.d. as Infant: PO
needed and tolerated Fumarate low
Child: PO Sulfate (30% birth weight, 2
elemental iron) mg/kg/d up to 15
mg/d; <3 y, 1
mg/kg/d (max:15
Indication/ Specific
Generic and Brand Classification/s Action/ Mechanism Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Nursing
Name of Action Frequency and Adverse Reactions Desired Considerations
Preparation Effects
Generic name: Ther. Class. Short-term treatment Nausea & Adverse Reactions: Assessment
Domperidone of nausea & vomiting vomiting Galactorrhoea; reduced - Assess for nausea,
Gastric Stimulant of various etiologies. libido, rashes & other vomiting, abdominal
Brand Name: Prokinetic in Adult: 10-20 mg allergic reactions; distention, and
Domilium Pharm. Class. dyspepsia & in tid-qid. dystonic reactions. bowel sounds before
diabetic gastroparesis. and after
Butyrophenones Symptomatic Children : 200- administration.
treatment of migraine 500 mcg/kg tid- -Monitor BP (sitting,
Dopamine w/ paracetamol. qid. standing, lying
Antagonists down) and pulse
Dyspepsia: 10 mg before and
tid. periodically during
therapy. May cause
Migraine: 20 mg prolonged QT
every 4 hr w/ interval,
paracetamol. tachycardia, and
especially in
patients older than
60 yr or taking >30
-Monitor for
symptoms related to
galactorrhea, sexual

- Instruct patient to
take as directed.
Advise patient to
avoid grapefruit
juice during
-Advise patient to
notify health care
professional if
(excessive or
spontaneous flow of
breast milk),
development of male
mammary gland),
(spotting or delayed
irregular heartbeat
dizziness, or fainting
-Advise female
patient to notify
health care
professional if
pregnancy is
planned or
suspected or if
breast feeding.
Generic and Classification/s Specific Action/ Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name Mechanism of and Preparation Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Generic Name: Therapeutic class: Thought to produce Mild pain or fever CNS: anxiety, fatigue, ● Tell parents to
acetaminophen Analgesics analgesia by Children older than headache, insomnia, consult
(APAP, paracetamol) inhibiting age 12: 325 to 650 pyrexia. prescriber
Pharmacologic prostaglandin and mg PO every 4 to 6 before giving
Brand name: class: Para- other substances hours or 1,300 mg CV: HTN, hypotension, drug to
Tylenol aminophenol that sensitize pain PO every 8 hours peripheral edema, children
derivatives receptors. Drug (extended-release) periorbital edema. younger than
may relieve fever p.r.n. Maximum dose age 2.
through central for immediate- GI: nausea, vomiting,
action in the ● Advise parents
release is 3,250 abdominal pain,
hypothalamic heat- mg/24 hours unless that drug is
regulating center. under health care only for short-
provider supervision, term use; urge
when up to 4 g/24 them to
hemolytic anemia,
hours may be used. consult
Maximum dose for prescriber if
extended-release is giving to
pancytopenia, anemia.
3,900 mg/24 hours. infants for
longer than 3
Children ages 6 to 11 Hepatic: jaundice.
days, children
for longer than
325 mg PO every 4 to Metabolic: 5 days.
6 hours. Maximum hypoglycemia,
daily dose is 1,625 hypokalemia, ● Advise patient
mg/day PO. Don't hypervolemia, or caregiver
use for more than 5 hypomagnesemia. that many
days unless directed OTC products
by health care contain
provider. acetaminophe
muscle spasms.
Children age 11 n and should
weighing 32.7 to 43.2 be counted
kg: 480 mg PO (oral when
suspension or calculating
chewable tablets) total daily
every 4 hours p.r.n. dose.
Maximum, five ● Tell patient to
doses/day. consult
Children ages 9 to 10 prescriber for
weighing 27.3 to 32.6 fever lasting
kg: 400 mg PO (oral longer than 3
suspension or days or
chewable tablets) recurrent
every 4 hours p.r.n. fever.
Maximum, five
Children ages 6 to 8
weighing 21.8 to 27.2
kg: 320 mg PO (oral
suspension or
chewable tablets)
every 4 hours p.r.n.
Maximum, five
Children ages 4 to 5
weighing 16.4 to 21.7
kg: 240 mg PO (oral
suspension or
chewable tablets)
every 4 hours p.r.n.
Maximum, five
Children ages 2 to 3
weighing 10.9 to 16.3
kg: 160 mg PO (oral
suspension or
chewable tablets)
every 4 hours p.r.n.
Maximum, five
Children ages 1 to 2
weighing 8.2 to 10.8
kg: 120 mg PO (oral
suspension or
chewable tablets)
every 4 hours p.r.n.
Maximum, five
Children ages 4 to 11
months weighing 5.4
to 8.1 kg: 80 mg PO
(oral suspension,
drops, or liquid)
every 4 hours p.r.n.
Maximum, five
doses/day. Children
ages 0 to 3 months
weighing 2.7 to 5.3
kg: 40 mg PO (oral
drops) every 4 hours
p.r.n. Maximum, five
Generic and Classification/s Specific Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing Considerations
Brand Name Action/ Frequency and Adverse Effects
Mechanism of Preparation Reactions
Therapeutic Indication: Recommended  Feeling sick Nurse should store medicine at
Generic Name: Class: Dose: (nausea) temperatures not exceeding 30°C,
Folic Acid Food Children 10-12 away from direct sunlight.
Multivitamins supplement. years: 5 mL (1
Brand Name: and other Vitamins and tsp);
Cherifer minerals, incl. minerals 2-9 years: 2.5 mL
combinations; supplement (½ tsp).
Belongs to the with growth
class of and appetite To be taken daily;
multivitamins enhancer. For or as
with minerals. maintenance of recommended by
Used as dietary brain a health
supplements. functions. For professional.
Regulator deficiencies,
Classification: tissue repair
Non-Rx and healing.
overall body
resistance to
stress and
infections. To
linear growth

