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My Teaching Philosophy

“Never get tired of doing little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the

biggest parts of their hearts” - Unknown

I didn’t know I wanted to teach until I was in tenth or eleventh grade. Up to that point I

had no idea what I wanted to do until I saw the movie “The Blind Side”. This became one of my

favorite movies and inspiration to become a teacher because the main theme is helping a

young boy in need of guidance and love. A family helps a boy named Michael with no family,

home, or education and turns his life around for the better. Every time I watch this movie it

breaks my heart to see a child in a situation like that. No child deserves to be hungry or

neglected at home. The reason I want to teach is to help children get an education for a better

future and to be there for their emotional and physical needs as well. Every child deserves

someone in their life who loves and cares about them and if they don’t have that at home or

anywhere else, I will be that person. Like the quote says, my care as a teacher could stick with

that child and have an impact forever.

One of the most important traits to have as a teacher is care for your students. If you

don’t care about your students, then you won’t care what they learn or how they do so.

Teachers have opportunities every day to make a positive impact on their students and improve

their learning experience. When students know you care about them and are invested in their

education, they are more willing and eager to learn themselves. I would be open to a variety of
teaching methods to help every child learn and not be left behind. Group work, one on one

time, and staying after school to help a student are some great ways. I would also make sure I

use a variety of ways to learn such as audio, visual, and hands on learning. Making sure

inclusive students as well as gifted are challenged in the way they need to be is also important

to me. If a student in my class is experiencing difficulty in their home life I would be there in any

way possible to support and uplift them. I would make sure no student is hungry by having

snacks in my classroom which would also help them learn better.

As a teacher it is also extremely important to be a good role model to my students. By

modeling patience, kindness, and motivation I can show my students what I expect of them.

Establishing rules at the beginning of the year and punishing students who break those rules is

something I will do to make sure students understand there are consequences for their actions.

Students are with their teachers five days a week and therefore are a huge adult role model in

their life. By being a role model, I hold myself accountable and change certain aspects of my

own behavior when they are not aligning with the standard’s I hold my students to. Being

truthful to myself and my students is a big way to make or break trust with them.

Having communication with parents and staff is key to developing and figuring out ways

to problem solve as a teacher. I want to collaborate with other teachers and staff on lesson

plans, curriculum, and solving problems in the classroom so we can all help each other.

Teaching is a hard job let alone doing it all by yourself. Parents come into play when I need help

understanding why a particular child is acting a certain way and how I can change to help them.
Having good communication and relationship with parents is key to keeping them in the loop

on their child’s education and gaining knowledge for effective ways to help that child when


I want my students to exemplify kindness and care for others as well as themselves.

When they care about themselves, they care about their education and future as well.

Equipping my students with the right tools and goals for themselves will help them keep doing

this throughout their life. All of my students will be loved and cared for no matter where they

come from and I hope they leave my class knowing someone believes in them and their goals.

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