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Russel Dela Cruz 12-STEM-B

Senior citizens are at the highest risk of acquiring severe diseases and being infected by the
COVID-19 virus. Senior citizens increase the risk of severe illness and death by up to 6.4
million, and 25% of senior citizens that has been fully vaccinated, despite in having an
improvement in the vaccination rate the percentage of the fully vaccinated stayed the same and
the rate of the of having the first dose is 35%. The covid-19 vaccination rate among senior
citizens leaves the Philippines vulnerable to its hospital due to severe cases of the senior citizen
and gives a possibility to have higher deaths due to the fast-spreading virus Delta Variant. In a
population of 16 million people at the beginning of September 2021, more than 95% of the target
population that is over the age of 18 had gotten at least the first dosage of the vaccine. In terms
of older individuals, 95% have already had their first dosage, and 77% have received all three
vaccination, the first dose, second dose, and booster. At first, the government prioritized
providing vaccines to older people due to their being of the highest danger.Vaccinating older
adults for COVID-19 first will save a lot of rather than prioritizing other groups. Two graduate
students in the Department of Applied Mathematics collaborated on the research project with
associates at the Harvard T.H. They consulted demographic information from various nations as
well as recent information on the number of individuals who have already tested positive for
COVID-19. There were five scenarios where a separate group received the vaccination, and
prioritizing seniors 60 and older saved the most lives in the majority of cases, across all nations.
Vaccinating elderly, claiming that barely 25% of over 8 million senior citizens have been fully
vaccinated, some people say that older people shouldn’t be addressed because their days are
numbered. Concerning our senior citizens, the National Government has pushed local
government units to implement house-to-house vaccinations to make it easier for our senior
citizens to receive vaccination. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
getting vaccinated prevents you have to have fatal illnesses, and those 65 and older who have
received the COVID-19 vaccine showed a 94% reduced risk of getting the disease. To conclude
this, Prioritizing Senior Citizen for COVID-19 vaccination will help each and one of us people to
prevent in having COVID-19 virus. Vaccination is important for all of us because of the safety
that can provide to us in having the virus, also it will help us reduce the risk of acquiring the
COVID-19 virus, also it lower the risk of death rate of the Senior Citizen.

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