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Palabras complementarias del segundo ciclo nivel sec.

Aberration / That last kiss had been a mistake, an aberration. Amiable / She was in an amiable mood.

Appease / They had no public opinion to appease.

Avarice / Avarice is the bane to happiness.

Brusque / The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.

Candor / Their candor is a very pleasing feature.

Circumspect / The reformers were more circumspect.

Coherent / They were never a coherent group.

Complacency / Complacency could easily result in tragedy.

Confidant / Why is he my main role model and confidant?

Cumulative / Learning is a cumulative process.

Deferential / He is deferential to his superiors.

Despot / She rules her family like a real despot.

Diligent / Leo is very diligent in/about his work.

Eloquent / Her enthusiasm made her eloquent.

Empathy / The mother feels empathy with her son.

Erudite / He's the author of an erudite book.

Fabricate / They plan to fabricate a cinema next year.

Forsake / I still love him and I would never forsake him.

Furtive / He made one or two furtive phone calls.

gluttony / This one had to die to satisfy my gluttony.

gratuitous / His films are full of gratuitous violence.

hypocrisy / His hypocrisy makes me sick.

impeccable / She had impeccable taste in clothes.

imprudent / There is nothing imprudent about this.

indolent / I don't want to make friends with indolent persons.

inept / I've never heard anyone so inept at making speeches.

infamy / His name will live in infamy.

inhibit / But first he had to inhibit his habitual responses.

innate / He never lost his innate sense of fun.

insatiable / She has an insatiable curiosity about life.

insular / The British are often accused of being insular.

intrepid / Intrepid pioneers came to California by wagon train.

Abscess / I developed an abscess on my neck.

Although / Although she is young, she is very independent.

Camaraderie / The camaraderie was a psychic lifesaver.

Corruptible / They are more corruptible than others.

Denouement / Some months later, came the denouement.

Docile / Kangaroos are not as docile as they look.

Isthmus / The Isthmus of Panama joins North America.

Abecedarian / Abecedarian, can divide a pace.

Auxiliary / Science and technology are auxiliary to each other.

Camouflage / He was wearing army camouflage.

Entrepreneur / Our entrepreneur decided not to proceed.

Occasionally / We go for walks in the fields occasionally.

Opprobrious / She was offended by her friends' opprobrious.

Prescience / Her prescience as an investor is impressive.

Superintendent / He became superintendent of the bank.

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