Generic and Classification/s Specific Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing Considerations
Brand Name Action/ Frequency and Adverse Effects
Mechanism of Preparation Reactions
Generic Name: Therapeutic Competes with Rhinitis, allergy CNS: drowsiness,
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic
Diphenhydramine Class: histamine for symptoms, sedation,
skin testing.
Hydrochloride Antihistamines H1-receptor motion sickness, sleepiness,
dizziness, • Injection form is for IV or IM
sites. Prevents, Parkinson administration only.
Brand name: incoordination,
Pharmacologic but doesn't disease seizures, confusion,
Banophen • Dizziness, excessive sedation,
Class: reverse, insomnia, syncope, toxicity, paradoxical
Ethanolamines histamine- Adults and headache, vertigo, stimulation, and hypotension are
mediated children age 12 fatigue, more likely to occur in elderly
responses, and older: 25 to restlessness, patients.
particularly tremor,
50 mg PO every 4
those of the nervousness.
bronchial tubes, to 6 hours.
GI tract, uterus, Maximum, 300 CV: palpitations,
and blood mg PO daily. Or, hypotension,
vessels. 10 to 50 mg IV or tachycardia.
deep IM.
Maximum IV or EENT: diplopia,
IM dosage, 400 blurred vision,
tinnitus, nasal
mg daily. Don't
exceed 25
mg/minute when GI: dry mouth,
giving IV. Children nausea, epigastric
ages 6 to 11: 12.5 distress, vomiting,
to 25 mg PO every diarrhea,
4 to 6 hours. constipation,
Maximum dose is
150 mg daily.
GU: dysuria, urine
Children other retention, urinary
than premature frequency, early
infants and menses.
neonates: 5
mg/kg/24 hours Hematologic:
deep IM or IV thrombocytopenia,
divided into four agranulocytosis,
hemolytic anemia.
doses. Don't
exceed 25 Respiratory:
mg/minute when thickening of
giving IV. bronchial
Maximum dose is secretions.
300 mg daily.
Skin: urticaria,
Nighttime sleep
Adults and Other: anaphylactic
children age 12 shock.
and older: 50 mg
PO at bedtime.

