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SUBMITTED BY: Rachel D. Veloria

SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Maria Fatima C. Nolasco
DATE SUBMITTED: October 12, 2021

1.      Debunk the notion that grammar is rule governed.

If we put it in a perspective of a prescriptive grammarian for them they will say that grammar
is rule governed, that grammar should be correct in the surface no more no less. However,
with a descriptive grammarians’ perspective they always consider not only the physical form
of the composition/sentence but also what was in the mind of the speaker while telling those
words or writing them.
descriptive-grammar/). While the generative grammarians will always consider the
perspective of the native speaker. If they will be able to accept the construction or sense or
the idea of the sentence, then it is correct. (

To sum it up, Grammar is not rule governed. Grammar has its nuances too. Depending on
the genre or type of composition, grammar can be flexible. We do have a poetic license in
poetry, right, and the undying “exemption to the rule”. Therefore, if we look into that, we can
safely say that grammar is NOT rule governed.

2.      Critique the accuracy of the prescriptive rules of grammar.

Prescriptive Grammar as I mentioned above focuses on the superficial facet of grammar. If

we will compare them to people they are the Jury “Law is Law” However, considering that
we all know that in grammar there is always the exemption to the rules so its accuracy may
be shady sometimes if not problematic. I could say that because Language on its own is
“dynamic” that is why Grammar is always flexible; therefore, we can assume too that the
prescriptive rules of grammar is inaccurate.

Aside from those notions, there are instances that prescriptive grammar is ineffective
depending on the types of composition. For example, when we are composing poetry or
songs, we cannot always limit ourselves with grammar because the thought will diminish if
not effective.

Therefore, prescriptive grammar is not accurate. Language is dynamic so grammar should

be flexible too.

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