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Directions: Choose the best answer to the question.
1 Read the dictionary entry for the word community.

community \kuh-'myoo-ni-tee\ noun 1. a group of people who live

in the same place 2. animals that live in the same area 3. a group of
countries with shared interests 4. something owned jointly

Which definition best matches the way community is used in the following sentence?
Our community offers many ways to do volunteer work.
A Definition 1
B Definition 2
C Definition 3
D Definition 4

Directions: Choose the word or group of words that best completes each sentence.
2 When Mom ran the marathon, we celebrated her .
A achievement
B astonishment
C compliment
D entertainment

3 His teacher asked him to add information to his second .

A autograph
B biography
C geography
D paragraph

4 I only made four on my math test.

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A dismisses
B mischiefs
C mistakes
D promises

5 would you like to eat?

A Witch pair
B Witch pear
C Which pair
D Which pear

Baseline Test 1
6 James has extra time today, so he may finish the project at his .
A convenience
B gratitude
C incline
D mischief

7 You can find the correct page number in the .

A frame
B index
C property
D reservation

8 The best way to the cake is on the floor of the car.

A transform
B translate
C transparent
D transport

9 His uncle is his favorite .

A captive
B detective
C native
D relative

10 Her father could lift her because she is as light as a feather.

The phrase as light as a feather means —

A she does not weigh much
B she is not an intelligent person
C she only looks good in dark places
D she has hair that looks like feathers
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2 Baseline Test

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the selection. Then answer each question.

A Bridge and a Tunnel

1 What makes the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel in Maryland amazing to cross?
It is both a bridge and a tunnel! The bridge section is high, reaching 200 feet
in some parts. After driving above the water, drivers go through tunnels in two
sections under the bay. The entire structure is 17.6 miles long, shore to shore.
From Ferries to Bridge-Tunnel Crossing
2 Before the bridge-tunnel was built, people had to cross the bay on ferries, sixty
cars at a time. It took more than an hour to make the trip. Bad weather caused
delays, and people wanted to cross the bay more quickly. So, a study was
conducted to determine if a fixed crossing could replace the ferry service.
Engineering Wonder
3 The bridge-tunnel was completed in 1964, but building it was not easy. The plans
called for a bridge with two tunnels as gaps to allow ships to travel in and out of
the bay. Workers dug huge underwater ditches. These ditches became the tunnels
that cars would drive through. Since the tunnels run about 1 mile under the bay,
ships can go over them. The tunnels connect to the bridge sections. The bridge-
tunnel is a remarkable achievement.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Today
4 Since 1964, more roadway space has been added so the bridge has two lanes
in each direction. New tunnels are also planned. More than 100 million cars have
crossed the bridge-tunnel since it was built. Today, the bridge is checked daily. Its
record of safety spans over five decades of operation.
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Baseline Test 3
11 Based on information in the selection, what can the reader infer about the Chesapeake
Bay Bridge-Tunnel?
A Since 1964, the roadway has not been expanded.
B Since 1964, the bridge has been closed for repair.
C Before 1964, people did not travel from the Western Shore to Eastern Shore.
D Before 1964, people were less likely to travel from one shore to the other than they
are now.

12 What detail in paragraph 3 helps the reader understand the main idea?
A Workers dug huge underwater ditches.
B The bridge-tunnel is a remarkable achievement.
C These ditches became the tunnels that cars would drive through.
D Since the tunnels run about 1 mile under the bay, ships can go over them.

13 Which of these statements best summarizes the section titled “The Chesapeake Bay
Bridge-Tunnel Today”?
A The bridge-tunnel is a man-made wonder in the modern world.
B The bridge-tunnel is the safest way to travel across Chesapeake Bay.
C The bridge-tunnel has been used by 100 million cars in the past fifty years.
D With the increase in size and good safety record, the bridge-tunnel is used by
millions of people.

14 The author presents the ideas in paragraphs 2 and 3 in chronological order so that the
reader will better understand why —
A construction took so long
B many people currently use the bridge-tunnel
C there was a problem before the bridge-tunnel existed
D the need for a bridge led to the construction of the bridge-tunnel

15 What does the section titled “The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Today” help the
reader understand about the author’s purpose?
A The length of the bridge
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B How large future tunnels will be
C Why the bridge needs to be expanded
D How the bridge has changed and will change

4 Baseline Test

Directions: Read the selection. Then answer each question.

