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Oral_ Planning a multicutural event

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Beatriz: Hello everyone, I´m Beatriz Fernandes and this is my classmate Laura Monteiro. We
are here today to present you our project about multiculturalism.

Laura: Before we start, let´s take a look to the meaning of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism
refers to the coexistence of people with many cultural identities in a common society, in which
all the different cultural or racial groups have equal rights and opportunites.

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Beatriz: That´s right Laura, the problem is that multiculturalism is not being respect in all
societys. And that´s one of the purpose of our event, we want to warn about the importance
of multiculturalism in the societys.

Laura: Although that’s the main focus, it´s not the only one. We also want give enface(?) to the
issues and the benefits that an immigrant can find in a new country/society. And we have a
goal to raise money, clothes and food for immigrants, later on we are going to explain how we
want to do that

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Beatriz: An important part of planning an event is the budget and venue. In this event the
budget might be between 200-500€. This budget will be spent in Food, Decorations, Games,
and Markting, like posters and pamphlet for exemple. Because we want to be carefull we are
going to save 80€, in case something goes wrong.

Laura: If you are wondering how we are going to have that much of money, it´s simple we are
counting that some associations will give support to our project and another part of the
budget is given by us and Madeira Torres AE.

Beatriz: It´s also essential to tell you that the event will take place in our school: Madeira
Torres in the first week of the second term.

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Beatriz: With that being said, let´s take a look to our actives in the days of the event. The first
day, it’s on a Thursday, and we had the idea to have a lecture with the support of an immigrant
association ("Lisboa Acolhe") and with the participation of the students, in Madeira Torres

Laura: This lecture has the purpose to make the students give their opinions and think about
the problems that we are facing every day in our society or if you want to think bigger, the
problems around the world. And how can we help to end the discrimination of some cultures.

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Beatriz: As I refer seconds ago, we are counting with the support of “Lisboa Acolhe”. The work
of this association is developed in diverse areas such as in schools, social events and activities.
This association has the purpose to warn everyone about the importance of the immigrants in
our society, for example they contribute positively to the economy and for different
expressions of cultures.
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Laura: In the second day, we are doing some activities about different cultures to give money
to the association. To accomplishment that we will sale food from different cultures and play
some games characteristic of the cultures, in the Madeira de Torres Bar.

Beatriz: The cultures that we choose are Brazilian, Chinese, French, USA and Russian.

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Beatriz: For you to understand better what we are going to
do, I will give you the example of the French culture. We will have a stall with popular food
from france, for exemple croissant, macarrone, crepes and baguetes. It´s important to tell you
that the food will be sell in a accessible price.

Laura: For the games will we do…..(completer)

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Beatriz: Our class, volunteers from other classes and AE will help us with the event and with
the preparation of it. We have to thank Lisboa Acolhe, Paloma and Torres Vedras Town Hall for
being so helpful and open with the project. Let´s not forget the support that our principal
director gave us, without her this project wouldn´t be happening.

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Laura: In the two days of the event will we have a place in the Madeira Torres bar where you
can give clothes you have in your closet which you don´t use anymore. You can also give some
food with a long sell-by date, like rice, spaghetti, olive oil,… Or even some hygiene products,
for exemple thootbrush, shampoo,…

Beatriz: It is supper important to us that you help us and participate in this project, even if you
can not give many things , a simple product is a lot and means the world. Like the old say says
“Little by little the bird builds its nest.”

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Laura: It should be noted that we are still in times of pandemic and there are some rules to be

followed. Like for exemple the use of the mask during the activities, except while you are
eating, the use of the sanitizer and applying the rules stipulated by DGS.

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Beatriz: I hope you enjoyed our ideas for the event, we are open to listen to your opinion. If
you have any question please asked us.

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