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Name: Ocum, Princess Ann N.

Prof-Ed Block B
Facilitating Learning
Leave-on Activity

1. Which among the Theories of Learning do you consider as the MOST

effective and why?

I consider the theory of multiple intelligences to be the most

effective in teaching and learning processes. The hypothesis of multiple
intelligences has many uses in the classroom. Students apply what they
learn in class in a way that best suits their dominant intelligence and
preferred learning style. The learning processes of students are improved
when dominating intelligences and learning styles are combined.
Such research findings results demonstrated that using multiple
intelligences in teaching activities might greatly improve students’
academic performance, encourage their desire to learn, improve their
reading comprehension, and even improve their capacity for cooperating
in group learning. Multiple intelligence implies that each student has
unique strengths and shortcomings in terms of intelligence. These
cognitive domains, often known as learning styles, determine how readily
or difficulty a student may learn using a certain teaching method. In a
classroom, there may be more than one type of learning.
Learning is impossible without intelligence. In other words,
intelligence is the basis of learning. The effectiveness of learning is
conditioned by the degree of intelligence. It is an accepted fact that
students with high intelligence are easier to teach or to direct and guide
than students with low intelligence.
2. Which among the Theories of Learning do you consider as the LEAST
effective and why?

I will consider the Cognitivism theory as the least effective theory

in teaching and learning processes. It is because of the fact that cognitive
learning discourages cramming of information, which is very ineffective
in education. Having a deep understanding of a subject improves the
ability of the student to relate new knowledge with previous experiences
or information.
The cognitive approach focuses on studying how internal mental
processes can be carefully and objectively studied. This approach is
reductionist because it focuses only on cognitions and neglects other
factors that might contribute to behavior. The main disadvantage of the
cognitive theory is that it refers to cognitive processes that we cannot
directly observe. It relies heavily on inference. Therefore, this approach is
reductionist as it explains behavior as simply the result of five cognitive
processes (thought, attention, memory, perception, and language) and
disregards other factors.
Cognitivism has a key advantage of practical and useful
applications, but a key disadvantage of not being able to observe the
supposed causes of behavior.

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