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If you allow others to anger you,

Wisdom is about looking out-

Wisdom can only be acquired by an
then they have conquered you.
inquiring mind. If you don’t ask the
Words are the most powerful drug questions you won’t receive the
used by man.
answers. Neither success or failure is ever
A man who does not think for himself

ward as much as looking in-

does not think at all. Thinking cannot permanent.
be done by proxy. Our life is what our thoughts make
it. Learn to disipline your mind.

ward, and looking forward as

To enjoy good health, to bring
To those with wisdom, happiness is not
true happiness to one’s family,
about getting what you want, it’s about

much as looking backward

wanting what you’ve got. to bring peace to all, one must
first disipline and control one’s
Each of us is the author of our own own mind. If a man can control
story and there’s a new page to be his mind he can find the way
written every single day
to Enlightenment and all wis-
dom and virtue will naturally
come to him.
The man who makes every-
thing that leads to happiness
Our intelligence is the thing It is not the lie that passes
depend upon himself, and not
upon other men, has adopted that allows us to hold two op-
A man who can see will move
from your mind, but the one
the very best plan for living posing thoughts at the saem that sinks in and takes root forward more surely than a
happily. This is the man of
moderation, the man of manly
time. that does the greatest harm.
blind man with a trustworthy
character and of wisdom.
Follow your conscience.
guide, just as a person follow-
ing an enlightened understand-
Knowledge is convertible into ing will tread more surely than
power, and axioms into rules Think one following an obedience to
of utility and duty. But knowl-
edge itself is not power. Wis-
Every man is an architect,
dom is power; and her prime each designing their future, al-
minister is justice. ways running late and over
budget and rarely getting the
chance to enjoy the result.

If it’s worth doing then it’s It is not possible to get anx-

worth doing well.

ious about the past so there is
little point in becoming de-
pressed about the future.

Don’t put off until tomorrow

Be yourself—nobody can be what you can do today.

you better than you.

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