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A TEMPLE PASTURES Encounter The acolytes have a repair kit that can be used with a
by This Chucklehead Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (DC 10). They also
provide the party with a ladder to hang the lanterns
You and your companions are on your way to the Goddess in the trees.
of the Harvest’s temple. On the birch-lined path leading
to the temple, you are approached by a bedraggled The culprits:
acolyte and asked to help with the Bloom Festival as The party may wish to investigate who caused this
everything is going wrong. commotion. A Wisdom (Survival) check (DC 10)
around the temple will show hoof prints to the water
Outside the temple, the party are immediately
enveloped by the sounds of animals out of their pens Hiding inside are four (4) Satyrs (MM pg 267). If asked
and general chaos. why they’re doing this, they’ll explain that they hate
the temple as it represents the taming of nature.
The acolytes ask for help with the following tasks: They hope that disrupting the festival might lead to
the temple shutting down.
The party need to make two (2) different skill checks The Satyrs will leave with a Charisma (Persuasion or
(DC 12), per pen, to get the animals back. These can be Intimidation) check (DC 15), otherwise, they’ll attack.
Wisdom (Animal Handling), Dexterity (Acrobatics),
or Charisma (Intimidation).
If the party gets everything back on track, they’ll be
A Wisdom (Survival) check (DC 10) around the pens given 100gp each and a place of honor at the Bloom
will highlight some prints, they look like sheep’s Festival.
hooves but larger, leading to the water wheel.

The once beautiful red lanterns have been scattered
around the temple and most are slashed open. The
party can make a Intelligence (Investigation) check
(DC 10) to determine that the lanterns were cut by a
blunt object, like a horn.



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