Adults and
children age 12
and older: 25 mg
(syrup) PO every 4
hours. Don't
exceed 150 mg
daily. Or, 25 to 50
mg (liquid) PO
every 4 hours.
Don't exceed 300
mg daily.
Generic and Classification/s Specific Action/ Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name Mechanism of and Preparation Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Generic Name: Pharmacologic: Indication: Dosage: Adverse Reactions: Assess lung sounds,
Albuterol Adrenergic pulse, and BP before
Used as a To prevent exercise- CNS: Anxiety, dizziness, administration and
Brand Name: Therapeutic: bronchodilator to induced drowsiness, headache, during peak of
bronchospasm medication. Note
Salbutamol Bronchodilator control and prevent hyperkinesia, insomnia,
reversible airway irritability, amount, color, and
obstruction caused POWDER: nervousness, tremor, character of sputum
by asthma or vertigo, weakness. produced.
COPD. Adults and children age
4 and over. Two CV: Angina, Administer
Inhalant: Used as a inhalations 15 to 30 arrhythmias, chest pressurized
quick-relief agent min before pain, hypertension, inhalations of
for acute exercise. hypotension, albuterol during
bronchospasm and palpitations. second half of
for prevention of To treat inspiration, when
bronchospasm in airways are open
exercise-induced EENT: Altered taste,
patients with
bronchospasm. dry mouth and throat, wider and aerosol
reversible obstructive
ear pain, glossitis, distribution is more
PO: Used as a long- Disease hoarseness, effective.
term control agent oropharyngeal edema,
in patients with E.R. TABLETS pharyngitis, rhinitis, Monitor serum
chronic/persistent taste perversion. potassium level
bronchospasm Adults and children because albuterol
over age 12. Initial: 4 ENDO: Hyperglycemia may cause transient
Mechanism of or 8 mg every 12 hr. hypokalemia.
Maximum: 32 mg daily
Action: GI: Anorexia, diarrhea,
in divided doses every
12 hr. dysphagia, heartburn,
Albuterol attaches nausea, vomiting
to beta2 Children age 6 to 12.
receptors on Initial: 4 mg every 12 GU: UTI
bronchial cell hr. Maximum: 24 mg
membranes, which daily in MS: Muscle cramps
stimulates the divided doses every 12
intracellular hr. RESP: Bronchospasm,
enzyme adenylate cough, dyspnea,
cyclase to convert
adenosine paradoxical
triphosphate (ATP) Adults and children bronchospasm,
to cyclic adenosine over age 14. Initial: 2 pulmonary edema
monophosphate to 4 mg (1 to 2 tsp)
three or four times
(cAMP). This SKIN: Diaphoresis,
daily. Maximum: 32 mg
reaction decreases daily in divided doses. flushing, pallor,
intracellular pruritus, rash, urticaria
calcium levels. It Children age 6 to 14.
also increases Initial: 2 mg (1 tsp) Other: Angioedema,
intracellular three or four times hypokalemia, infection,
levels of cAMP, as daily. Maximum: 24 mg metabolic acidosis
shown. Together, daily in divided doses.
these effects relax
bronchial smooth Children age 2 to 6.
muscle cells and Initial: 0.1 mg/kg three
times daily (not to
inhibit histamine
exceed 2 mg three
release. times daily), increased
to 0.2 mg/kg three
times daily (not to
exceed 4 mg three
times daily). Maximum:
12 mg daily in divided


Adults and children

over age 12. Initial: 2
or 4 mg three or four
times daily. Maximum:
32 mg daily in divided

Children age 6 to 12.

Initial: 2 mg three or
four times daily.
Maximum: 24 mg daily
in divided doses.


