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Assignment: User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

Student Name Samrat Deep Prasad

Student Email Id


As a user, on typing the search

from the entire app content as
and select and view the desired

As a user, when I start typing s

on most popular searches so

As a user, I should easily be able to search through the entire content library by
clicking and typing on the search icon on the top right of homepage and find the As a user, for each content li
content I’m looking for in the results. length of the video, so that I ca

As a user, for each content lis

should get an option to add to

As a user, I should be able to se

premium or free content, so tha

As a user, for the search results

should be able to see marker 'L
which are live events.

User Story I

As a user, on typing the search string I should be able to view and select search results
from the entire app content as list with each listing having description, so that I can read
and select and view the desired content.

User Story II

As a user, when I start typing search text, the app should provide me suggestions based
on most popular searches so that I need not type the whole text to find my desired
content if that is present in the suggestions.

User Story III

As a user, for each content listing in the search results list I should be able to see the
length of the video, so that I can appropriately select the content as per my preference of
length of video (if any).

User Story IV

As a user, for each content listing in the search results page to be shown as cards and I
should get an option to add to my watchlist, so that I can bookmark and watch it later.

User Story V
As a user, I should be able to see marker on the content listing to show whether its
premium or free content, so that I can appropriately select the content as per my
User Story VI
As a user, for the search results which are live events (especially in sports category) I
should be able to see marker 'LIVE' on them, so that I know just by looking at the list
which are live events.

All the matching listings should be shownCriteria
from all categories like sports,
movies, shows, TV channels and no category should be specifically
Endless scrollable search result page, descending ordered with match%.
I should be able to select any listing in the search results which will take me
to that content specific screen.
Each search listing should show an icon and description (title, category,
Acceptance Criteria
The suggestions should be matching the search text and ordered in the
more letter, thedecreasing
suggestionsorder of popularity
should (view
appropriately andtime).
instantly update for
the new search string.
The feature should be fast and responsive else the functionality of the
feature is lost.
Acceptance Criteria

The length of each search listing video should be clearly mentioned.

If length is less than 1 hour, it should be shown in format 'X min(s)', if more
that that then it should be shown in format 'X hr(s) Y min(s)'.
Acceptance Criteria
Each content listing should be in card format with name of content and time
format as 'X min(s)', if more that that then it should be shown in format 'X
watchlist and once I add it to myhr(s) Y min(s)'.
watch list, I should be able to see it in 'My
Watchlist' screen.
Acceptance Criteria

The marker should be clearly visible on the top left of the search listing icon.

Acceptance Criteria

The marker should be clearly visible on the top left of the search listing icon.


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