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Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.5. Menganalisis (C4) fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus
dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement), dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.
4.5. Menyusun (P2) teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement), lisan dan tulis,
pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

3.5.1 Memilih (C4) Fungsi sosial dari teks Announcement
3.5.2 Membandingkan (C4) Unsur kebahasaan dari teks Announcement
3.5.3 Mendeteksi (C4) Struktur teks Announcement

4.5.1 Merespon (P2) makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement).

4.5.2 Membuat (P3) sebuah teks pemberitahuan (announcement) sesuai dengan topik yang
Ringkasan Materi
Definition of announcement

Announcement is a statement made to public or to the media which gives information about
something what will happen or what has happened. Announcement is a statement or official
notification in oral or in written form that contain something for everyone to know.
Social function of announcement
An announcement is used to give people some information of what will happen or what has
Generic structure of announcement
Title stating purpose that text of the text that contains what even will be held
Explanation stating date, time and place about the announcement.
Information of the sender the text that contains name of the person who will be contacted
Language features
Using simple present tense and simple future tense
Using exact noun
Pronunciation and intonation (Spoken announcement)
Spelling and punctuation (Spoken announcement)
Types of announcement
Inauguration and birth announcement
Public service announcement
Promotion announcement
Missing person announcement
Obituary announcement
Weddings, birthdays,
Job announcement
Materi tentang Announcement
Materi tentang Spoken Announcement
Exercise 1
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer!

1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell readers that this announcement is important.
b. To inform readers that the exam is over.
c. To inform readers that the school will be closed temporarily.
d. To tell readers that they are welcomed for a morning seminar.

2. The benefits of attending the seminar are that students get an area unit in a position ….
a. to satisfy the education advisor
b. to organize for the ultimate examination
c. to show ways for the ultimate examination
d. to induce the free likelihood of connection the seminar

3. Can the World Health Organization come back to the morning seminar?
a. All students
b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Students of sophistication XII
d. All students and their neighbors
4. “To reserve your seat, please ….” The word “reserve” is the nearest in which it means
a. Book
b. Buy
c. Get
d. Sit
5. Who will be contacted if to reserve the seat?
a. Kemal
b. Heru
c. Arden
d. Gina


Before doing the exercise:
1. Read the questions in the table carefully
2. Answer the questions in the table while listening to the recordings.

Listening Where do you Who made this who probably What is the What is the type
Information hear/find this announcement? hear/find this information of this
announcement? announcement? about? announcement?


Announcement 1:
Announcement 2:
Exercise 3

Read the following texts carefully and fill in the blank in the table!
Text 1

Text 2
Text 1 Text 2

1 Names of events (happening in the

2 Names of events (happening in the
3 Addressed to (target group)

4 People who might be interested to

5 The media for delivering the
announcements (letter, card, etc.)
Exercise 4

Before doing the exercise:
1. Read the text first, and listen carefully to the audio.
2. Fill in the blank based on the recording you hear.

Adapted from
BS5qmE6K4 UQ

Westlake High School Purge Announcement 2019/2020

1. This is not a test -----------------please close and lock your doors.

2. This is your ------------ here to announce the commencement of the 2019 2020 purge
by the administrative team of West Lake High School, a proud member of the
Charles CountyPublic Schools 7.
3. We have asked you the student body numerous times to be ------------- to your classes as some
you have taken our kindness for granted.
4. Classes ----------- at 7:30 a.m.
5. So today the ------------ and staff shall begin the purge in the form of hall sweeps during this
6. No hall passes will be ---------- --.
7. We will ----------you
8. When the -----------has lifted.
9. The -------------to the purge begins now 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
10. Let the purge --------- --.

Individual Work

Make a written Announcement by choosing one of the

1. Announcement at school
2. Missing person announcement
3. Obituary announcement
4. Weddings, birthdays, inauguration and births announcement
5. Promotion announcement
6. Job Announcement

Formative Test
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer!