Adults and children

age 12 and over. 2.5
mg three or four times
daily, as needed, by
nebulization over 5 to
15 min.

Children age 2 to 12.

Initial: 0.63 mg or 1.25
mg three or four times
daily, as needed, by
nebulization over 5 to
15 min.

Neonates: 1.25
mg/dose q 8 hr. via
nebulization or 1–2
puffs via MDI into
the ventilator circuit
q 6 hrs.
Generic and Classification/s Indication/ Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name Specific Action/ Frequency and Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Mechanism of Preparation
Generic: Zinc Inorganic Compound Indication: Zinc deficiency Zinc sulfate may ● Do not take
Sulfate Transition Metal Adult: As part of an cause any of the with bran and
Sulfates This medication is a IV parenteral following side high fiber
Brand: Biozinc, E- mineral indicated for nutrition regimen: effects: nausea, foods. For
the treatment and
Zinc, Bomvi-Zinc. 6.5 mg elemental Zn vomiting, stomach optimal
prevention of low levels
of zinc alone and
daily. pain or discomfort, absorption,
together with oral diarrhea, take zinc at
rehydration therapy Oral indigestion, least 2 hours
(ORT). It is also used Acute diarrhoea irritability, before or after
as a topical astringent. Adult: 10-20 mg of headache. eating high-
Zinc Sulfate Injection, elemental Zn once fiber foods.
USP is indicated for daily. Duration of ● Take on an
use as a supplement treatment: 10-14 empty
to intravenous days even when
solutions given for TPN
stomach. Take
diarrhoea has at least 1 hour
already stopped. before and 2
Child: <6 months 10 hours after
Contra: mg elemental Zn. ≥6 eating for
months 20 mg optimal
this medication is elemental Zn once absorption.
contraindicated for daily. Zinc can be
patients with copper taken with
deficiency. and has food to reduce
special precautions in Oral gastrointestina
patients who have Zinc deficiency
Renal impairment. l upset
Adult: As tab/cap:
Children. Pregnancy
and lactation. 50 mg of elemental
Zn daily. As
MOA: effervescent tab: 45
mg elemental Zn
Zinc inhibits cAMP- once daily-tid. As
induced, chloride- syr: 10-20 mg
dependent fluid elemental Zn once
secretion by inhibiting daily.
basolateral potassium Child: As
(K) channels, in in- effervescent tab: <10
vitro studies with rat kg: 22.5 mg
ileum. This study has elemental Zn once
also shown the daily. 10-30 kg: 22.5
specificity of Zn to
mg elemental Zn
cAMP-activated K
channels, because zinc once daily-tid.
did not block the
calcium (Ca)-mediated
K channels.:
Cefuroxime Axetil
Generic and Classification/s Specific Action/ Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name Mechanism of and Preparation Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Generic Name: Therapeutic Class: Mechanism of Impetigo  CV- phlebitis,  Monitor
Cefuroxime Axetil Antibiotics action:  Children ages thrombophlebitis patient for
Inhibits cell-wall 3 months to  GI-diarrhea, signs and
Pharmacologic synthesis, 12 years: 30 pseudomembran symptoms of
Brand Name: class: promoting osmotic mg/kg/day of ous colitis, superinfection
Cefuroxime Second-generation instability; usually oral nausea, and diarrhea
Sodium, cephalosporins bactericidal. suspension in anorexia, and treat
Zinacef two divided vomiting appropriately .
doses for 10  Hematologic-
days. hemolytic  Drug may
Maximum anemia, increase INR
daily dose, 1 thrombocytopeni and risk for
000mg. a, transient bleeding.
neutropenia, Monitor
Serious lower eosinophilia. patient.
respiratory tract  skin-
infection,UTI,skin maculopapular  Look alike-
or skin-structure and sound alike:
infection, bone or erythematous  Don’t confuse
joint infection, rashes,urticaria, drug with
septicemia, pain, induration, other
meningitis, sterile abscesses, cephalosporin
gonorrhea. temperature s that sounds
elevation. alike.
 Children ages
3 months to
12 years: 50 to
sodium IV or
IM in equally
divided doses
every 6 to 8
hours. Use
higher dosage
y, not to
adult dosage,
for more
severe or
infections. For
200 to 240
sodium IV in
divided doses
every 6 to 8
Indication/ Specific
Generic and Classification/s Action/ Mechanism Dosage, Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name of Action Frequency and Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Generic Name: Therapeutic Class: INDICATION: Allergic  Assess patient
Simethicone Antiflatulents ●Flatulence, Adults and reaction: hives; for abdominal
functional gastric children older than difficulty breathing; pain,
bleeding. age 12: swelling of your face, distention, and
bowel sounds
Brand Name: Class: 40 to 125 mg PO lips, tongue, or throat.
prior to and
Gas Relief, Gas-X, Polydimethylsiloxanes CONTRAINDICATION: q.i.d as needed after periodically
Gas-X Extra ● Simethicone is each meal and at throughout
Strength, contraindicated in bedtime; may give course of
Genasyme, Infacol, patients with single doses of up to therapy.
Mylicon, Ovol, Ovol hypersensitivity to 160 to 500 mg after Frequency of
Drops, Pediacol, simethicone or any meals or bedtime, belching and
Phazyme Maximum component of the up to 500 mg daily. passage of
inactive ingredients. For drops, 40 to 80 flatus should
mg PO as needed also be
MECHANISM OF after each meal and
 Explain to
ACTION: at bedtime, up to patient the
Simethicone is a 500 mg daily. importance of
surfactant that diet and
decreases the surface Children ages 2 to exercise in the
tension of gas bubbles 12 or weighing prevention of
in the gastrointestinal more than 11 kg: gas. Also
tract, more easily 40 mg PO q.i.d as explain that
needed after meals this medication
allowing gas to exit the
does not
body. and at bedtime, up
prevent the
to 480 mg daily. formation of
Children younger  Advise patient
than age 2 or to notify health
weighing less than care
11 kg: professional if
20 mg PO q.i.d as symptoms are
needed after meals persistent.
and at bedtime, up
to 240 mg daily.
Bacillus Clausi