The Importance of Reducing High-Tech Trash

1 Sometimes, an electronic item breaks. However, the item is usually replaced with
a newer, upgraded model. Digital devices seem to be created to be thrown away.
Disposing of high-tech devices creates “trash.” This e-waste has major negative
effects. So, why not reuse, repair, or resell them?
2 E-waste, or electronic waste, is a widespread problem. Televisions and copiers
are common electronic products that eventually become as useless as yesterday’s
news. There are three effects of throwing e-waste into landfills. The first is
increased mining for the materials needed for new devices. The second is
the large amounts of e-waste. For example, 70 percent of unwanted computers
and monitors and 80 percent of TVs in the United States will end up in landfills.
Lastly, human health is threatened by toxic waste from landfills entering soil and
water supplies.
3 In some states, such as California, tossing away your old television with regular
garbage is not allowed. However, giving that TV to a recycling company does not
mean it will be safely discarded. Sometimes, the trash gets sold and shipped to
other countries.
4 Some experts argue that everyone, from manufacturers to consumers, must
play a role in reducing e-waste. After all, some companies make goods that cost
less to replace than to repair. Consumers get rid of items because they want the
newest technology.
5 Governments need to put limits on e-waste by requiring producers to buy
back old equipment. To make sure e-waste is reused, governments could pay
companies that use the old parts in newer systems.
6 As a consumer, you can wait until you really need a replacement item. You can
repair equipment instead of tossing it out. Once you buy, you can resell or recycle
the unneeded item. To do this, you can look for an approved e-waste recycler.
7 According to a United Nations report, millions of tons of e-waste are expected to
be dumped in the future. Will you play your role in reducing high-tech trash?
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Baseline Test 5
16 What claim does the author make in paragraph 1?
A Disposing of digital devices is expensive.
B Digital devices should be upgraded regularly.
C Disposing of high-tech devices has negative side effects.
D Digital devices and e-waste have nothing to do with each other.

17 Who is the author’s intended audience?

A Consumers only
B Consumers and manufacturers only
C Manufacturers and governments only
D Consumers, manufacturers, and governments

18 What is the author’s primary purpose in writing this selection?

A To criticize manufacturers for creating new technology
B To convince people to take steps to reduce high-tech trash
C To identify the types of diseases that result from toxic waste
D To inform governments about ways they can reduce e-waste

19 What is the author most likely suggesting in the simile “as useless as yesterday’s
news” in paragraph 2?
A Old electronics have no value.
B Newspapers are easier to recycle than electronics.
C Televisions and copiers produced yesterday’s news.
D Outdated televisions and copiers should be recycled first.

20 Why does the author most likely use the personal pronoun you in paragraphs 6 and 7?
A To explain that individuals really can’t do anything to reduce e-waste
B To emphasize that resolving the problem of e-waste begins with individuals
C To teach consumers that approved recycling centers are available to all individuals
D To show that it is the responsibility of the United Nations to solve the
e-waste problem
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6 Baseline Test

Directions: Read the selections. Then answer each question.

Making a Gift Feels Good

1 Tony got the idea to begin knitting when he was snowboarding. He overheard a
boy telling another about his cap, and the boy seemed proud of creating his own
scarves and hats.
2 He wanted to learn how to make his own hat, so he joined his school’s craft club.
He and his friend Shawn usually sat in a corner during club time, chatting, knitting,
and feeling relaxed.
3 Soon, Tony was ready for a more challenging project, and the perfect opportunity
presented itself when his mother announced that the family’s new baby would be
a boy.
4 “I have a great idea for the baby’s first photos,” said Tony.
5 “What’s that?” asked his mother. Tony presented her with a pattern for a
knitted blanket.
6 “I’m going to make a gift!” announced Tony.
7 He wanted to try very fine yarn. Once he started, he couldn’t put it down.
8 “I can’t believe how good I am,” Tony told Shawn as he worked on the blanket
at school.
9 When the delicate baby wrap was completed, Tony showed it to his mother.
10 “It’s perfect!” she said.

A Blanket for Kristen

1 Kristen sat watching TV with her blanket around her legs. Over the years, the
blanket had remained cozy.
2 “Mom, where did this blanket come from?” she asked when Mrs. Marks entered
the living room.
3 “That’s your lace baby blanket. I used a needle that matched the yarn to get
a tight weave because I didn’t want your little toes poking through,” Mrs.
Marks replied.
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4 “You made this blanket?” Kristen asked.

5 “Yes,” said Mrs. Marks, “After work, I was restless during the evenings, so I
decided to make something that you could use daily.”
6 After a moment of silence, Kristen smiled and asked if she could learn to knit, and
together they went shopping for a pattern, yarn, and needles.

Baseline Test 7
21 The reader understands that both selections are written from third person point of view
because both —
A Tony and Mrs. Marks refer to themselves as “I”
B Tony and Kristen refer to their mothers as “you”
C selections begin with the name of the main character
D selections begin with a narrator who provides background information

22 What is one theme the reader can infer from paragraph 6 in “A Blanket for Kristen”?
A Learning to knit can save you time and money.
B Learning a skill such as knitting can be a rewarding experience.
C It’s important for parents to teach craft activities to their children.
D Planning designs and making gifts for people is a difficult activity.

23 According to the selections, what is one difference between Tony’s mother and
Kristen’s mother?
A Tony’s mother is proud of her child. Kristen’s mother is not.
B Kristen’s mother knitted a blanket for her child. Tony’s mother did not.
C Kristen’s mother has a child who wants to learn to knit. Tony’s mother does not.
D Kristen’s mother surprises her child with knitting supplies. Tony’s mother does not.

24 In the selection “Making a Gift Feels Good,” which event happens in paragraph 1 that
introduces the plot?
A Tony’s head was cold, so he borrowed a homemade hat.
B Tony’s friend was bragging about how he knitted his own hat.
C Tony asked a snowboarding friend to teach him how to knit a hat.
D Tony overheard a snowboarder talking about his handmade hats and scarves.

25 Which sentence best describes a difference between the settings of the stories?
A Tony learns at home, but Kristen learns at school.
B Kristen learns at school, but Tony learns at home.
C Kristen learns at home, but Tony learns on a mountain.
D Tony learns at school, but Kristen learns in her living room. Copyright © by Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

8 Baseline Test

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