Text 1

1. What is the topic of the announcement above?

A. MSG ELECTION is coming.
B. Forming political parties.
C. Orientation’s schedule.
D. How to approach G10 MSG.

2. If you have concerns you may approach any G10

MSG officersThe underlined word means?
A. Attention
B. Care
C. Interest
D. Consideration

Text 2
In-flight instructions:

In the event of an emergency, please go to your seat and fasten your seatbelt. Attendants will
be on hand to assist you. All electronic devices should be turned off, as this would interfere
with the pilots’ radio transmissions. Should the cabin lose pressure, and oxygen mask will
automatically fall from the overhead compartment. Simply slide the plastic cord over your
head, fit the mask to your face and then breath through the mask.
If you are with a child, first put on your own mask. This will help you to assist your child. In
the unlikely event that the plane is forced to make a water landing, the seat on with you are
sitting is also a flotation device. Simply pull it up and out. Exit ramps from the plane are
clearly clearly marked.

3. Where are the oxygen masks stored?

a. Next to the exit ramps.
b. Under the seats.
c. In overhead compartments.
d. In the rear of the cabin.

4. Where would someone most likely read this?

a. On a plane.
b. On a boat
c. At an airport.
d. In a hospital.
5. In case of the emergency, Passengers must do all of the followings, EXCEPT…
a. Back to the seat
b. Fasten the seatbelt
c. Turn off the electronic devices
d. Take off the mask

6. What is the social function of the text?
a. To announce that school is closed due to weather condition
b. To share the upcoming school holiday season
c. To share that the school will be closed without any reason
d. To give information that the school is reopen
7. What information is given?
a. The date of closing, class cancellation
b. The length of closing
c. The school’s address, the dates of closing, and the dates of reopening
d. The weather condition, the principal’s message
8. Who is the target audience for such a text?
a. Students only
b. The authority of the school
c. The members of the school including parents
d. Parents
9. Who is in charge to share such information?
a. Teachers
b. School’s authority
c. Parents
d. Students

10. Why does the school need to inform this earlier?
a. Due to the parents’ requests
b. Due to the princip al’s request
c. Due to students’ request
d. Due to the bad weather


In this activity, I have learned………………………………………………………

The key features/elements of announcements include ……………………………………………


What I like most about this learning activity is/are…………………………………………………

What I need to improve/learn more is/are………………………………………………………………


Lampiran 1

Exercise 1
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B

Exercise 2

Listening Where do you Who made this who probably What is the
Information hear/find this announcement? hear/find this information
announcement? announcement? about?
Announcement In the Mosque Imam The Jama’ah / Congregation
1 Moslem Society during covid

Announcement At School School Principal Students/Teachers School Uniform


Exercise 3

Text 1 Text 2

1 Names of events (happening in the Wedding Office work

2 Names of events (happening in the
3 Addressed to (target group)

4 People who might be interested to

5 The media for delivering the
announcements (letter, card, etc.)

Exercise 4

1. Teachers
2. Purge
3. Contact
4. Ringing
5. Bell
6. Door
7. Time
8. Skip classes
9. Take
10. Student

Exercise 5

Example of the Answer: All students MUST NOT enter the gate 9 after 8. am


School Security

In Exercise 5, Answers may vary based on the students’ answer (Jawaban akan bervariasi sesuai
dengan jawaban yang diberikan oleh siswa di Writing mereka). Lihat rubrik penilaian.