Indication/ Specific
Generic and Brand Classification/s Action/ Mechanism Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Adverse Actual Nursing
Name of Action and Preparation Reactions Desired Considerations
Generic Name: Bacillus Antidiarrheals INDICATIONS/USES: Administration at ADVERSE REACTIONS: Special
Clausi Acute diarrhea ≤14 regular intervals (3-4 Skin and subcutaneous Precautions
days duration due to hours), diluting the tissue disorders: During This medicine is
Brand Name: Erceflora infections, drugs or content of the bottle in postmarketing experience, for oral use only.
poisons. Chronic or sweetened water, milk, hypersensitivity reactions,
Do not inject or
persistent diarrhea >14 tea or orange juice. including rash, urticaria and
angioedema have been administer in
days duration. Or as prescribed by the
Treatment & physician. reported. any other way.
prophylaxis of Severe
intestinal flora Adult 2-3 bottles/day. anaphylactic
imbalance & resulting Childn 2-11 yr & infant reactions, such
endogenous >1 mth 1-2 bottles/day. as anaphylactic
dysvitaminosis. shock, have
Adjunctive treatment to occurred with
help restore intestinal incorrect route
bacterial flora that has of
been altered by administration.
antibiotic or
treatments. Acute & Precautions for
chronic GI disorders in use: During
breastfeeding infants treatment with
caused by intoxication antibiotics, the
or intestinal flora medicinal
imbalance w/ product should
dysvitaminosis. be used during
the interval
Contraindications: between 2
Hypersensitivity. administrations
of antibiotics.
MOA: Bacillus clausii
spores overcome the
gastric acid barrier due - Monitor
to their high resistance the
to both chemical and patient’s
physical agents, and skin
reach the intestinal condition
tract intact where they (look for
are transformed into
rasher or
metabolically active
vegetative cells.
- Monitor

