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Module 3 – Message Selection

1. There are two parts to selective perception: attention and memory. We pay attention
to some things and forget about others. What we pay attention to depends on what is
relevant at any given time. If something important comes up, we will focus on it until it is
finished. If not, it will slip off our minds completely. Memory works similarly; what we
remember is determined by which events are likely to help us survive or reproduce.
So selective perception is when you pay attention to some things but not others. This
could be because they're irrelevant or because you want to ignore them. It can also be
because there are too many things going on at once for you to pay attention to all of
the perceptions of the doctor and the patient are different in most cases. The patient
expects from the doctor not only a description of the procedures but also he needs
much more encouragement, trust, and a sense of empathy from the doctor.
For example, Ms Stark, a 65-year-old woman with alcoholism disorder and
gastroesophageal reflux disorder, was taken to an oncology clinic after a new
(accidental) diagnosis of gastric carcinoma. During the visit, the doctor did not even
try to encourage the patient or explain in detail what the patient needed. The oncologist
immediately referred her to the surgeon. He described her surgery as very serious but
necessary because her cancer would most likely lead to her death. And here the thread
of hope for the patient was broken. Death was the only word that remained in her mind.
After that, the oncologist explained the importance of assessing the depth of tumor
invasion into the stomach wall (i.e., staging the tumor and deciding treatment options).
He noted that If the tumor had progressed, Ms Stark would need radiation and/or
chemotherapy or surgery. When the surgeon turned around and wrote the note in the
electronic medical record, Ms stark began shaking her head from side to side and
This case is an example of a failure in the doctor-patient relationship. The doctor could
have started off by asking Ms Stark open-ended questions about her understanding of
her disease, as well as of her fears and expectations regarding her health. This
questioning would have allowed the doctor to create a patient-centred interaction by
recognizing and addressing Ms stark’s thoughts, concerns, and values.

Another one is Age bias

Age bias comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, a patient’s symptoms are
dismissed because they are considered too young and generally healthy for the
healthcare professional to even consider a serious illness.
2.Responding to Praise: How would you, as a doctor reacts to such a message of pray
from the patient. Anything that you can think of when replying to such praise?
▪ Thank you so much Ms. Jesudason… I wish there were many doctors like you out
there… Many thanks indeed… Should I then book a visit 3 months from now for the
follow-up check?..
Just because positive reviews from patients don't cause any trouble , should you just sit on
them and do nothing? Absolutely not. When I receive praise, I focus on what I did well.
Assume that I must be doing something competently and I will Really listen to the positive
feedback and respect it. Appreciate the value of praise not only to myself but to those who
express it. The results show that good communication despite language barriers is crucial
in providing medical care that is satisfactory to both patients and doctors. Both verbal and
non-verbal communication is very important at this time. Effective communication relies on
being aware of nonverbal aspects of interactions with patients. It is equally important to be aware
of one's own nonverbal behaviours and be sensitive to how they may be perceived. For instance,
maintaining eye contact when communicating indicates interest. Staring out the window or
around the room is often perceived as boredom or disrespect.
**I am extremely thankful for trusting us for your treatment and giving us the chance to
take care of you. Yes, of course, you can. I will be waiting to provide you health check-up at
your next appointment.

3. Strategic Communication Plan: You were recently appointed in your clinic as Head of
the Patient Communication Department. Your role is to ensure the doctors aim for best
communication practices with patients.
▪ Think of a Strategic Communication Plan – what are the Top 10 most important
messages that you would like to share with your colleagues? – Please ensure all the
team members are participating in coming up with such list.
▪ Which Communication Channels would you use for each Interaction and how many
Interactions you think you’ll need to convey all 10 messages?
*First of all we should know what is the agreed method for communication? I.e. face-to-face,
via the telephone, email, or a number of different methods?
Since the majority of meaning during a conversation comes from nonverbal gestures and
facial expressions, it is easier to understand the meaning behind what a person says when
communicating face-to-face. So we should Communicate face-to-face whenever possible.
*Who are your priority audiences? Do you know them well? We should Identify your target
audience and stakeholders.
Listening is an important communication skill that many people do not possess. Most
conflict is a result of poor listening. In order to share information with another person, you
have to hear what is being communicated. We should remember that people come from
diverse backgrounds and experiences. Get to know each other on an individual basis.
*Controlling your emotions is also very important. Your co-workers don’t need to witness
your hysteria over an argument with your significant other; behaving this way will give
them a negative impression and cause them to avoid talking to you.
* Which tools are the most effective in reaching your audiences?
If your co-worker performs a task well, tell him or her. Providing positive feedback is a
great way to improve workplace communication. It also helps people view you more
favorably and encourages open communication. Having a positive attitude in general at
work will open the door for effective communication prompting people to respond more
favorably to you.

A communication channel is a means by which you articulate the message you want to
communicate. When possible, it is best to use face-to-face contact with your coworkers
since this builds trust and leaves less room for error with how your message will be
1.First of all it is necessary to be sincere and thank the team members, because it shows the
way to healthy communication. For example: I am so grateful to work with you every day.
Your continued support and all of the help you provided on our project was invaluable. It
truly means so much.
2. Keep communications open . for example: We are one team, I want you to feel safe,
comfortable and most importantly our future relationships will depend on proper
communication and respect. You must feel seen, heard, and safe to share your thoughts.
3.We should ask more questions. Asking questions not only shows you were listening, but
also confirms that you understood the other person. You can also use questions to gather
additional information and help you understand the conversation. Make sure your questions
relate specifically to what is being said. Don’t change the subject by asking a questions about
a totally different topic.
4. I want to provide you with information about our service duties, Because discipline is also
important for proper communication
5. we need to develop key messages and a “big idea”.
Practice authentic storytelling and use it as a technique to inspire your audiences.
6. Encourage communication and participation. We will create a solid plan of action.
7. please be innovative and active. Ask me questions about anything. Offer ideas on what
activities we can do together.
8. I think a few rules are needed for proper communication. Please remember, unhealthy
criticism, gossip and insults are not allowed in our team.
9. And now I want to ask you what do you want? What would you add to the above issues?

Communicating with large numbers of people over simple topics can be a great use for
email, as it is more efficient than meeting with every employee individually.

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