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Jemina Andrea C. Satur
◦HIV Reverse Transcriptase converts its DNA
RNA into viral DNA by building a DNA copy
of its RNA genome.
HIV and the Immune System
- Destroys the CD4 cells (helper T cells)
- However, HIV can only be spread by encountering certain bodily
fluids from another infected person
- HIV can be transmitted through:
- Blood
- Semen
- Breast milk
- Other cell-containing fluids
- The viral single-stranded RNA is
used as a template to synthesize a new
piece of single-stranded DNA.
- Two strands are separated by cleaving
the RNA into pieces.

P66 P51
- 560 amino acids - 440 amino acids

- There’s no cure, but still can be treated with retroviral therapy.

- NRTI – Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor
- Mimics the DNA nucleotides, but lack 3 OH group

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