- Monitor
vital signs
Indication/ Specific
Generic and Brand Classification/s Action/ Mechanism of Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Nursing
Name Action and Preparation Adverse Reactions Desired Considerations
Classification: INDICATION: Reconstitute powder with CNS: Headache, insomnia, -Obtain history of
Generic Name: Penicillin antibiotics Treatment of moderate to 5 mL of diluent (e.g., fever. hypersensitivity to
Piperacillin Tazobactam severe appendicitis, D5W, NS); shake well GI: Diarrhea, constipation, penicillin’s,
uncomplicated and until dissolved. Further nausea, vomiting, cephalosporins, or
complicated skin and skin dilute to at least 50 mL of dyspepsia, pseudomembrano
other drugs prior
Brand Name: Piptaz structure infections, selected diluent. us colitis.
to administration.
endometritis, pelvic Skin: Rash, pruritus,
inflammatory disease, or Use single-dose vials hypersensitivity reactions.
nosocomial or community- immediately after - Monitor patient
acquired pneumonia caused reconstitution. carefully during
by piperacillin-resistant, Piperacillin/tazobactam is the first 30 min
piperacillin/tazobactam- administered by after initiation of
susceptible, beta-lactamase- intravenous (IV) infusion the infusion for
producing bacteria. over 30 minutes. signs of
Patients with a history of most infections: 4 g
allergic reactions to any of piperacillin/500 mg
the penicillin’s, tazobactam administered
cephalosporins, or β- every 8 hours.
lactamase inhibitors, or to
any component of the

Piperacillin, an extended-
spectrum penicillin, exerts
its antimicrobial action in
growing and dividing
bacteria by interfering with
septum formation and cell
wall synthesis of susceptible
Indication/ Specific
Generic and Brand Classification/s Action/ Mechanism of Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Nursing
Name Action and Preparation Adverse Reactions Desired Considerations
Generic name: Belongs to the Anaerobic infections PO, IV: Adults, Elderly: Frequent Systemic: Intervention/
Metronidazole class of Amebiasis 500mg q6-8h. Anorexia, nausea, dry Evaluation
nitroimidazole Pseudomembranous Maximum: 4g/day. mouth, metallic taste.
Brand name: derivatives Colitis  Monitor
Andazole antiprotozoals. Trichomoniasis PO: Children, Infants: Vaginal: Symptomatic daily
Flagyl Used in the Bacterial Vaginosis 15-35mg/kg/day in cervicitis/ vaginitis, pattern of
Flagyl ER treatment Rosacea divided doses q8h. abdominal cramps, bowel
Flagyl 375 amoebiasis and Dosage in Renal Maximum: uterine pain. activity.
MetroCream other protozoal Impairment 2,250mg/day Stool
MetroGel diseases. Dosage in Hepatic Occasional: Systemic: consistency
Impairment IV: Children, Infants: Diarrhea, constipation,  Monitor
Disrupts DNA, inhibiting 30mg/kg/day in 3 vomiting, dizziness, I&O
nucleic acid synthesis. divided doses. erythematous rash,  Assess for
Maximum: urticaria, reddish-brown urinary
Therapeutic Effect: 1,500mg/day. urine. problems.
 Be alert to
Produces bactericidal
Topical: Transient neurologic
Antiprotozoal, Amebicidal,
erythema, mild dryness, symptoms (
Trichomonacidal effect.
burning, irritation, dizziness,
Produces anti-
stinging, tearing, when paresthesia
applied too of
close to eyes. extremities)
effects when applied
Vaginal: vaginal, perineal,  Assess for
vulvar itching, vulvar rash,
swelling. urticaria.
Rare: Mild, transient
leukopenia; Patient/Family
thrombophlebitis with IV teaching
 Urine
maybe red-
brown or
 Avoid
s ( cough
syrups) for
After last
 Avoid tasks
motor skills
response to
dry is
 If taking
ole for
from sexual
until full

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