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Economic ideas

 first idea

‘’The treatment against work addiction is establishing objectives that should

reflect the balance among different aspects of the manager’s life and his ability

to learn how to use time as good as possible. Studies have been made on

managers and the result was that they have their own productivity very low

with 70% as compared to possibilities. The manager has an efficiency of only

30%; the manager usually consumes 6 minutes for each telephone conversation

and then after he sees the detailed registrations on time the conclusion is that

problems could have been solved more quickly in 2 minutes. If the phone

conversation be reduced to half, meaning minutes then productivity would

double and a limited resource, namely -time- has been saved. Managers have

the most difficulties in using time and those who do this are the ones who have

no clear objectives. They do not have problems related to time as they have no

direction where to go to. Those who have objectives need to control time in this

way being able to carry on their objectives. So time is needed to carry on

objectives and on the other hand there is a need for objectives to get serious

results in time management.’’

My opinion about this idea is that the main enemy of a manager is time.
They may be trained to manage a team and it’s productivity, but
when it comes about their time, there are a lot of factors that affect
it. The responsibility and the unforseen events makes time
managing unachievable.

 the second idea

’’The bitcoin network isn’t controlled by one central authority. Every machine

that mines bitcoin and processes transactions makes up a part of the network,

and the machines work together. That means that, in theory, one central

authority can’t tinker with monetary policy and cause a meltdown – or simply

decide to take people’s bitcoins away from them, as the Central European Bank

decided to do in Cyprus in early 2013. And if some part of the network goes

offline for some reason, the money keeps on flowing.’’

This idea reffers to the control decentralization, the 0 control, the fact
that no single institution controls the bitcoin network. And because
of that, it can became in time a kind of scam.

 last idea
’’Globalization made English a universal language and taken for
granted as far as its presence came to be a reality where business
education becomes crucial. In this respect, Business English is
related to the dynamics of intercultural communication and is
beingused as a strategy to cope with an ever increasing amount of
In my opinion, this last idea reffers to the importance of English as
a point of connection with the whole world, thanks to globalization.

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