Formative Test

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. D

Lampiran 2

Exercise 1: Multiple Choice

No Kriteria Skor
1 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 5 item jawaban 100
2 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 4 item jawaban 80
3 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 3 item jawaban 60
4 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 2 item jawaban 40
5 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 1 item jawaban 20
6 Tidak ada jawaban / Salah semua 0

Exercise 2: Menganalisis Pengumuman Lisan

No Kriteria Skor
1 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 10 item jawaban 100
Siswa menjawab dengan benar 9 item jawaban 95
2 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 6 – 8 item jawaban 80
3 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 3 – 5 item jawaban 70
4 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 0 – 2 item jawaban 50
5 Tidak ada jawaban 0

Exercise 3: Membandingkan Pengumuman

No Kriteria Skor
1 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 5 item jawaban 100
2 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 4 item jawaban 80
3 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 3 item jawaban 60
4 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 2 item jawaban 40
5 Siswa menjawab dengan benar 1 item jawaban 20
6 Tidak ada jawaban / Salah semua 0

Exercise 4: Fill in the blank
No Kriteria Skor
1 Jawaban benar 10
2 Jawaban kurang tepat (misal salah tulisan namun maksudnya bisa 5
3 Jawaban salah 0

Nilai = No 1 + No 2 + No 3 + No 4 + No 5
Total Nilai = 100

Exercise 5: Membuat Teks Announcement

No Writing Descriptors
1 Task Response a. Fully addresses all part of the task.
b. Presents a fully developed position.
c. Fully extended and well-supported ideas.
2 Coherence and a. Skillfully manages paragraphing.
b. Sequences information and ideas logically.
3 Lexical Resource a. Provides wide range of vocabulary.
b. Rare minor errors occur only as “slips”.
4s Grammatical Range a. Provide wide range of structure with full flexibility
and Accuracy
and accuracy.
b. Rare minor errors occur only as “slips”.

Summative test

No Kriteria Skor
1 Jawaban benar 10
2 Jawaban salah 0

Nilai Summative test= 10 soal

Nilai Maksimal = 100

SMK AL-ANSHOR Siti Syarofah,S.Pd

Lampiran 3

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kompetensi Dasar : 3.5


Diberikan sebuah teks short Pilihan Ganda 1
3.5. Menganalisis (C4) 3.5.1 Memilih (C4) Fungsi - Fungsi Sosial
sosial, struktur teks, dan • Memberikan suatu Announcement, peserta
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, didik menentukan topik
dan unsur kebahasaan unsur kebahasaan informasi kepada
beberapa teks khusus publik (orang banyak) berdasarkan teks.
beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk pemberitahuan dalam bentuk • Menjalin
(announcement), dengan pemberitahuan hubungan Diberikan sebuah teks short Pilihan Ganda 2
memberi dan meminta (announcement). interpersonal Announcement, peserta
informasi terkait kegiatan 3.5.2 Mendeteksi (C4) dan akademik didik menentukan sinonim
sekolah/tempat kerja, sesuai Fungsi sosial, struktur antar peserta berdasarkan teks.
dengan konteks teks, dan unsur didik, guru,
penggunaannya kebahasaan, kebahasaan beberapa dansekolah
teks khusus dalam Diberikan sebuah teks
secara benar dan sesuai Announcement, peserta 3,4, dan 5
bentuk pemberitahuan Pilihan Ganda
konteks. - Struktur Teks didik menemukan
• Attention gather informasi rinci berdasarkan
3.5.3 Membandingkan teks.
(C5) Fungsi sosial, (ungkapan untuk
struktur teks, dan unsur menarik perhatian
pembaca atau Diberikan sebuah teks
kebahasaan beberapa Pilihan Ganda 6
pendengar). Announcement, peserta
teks khusus dalam
• Target (kepada siapa didik mengidentifikasi
bentuk pemberitahuan
pengumuman itu fungsi social berdasarkan
(announcement). ditujukan). teks.
• Information
(informasi apa yang
disampaikan). Diberikan sebuah teks
Pilihan Ganda 7,8,9, dan 10
• Announcer (siapa Announcement, peserta
yang memberikan didik menemukan
pengumuman). informasi rinci berdasarkan
- Unsur Kebahasaan
SMK AL-ANSHOR Siti Syarofah, S.Pd

• Simple Present Tense

• Future Tense
• Using exact noun
• Pronunciation and
intonation (spoken
• Spelling and
punctuation (spoken

Kepala sekolah

SMK AL-ANSHOR Siti Syarofah

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