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Den Zester B.

Learning Activity; On Global Cities and Global Urban Systems
Direction: Please find the time to watch first the attached videos below. After which, be
guided with these questions (and then answer them) in relation to the videos and what you
understood after watching them. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO additional Google
Search to supplement the facts and analyses provided in the videos, UNLESS
ISPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU TO. Rely on the videos attached herein.

Based on the video that I recently watch,I think that the main reason why Chandigarh and
Brasilia are eventually build, design and planned it is because it can have a big impact to their
culture and society to become more known by its beauty and well
organized structures.Just like in Brasilia they built it because it gave a lot of impact to their
people and to the other visitors that they come to their country.And also by the government
plans it allows them to build this structure to show that their country has a big improvement
in the modern era in the past 3 years.On the other hand Chandigarh,it was unplanned  but
recently continue to build to make it's a captal of two cities in India and its symbolyze the
edges of the the two Chandigarh has a big factor in India too it's because it makes the country
more known and also to gain more tourist to visit in their country.So i think this two
structures was built it is because they are aware on the new outcomes of the new
era world.And also by the improvement of the technologies it helps more to build a
wonderful and high technology Cities until now.

2. Based on the video,I think that Tokyo is so improve and great country like in Their capital
Tokyo,In Tokyo there's a lot of highly technologies and facilities that you can see and use,and
also Tokyo has a well organized peoples,so in that case i might say that Tokyo is the number
1 county in the world that has a highly well design country in the Tokyo is comparing to the
other countries just like in New York, Chicago, in America,It is because they have the same
highly train transportation and other facilities that has a well design.But I think the
differences in both countries is the maintainance,based on the video in Tokyo every day they
will check their transportation to make sure that their facilities are good and reliable,whil5 in
the other countries that they will check it when it has a problem to fix.So for me Tokyo is the
number 1 county in the world that has a great and well design country until now and in the
future looks of the modern era.

3. 3.
A.Based in the video that I recently watched,The Burnham plan to rebuild the manila to be a
wonderful capital city was a great plan in the Early 19th century.In the video he discuss that
the plan was to rebuild the manila to be a great and wonderful city to be compare from the
great countries just like the Chicago,Paris France etc.The first plan is to relocate the map to
build the structures and the next is to make some budjet and permission to the government.

B.Yes,But The late president Mr.Manuel L.Quezon did not support the plan of the rebuild the
manila,instead the budjet was been use for the field and crops from the other areas to make
the econy whealthy and greatly produce.

C.As until now manila is the manila is one of the most polluted and overcrowded area in the
Philippines and in the world,it's because a lot of people are building their own facilities in the
city and it makes the city looks like a poor and overcrowded city,and based on the quote from
Dan Browns book The Infernodepicting Manila as a Gate of Hell.It is similar that the manila
is one of the hottest and polluted area in the world until nowadays just like the Gate
of Hell.So I think the main reason why Manila is not improving because of the people who
has lived in the city because they have no responsibility on the city to have some discipline
instead they treat the city just like a trash and empty city.

4. Based on the video that I recently watched,I think the main reason why Indonesia is
building a new city is to escape from the calamaties and other factors that affects on the
peoples daily life in Jakarta,and also by the improvement of the country I think Indonesia
planned was good and better to known their country more and make a lot of tourist to visit to
gain more income to their ecomy,And also it helps the people to make a new way of living
and to escape from the calamaties and other factors that affects on their daily living.
5. Based on the video that I recently watched,it think that the main reason why Egypt was
built a new city in the desert to decrease the population on the old city Cairo,and also
decrease the pollution and overcrowded area on the old City of Egypt.Just like in Indonesia
they have some similarities with Egypt because this two countries has a big growth of
population and they have the same calamaties that the people has been experiencing.So As
for now Egypt is building a new city to make their country more known and to have some
improvement to make it more interesting to their people and to the tourists that will visit to
their new capital city.

6. Based on the video that I recently watched,i think that building a new and highly
technology city has a big factor to the modern world era,just like the plan of Saudi Arabia to
build a city that has a highly technology named The line,This city was a has highly
technology and it helps the people to live more easier and have some highly technology that
helps to their daily lives.This making progress of building a highly technology city is not a
waste of time,as for now technologies is the one reason nowadays that makes our lives more
easier,such as in works and studies.So this process of building a highly and improve city has
a big factor to Saudi Arabia and to the world.

7. Based on the video that I recently watched,I think that building a floating city was a big
factor to any country in their known such as in Busan in south Korea, Building this kind and
unique way of city and stablishment has a big factor to the tourists and the country,It is
because the people who lived in this kind of city will be amazed and others are not but I think
this kind of building process makes the future world more known and be excited
to visit.Improving and building a unique city will makes the country more known and the
tourists will visit it everytime,and it helps the economy grow and the country will make loved
by building this kind of city.

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