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1. Unique Email ID: Type in your personal email ID. This needs to be the same
across all forms and therefore must be typed in carefully.

2. Your First Name: Type in your first name, and middle name if any.

3. Your Last Name: Type in your last name/Surname. In case you do not want to
write one, write “-”

4. Date of birth: Type in the date of birth from the drop down calendar.

5. Gender: Choose your gender from the drop down menu.

6. Mobile number: Type in your personal mobile number or any other number
where we can contact you.

7. Address: Type in your full address without mentioning the city and the pin code.

8. City: Type in your city here.

9. Pin code: And here, type in your pin code.

10. Present Academic Status: Please choose your last class, which in your case is
option 5 from the drop down menu.

11. Stream: Please select the stream you want to take up, from the drop down menu.
If you wish to take up Science, select Science and if you wish take any other
stream besides Science, select Non-Science.

12. Name of subjects studying currently: Please type in maximum of 6 core subjects
that you are currently studying.

13. Physical Standard height: Write your height in centimetres/metres/feet/inches. If

you do not know exact height, write approximate height.

14. Physical Standard weight: Write your weight in kgs. If you do not know, write
whatever you think you weigh.

15. Physical Standard vision: If you do not wear spectacles, write normal vision. If
you wear spectacles, write your lens power.

16. Physical Standard hearing: If you can hear just fine, write normal. If you have got
your hearing corrected, write the correction used.
17. Extra curricular activities: If you enjoy or have learnt anything like swimming,
dancing, etc, type 2 topmost extracurricular activities here with the number of
years of training and name of institute/private teacher/self learnt. For example -
Music, 5 years, Behala School of Music.

18. One significant event in life: Type in short an event in life that gave you a lot of
joy and is a happy memory to you or an incident that gave you a lesson.

19. What would you like to do for 24 hours but you will not get tired doing it: Type
in what you love doing, want to do always and can never get tired doing it.

20. Your strength areas: Write what all you think you can do best or your best

21. Your ambition in life: Type in your topmost 2 specific dream career.

22. Class X Aggregate: Write - Not Applicable - since you are a student of class X

23. Professional Background - Type in a course name that you have taken up besides
your studies in school with the Institute name and the year in which you got
enrolled. If you have not taken any, write - Not Applicable.

24. Work experience: Please type in any job/internship that you've done or are doing.
Along with that, write the name of the organisation, with the job profile and the
duration for which you did that job. If you have not done any, write - Not

25. Education level of parents and siblings: Type in your parents’ and siblings’
educational qualification. For Eg, Father-B Com, Mother-B Ed, Brother (if any) -
XII, Sister (if any) - X

26. Average Monthly Income in the family: Choose the average monthly income of
the family. If you do not know, choose whichever amount you think is right.


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