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Choice Learning Project

Chapter 13 – Taft-Hartley Act

The labor movement grew in the United States to protect the common interest of workers. The

labor unions in industrial sector fought for better wages and safe working environment.

Reasonable work hours was also the agenda of this movement. The earliest strike occurred in

1768 when the tailors of New York protested a wage reduction. The first society of shoemakers

in Philadelphia was formed in 1794 which started the trend of unions in American workers.

There have been many union formations and protests in the later 18 th and early 19th centuries.

There were multiple acts and union laws formed in 1930’s. The Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)

and National Labor Relations Act (1935) were passed to give rights and powers to unions. It

made possible the formation of National Labor Relations Board.

The most important of these acts was Taft-Hartley Act (1947). It was named after its two

sponsors, Sen. Robert A. Taft, R-Ohio, and Rep. Fred A. Hartley Jr. this act severely restricted

the powers and activities of labor unions in the United States. It was an amendment in the

Wagner Act (1935), which allowed the labor to form unions and have powers of strike for legal

rights. After the Wagner act, a large number of unions formed and the employers were afraid that

the unions have powers to go on strike and stop the work until their demands are accepted.

Hence, the Taft-Hartley act made some changes in the Wagner Act which are as following.

1- Unions need to give 60 days advance notice of strikes

2- Workers can choose to join or not join a union

3- Only those union shops will be permitted for which majority of employees vote

4- The president has a right to go against the strikes in case of national security
5- Certain types of secondary boycotts were banned

After this act, some states issued “right to work” law which allowed the workers if they choose

not to join a union and not to pay union fees. Taft-Hartley act reduced the powers of unions

which led to lower numbers in union memberships later.

This new act of 1947 changed the discrimination against nonunion members which was practiced

by union hiring halls. This act also went against the closed shops which was the establishment

that hired only those workers who were union members. In addition, the union officers were to

take an oath with 12 month period. The oath stated that they will not take part in any communist

party which tries to overthrow the U.S. government. Thus, the labor unions were depoliticized by

the Taft-Hartley Act.

Based on the details provided above, I believe this act of 1947 put limits to the labor union

powers which is beneficial for both the workers and employers. There can be mutual trust and

understanding between the two parties if both have some restrictions of powers. Labor cannot go

on strike whenever they want and managers cannot fire labor without notice. This topic has been

taken from chapter 13 of textbook for this course. The topic will be covered in week 10 of the

course. I believe every manager should read these blogs to get knowledge of labor laws of the

United States.




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